Thursday, August 09, 2007

Yo guys!!! Happy National Day!!! Happy 42nd Birthday Singapore!!!
Also, Happy Belated Birthday to Rayner!! (8th August)
Happy Belated Birthday Mum!! (7th August)

Ok, I shall start with Monday.... Monday was a so so day as usual... Mr Ng gave the morning devotion and he siad something about some dangerous road in Malaysia, then he said something like the person take out a knife and shoot you? Haha... I think it was for Monday's devotion, or was it Tuesday's? Can't remember.... Yeah, then normal day, Miss Saras came up for lesson late again.... PE played touch rugby still... Some damn funny incident happened between Jerold and Samuel Lim.... After recess was Biology SPA test on food tests... Didn't have time to finish.... Zzz... After that Maths we were taken by some temporary teacher as Mr Teo is in China recruiting China Scholars..... Bleah... His teaching is quite ok... Except that I still don't really understand partial fractions still... Arrrgggh.... Yeah, then nothing much...

Tuesday was quite a slack day... Mr Thomas came in to tell us that Miss Wong would no be coming in for her lesson later as she was going with the band for their concert... So we were to be dismissed at 1:40pm.... How cool is that man??? Yay... Haha... Then Geography was a free period cause Mr Talib didn't come again.... Lol... Chinese did something for oral exam.... After that we were dismissed!! Woohoo... First time seh.... Then slacked until 4:30pm then left for tuition... Ken that slacker so late then go 3rd Language then in the Ivan also don't want to go then don't know what happened to them le... Haha.... After tuition I was told that we were going out for dinner to celebrate my Mum's birthday.... Haha... Didn't know about it until they told me... So I changed in the car and we went to somewhere behind Novena Square or something and we had dinner there... Food was great... After that came home about 10+pm and went to finish preparing my uniform... My uniform was actually done already as it was left from last week's interview with Mr Azman.... Just needed a bit of touching up... Did everything then went to sleep...

Wednesday was the big day!! We were to celebrate National Day in our school with the parade by the Uniform Groups and NPCC was the GOH!! (No offence to the rest of you guys) Woke up at like 5++am and reached school about 605am.... Found that the store was not yet open as Ken had not arrived yet.... Waited for a while then Ken arrived.... We changed into full u and got ready.... UI and taking of the batons.... They did a warm up... Mr Yong then did a dry run for us before the actual thing... Then we waited in our position before the parade started... The Sec 4s who were getting their service awards were in full u for the UGs... Nice... Then waited somemore as the school came down and assembled at the field... They then moved onto the concrete steps to sit down... The Yong Quan was one of the MCs and he gave the cue... So I marched in, hands were a bit numb.... Thought I would suddenly stone when marching to my position... Lol... Luckily I was not facing the audience or I would be more nervous than I was.... Then got the parade in... I think they heard my command for sedia? Was quite far away... Hopefully it was ok... Couldn't see... Supporting contingents marched in, dressed. Then Ken took over, GOH marched in... Seemed ok.... Except perhaps the dressing was out? Never mind... Haha... Whole sequence went quite well.... Small screw ups here and there I suppose..... Then it was damn funny when suddenly from the Sec 3s some power rangers ring tone rang out twice... Haha... All in all the parade went quite smoothly I guess.... Then the march pass was when it happened.... GOH marching was ok... Then the starting drumroll for the supporting contingents there was a missing beat... Heard the guy beating the main beat dropped his stick... Can't remember the name of the thing.... Then all of us in the Supporting contingent lagged... Lol... Luckily we managed to get back in time.... Haha, but anyway, as YC says, who doesn't make mistakes? However, someone in the Air contingent was giving the wrong timing and it sort of affected the rest of us... Luckily the scouts were in proper step so it was easier for me as I was behind them.... Marched pass..... Saluted after the commands from Yap Chien, one of the parade markers... The other one is Wen Xuan... Done with that then we took photos.... Took somemore after that and did the unit cheer... Somehow, the Sec 2s don't seem to put enough power when shouting the unit cheer... UNIT CHEER leh!!!! Ok, then did debrief for the Sec 2s and dismissed them.... After that took a few photos with some friends then changed back... I think the performances by the rest like wushu and PDS by Air was ok.... Saw them during practice and they were quite good.... Finished everything then played basketball until 12++pm then came home... After that went for tuition then came home again....

I slept at somthing like 1am last night and I woke up at 2pm today... Wah lau... 13 hours sleep sia!!! Haha... Was woken up by my alarm initially at like 940am but I guess I went back to sleep... Lol... Then I didn't do much for the whole day then I watched the National Day celebrations at Marina Bay on TV.... The whole event was quite cool... I guess those who managed to get tickets and those who went there to watch the event had a real treat.... When watching the parade it sort of reminded me of NPAP and SYFOC.... The parades that I had participated in... The hard work that was put in and the precision with the marching of the contingents with the beat of the band..... Memories.... =D

Tomorrow is the squad event.... Watching Rush Hour 3 I think.... Woots!! After that going for some dinner with some relatives and my family to celebrate my god grandmother's birthday.....

Anyway, here are the pics:

The Guard of Honour Contingent

School assembling...
Us in position.... Flag Party there... Ken and I at the side...
Handing of Drill Cane over to Ken... Mr Fernandez featured too... Haha...
GOH getting ready...
Marched in...
Jadikan Dua Barisan Kekanan Lurus
View of the parade from above the Grandstand.... Can't see the Air contingent though....
Front view.... I'm the loner in blue at the back... Haha... Alignment a bit out... Zzzz
Asking permission for the inspection of the GOH

Kumpulan Bendara (Flag Party)
Flag party marching in... (Slow march) Yibin is the commander....
Another view of them.... Members of the Flag Party 2007: Yibin, Timothy, Joshua, Kwan Hong, Edmund and Benjamin
Folding of the flag....
Flag party marching off....
National Anthem
Close up of Yap Chien... Haha...
School vision
Parade at ease
Mr Lee giving the National Day message
Before the march pass
March pass of GOH
A few guys of the GOH featured here....
NCC Land contingent led by Meng Long
Scouts contingent led by Harrison
Group photo of the GOH
Another photo of the GOH

Photo of the GOH with the Sec 4s who received awards (formal)

Informal pic

Me and Yibin with the drill cane =P

Us again.... Saluting....

Salute!!! Timothy, Me, Yibin and Charlton....

Ok, obviously that's not all the pics of the parade or I'll never finish this post... Haha... Credits to Linus and Ryan for taking pictures of the parade.... Haven't received the photos taken by Linus yet though.... There are still some photos taken with friends that I've yet to receive... Haha... Ok, anyway, I've finally finished this post.... This year, being our school's NDP 2nd Parade Commander was a great experience for me, I feel that it has also been so for all of us to participate in such a parade and to contribute in the celebration our nation's birthday.....



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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail