Saturday, June 30, 2007

CHS Homecoming Day 2007

Ok, today was the CHS Homecoming Day.... The last one that we'll be doing as part of the store owners thing.....

Yeah, so anyway in the morning went to the store and put bag then helped set up my class store a bit.... Then changed into full u and took the Sec 2s doing the morning shift.... Did UI.... Then briefing by Ken, followed by assigning of places.... Was assigned to the place outside the GO with Xing Yu and Jian Shen.... So basically we were stoning doing practically nothing as there was really nothing much to do.... Cause later Mr Toh (OM) and Mr Lee (Principal) say can park any where.... So don't actually need to do anything leh bah.... So we were stoning, occasionally going for breaks..... Ben Lee came DAMN late.... -.- Of course tio pump lah.... Then he joined us to stone... Then a whole lot of rubbish.... Then when we were walking to and fro I kept seeing the plaza and the madness there.... All the stores were like damn active and all that.... Felt so envious.... We missed like half the fun..... Zzzz So yeah, just did duty all the way.... Saw people from 28th Batch and 27th Batch come back..... Ding Yue also came.... A hell lot of people came lah.... Then while I was talking to Jia Han sir and Zi Ming sir Mr Yao asked me to what take photo for him, then what take chocolates for him.... Lol.... Returned to duty.... Found out something from Terence and Ken.... Then Miss Tan or is it Miss Saras call for CMC meeting.... Then I bo pian need to call representative.... Called Leonard from the store then I just went for the meeting anyway..... So yeah heard about the numerous power trips, also got told that we had to clean up our tables.... Then I went back to my place..... In the early part of the day LTY walking about and very jumpy sia.... Oh yah, I saw Jeanie, Rui Min and Bernice(?) and some other people I think? Must be LTY invite one lah.....

At around 1230 like that all of us went back to the store.... I was like getting damn high already cause we were fianlly realeased after 4 hours of sian duty.... Woohoo!!! Haha..... Asked the Sec 2s some funny questions then realeased them liao.... Went to change into NPDP shirt and green then chiong upstairs with Xing Yu like mad dogs.... LOL.... Released from that damn happy.... I also got damn high.... Haha..... Then Xing Yu and I went around scouting for stuff to eat.... Then bumped into Rui Min and company again..... Then both of us went to the Primary side's stalls and we were like "Wah..." They have stores that sell what Roti Prata and Fish & Chips..... Nice sia!!!! So we bought Fish & Chips then we ate then went to explore other places..... Bought drinks from my class's store as well.... 3-3's stuff was also not bad....

Then after that Xing Yu went back to the store cause he didn't to eat anymore then I bought more stuff then went to my class store.... I noticed A LOT of people had apparrently invited their girlfriends, sisters, cousins, friends etc.... Our dear friend also... Haha... The place was damn packed with people.... Ok, then a lot of other things.... Found out that the second shift people didn't need to do duty!! Wah lau.... They only needed to help clean up.... Lol..... After that helped to pack up for my class store then went to help with the tables and chairs..... So good right, not afternoon shift still go and help.... Haha kidding.... After that the Sec 2s were dismissed.... Oh yah, the floor was also damn slippery with all the stuff on the floor, nearly fell twice.... Lol...

After that went to play basketball with the rest..... Damn fun.... Played a lot... I imporved a bit.... Yay! =D Haha.... Played with some squadmates and people like Jia Yong, Sai Leong and Brandon Tan..... Damn fun.... Stayed till like 7+pm then came home....
Oh yah, LTY disappeared to dunno where after duty then I read something just now and NOW I know where he went..... No wonder he seemed a bit jittery or something lah.... He went out for lunch with Sinying, Rui Min, Jeanie and company..... Interesting sia.... For full details for their advetures you know where to go.... 2 choices actually.... Haha....

Anyway, found out that our 3-10 store did quite well in the sales.... So I guess after all the deductions and all that I guess we may have about 100+ for us.... Yay! Good job Daren! Good job 3-10! I also managed to see that some people that I thought that they didn't care at all actually helped out as well.... So yeah great effort everyone! =D Ok, here's the pics I took today.....

Some of the guys manning the store.... Nick Tan and Shawn Yeo featured here....

Evan!!! Not looking at the cam.... Lol....

Better but he's STILL not looking.... Haha

Evan, Me and Mr Thomas.... =D

During cleaning up.....

Ok, I'll shall now end this post with Jun Wei's spastics pics!! Was inspired by Xing Yu's post so I shall give you guys a treat! XD Here you go....

Taken on the bus during the NPDP days....

Another one....

Haha ok.... The end.... I've finally finished this.... See ya! =D


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail