Saturday, August 11, 2007


Happy Birthday Joshua!!

Ok, hey guys (and gals?).... Today was nothing really much... Did some of my homework... Then went for golf lesson... Went there then I found out that there was no training... So I just went down to the course to play... Played damn crappily as usual... Haiz... My short game is pathetic.... Zzzz... Yeah, then after dinner there (supposed to come home to eat but my parents were still at Suntec when I had finished showering so I had to eat there... Good or bad? Dunno.. Lol...)... Came home and practically stoned again... I have to stop this....

Ok, you might be wondering what's with the title on top.... I shall tell you now... Ok, I had been told before in a casual conversation by my squadmate Kenneth that I looked a bit unfriendly... This phrase bugged me a bit and I was wondering why... Is this the reason why people don't really choose to well... stick around with me and all that very often? I also wondered why this was the case... I had let up quite a bit already... I'm not my super stern self all the time anymore.... I sort have become a bit more jokey and in a way become a lamer... Haha..... So anyway, I wondered why Kenneth made that statement... I think quite a number of people think so too... Then after our school NDP I had taken a few pictures... I had taken one with my closer friends in CMC, who were practically all EXCOs... Lol... Anyway, when I first saw the pic on Ivan's blog.... I clicked on it and I saw the enlarged version... Then I saw the way I smiled... I realized that though I was smiling, my eyes sort of had that cold look... I thought... Perhaps this is one of the reasons... Althought I may smile at someone, or some people... My eyes remain as they are... People take this as an unfriendly gesture due to the cold look? Lol... This sort of enlightened me a little... Only problem is... I don't know how to make my eyes not look so cold... Lol... Ok, before you give any different opinions of yours, I suggest you go to Ivan's blog by my links on the right and check out the pic on one of his recent posts... Yeah, look at the pic first.... If you still go by your stand then you're welcome to lash it out, just don't do that by spamming can le... Haha... I seem to be advertising Ivan's blog... Lol... One more thing, if by some stupid reason you think this is some attempt for attracting attention, I think you're seriously very immature.... Yeah....

Ok, another day has come already... I feel damn bored actually, with all this crap around.... Monday is our 2nd Class Drill Practical test I think... I'm not so sure if I'm ready for it... Haiz.... However, if we want the Muster Parade to be anytime soon, I guess we better get this done and over with....

See you around people... Remember to leave a tag if you visit this place... =D


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail