Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Ok, on Sunday was the day of the Police Day Parade.... So met Yong Jie and KB in the store on a Sunday.... Haha.... School gate wasn't locked... Then Ken came then followed by Yi Bin... So we left and took the MRT to Kallang.... Saw some people wearing full u with a jacket over to cover.... -.- That's like totally crap...... Then reached there then there was a shuttle bus service to the indoor stadium... Cool... The bus brought us there, then we had to change into full u there, had to wait quite some time for a toilet.... Changed then lined up and went into the stadium.... Got some seats then we checked out our goody bags.... Haha.... Then watched some last minute preparations..... HCI cadets were in the parade... Lol... Saw Fadouez sir.... Don't know how to spell it.... Then after a while it started, but with a sort of informal start.... Some emcee got on stage then talked and do dunno what then Hady came on stage to sing for a while.... Then the actual parade started, not before the band marched in and all that.... The parade commander's ICE a bit funny... Lol.... Marched in parade, GOH...... Can see a bit of lagging by GOH here and there.... Lol... Then Mr Lee Hsien Loong came.... All the inspection and stuff, then speech and all that.... Then some prize presentation.... Officers wearing the tucked out uniform, dunno what's the name for it, look quite funny when they march with that uniform.... Lol... Took quite a bit of time that one... Then all the recitation of the police pledge, National Anthem.... Even cadets wearing head dress must salute during the Anthem as well right?

After all that parade marched out.... Supporting contingent's style for turning right and marching immediately was quite impressive... Oh yah, forgot to mention their march in... The supporting con came in from the two sides.... Then two ranks formed up then the other two went in from the other side.... Damn cool.... The CID personnel look a bit weird marching in long sleeve shirts and ties.... Hmm..... Then after that some performances by the police and stuff... Then parade marched in again.... Ok, only mainly the GOH.... Then official dismiss and the end.... Then we wanted to leave then the CIs and HOs asked us to fall in... So fall in lor.... Then waited for like damn long then can finally exit then we found out that they wanted to give us some food and water... -.- Saw Zaki and Paul sirs there.... After that took the shuttle bus back to Kallang MRT and changed there, along with the rest of the cadets..... Before we boarded the bus on the overhead bridge we saw FI Dominic and he said we can even wear our full u home... -.- That's crap.... So anyway changed there and then took the train back to Bishan and we went to S11 to eat.... After that came home....

Ok, Tuesday was shooting com, prelims.... Went to school.... Slacked in store.... Then had some last bit of training then we went to change.... Met Jacky sir then boarded the bus and went to HTA.... Reached there, went to the shooting the range, then had to wait.... Damn crowded with shooters sia.... Saw the Guanyang people there..... Mick, Chun Hui etc.... Saw RI people too... Familiar people lah.... Then in the Pierce lot saw Wen Yao.... Tee Leng sir pointed someone in there to us.... Haha.... Someone who reads this would understand.... Haha.... We did relaxing and visualisation excersises as well while waiting.... Tian Ming sir also came then we did one last practice on a upper floor.... After that time to go in liao.... Went in, one last briefing, collected cards and went into the range.... Sian.... The gun use too much then got problem.... Some shots didn't seem to come out.... Couldn't really get the first and second pressure, only a few shots then managed to.... Then for Figure 2 target got 39 points out of 60.... Wah lau.... Two bullets missing.... Dunno is whether never come out or shoot then miss.... Sian.... Classification that time got full marks then now like that.... Siiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaannnnnn....... NRA target slightly better... 74 points... So total score got 113/180..... Crap, cannot get top 10 shooters... Wee Siong sir and Louis shot like 152 points.... Nice.... Zheng Jun sir also shot quite well.... 140++.... So for our team total for 4 best scores was 504.... Sec 4s got 526 or something.... Hope both teams can get into the finals.... After that we went to the HTA cafeteria to eat then took the bus back.....

Yesterday had the AC parade practice..... Currently nearly all are in the GOH.... Those who went lah... I'm GOH 2nd IC... Nice... Ken PC naturally, Terence GOH 1st IC.... Jason and Jun Wei are the parade markers.... Training start then did drill revision for the Sec 2s..... Needs work.... Then CIs took over and went to work with the GOH on the Jadigan Dua Barisan part..... Ken, Terence and I worked on our inspection part... Then full practices...Use Drill Cane to Sedia and Senang Diri with the parade quite difficult.... Ok, not suanning anybody here..... Then Ken couldn't really say the Akan Berjalan Lalu command properly.... Lol... Quite funnyw when he was trying to say the command.... Then the march pass... Jason and Jun Wei can shout quite loud.... Good choices Ken..... This time parade even GOH 2nd IC can shout command sia..... Nice.... After parade rehearsal then we were asking Daryl sir to postpone our 2nd class promo test cause we were damn tired..... After some time they agreed.... Sec 2s sway still have to take....

Then in the afternoon watched the Sec 2s have their drill promo.... Lol, during ICE dunno who started saying Review Order March then the rest also spam... Lol....

Nothing much for the rest of the day......

Today nothing really interesting....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail