Monday, June 04, 2007

Ok.... On the Friday, 1st June.... So we went to school at like 9+ to go and set up the auditorium... We got all the systems up and running... Then at 11 we asked the auntie to help us lock the audi then we falled in... Then Jia Han sir asked us to go open again for the Sec 1 and 2s... So that was done... Then we were drilled by Jia Han sir.... Beret kept becoming like it's unseasoned like that.... Wtf.... Dunno what's wrong with it leh.... Keeps coming apart everytime we do drills.... Crap lah.... Anyway after a while then we did numerous things like preparations and all that like bringing chairs and stuff... Then it RAINED.... Crap.... Then it stopped... So the NCOs (28th Batch) decided to quckly do the parade rehearsal... Then when the Sec 4s were marching in then it started raining AGAIN.... Craaaaaap!!! Bah... So anyway they decided that they had no choice so had to hold the parade at the gallery.... Quite crappy cause there was almost nothing.... No march pass.... Sian... So we went there and just straight away went into the parade liao.... No practice or whatsoever.... So Darius sir marched in... GOH (Sec 4s) formed two ranks... Inspection of GOH.... Then saluting and speech by Mr Chen... Quite meaningful his speech... Then after that the return of the squad files and drill cane... Then the Sec 4s formed back into their squad and then they did their fancy drill...

The 28th Batch's fancy drill was quite impressive... Quite long and it seemed like it required a lot of creative thinking... Then there was one part where they sort of formed the numbers 28.... Cool... Then they formed one circle and did the unit cheer damn loud.... Then somemore parts to their procedure before they faced each other then they did their batch cheer then they squeezed and threw their berets.... Quite cool their fancy drill.... Then after that there was some slight cock up in the emcee's script cause they forgot to change it.... Then after a while Mrs Chew came up and announced the post list.... Then Ken went up to take the drill cane... Then Yi BIn went up to take our squad file on behalf of Terence, I went to take the squad file for Sec 2s and Jun Wei took the Sec 1 file.... Lol, when Mrs Chew called my name I was a little stoned cause I senang diri too long liao then cannot bang and shout properly.... Sian... then after that Ken asked permission for the dismissal of the parade then Besurai!!! Woots! Saw some laggers in my squad who lagged and didn't do the Besurai properly... Lol... Heard the Sec 1s didn't even do the drill.... Haha...

After that the Sec 1s and 2s went to have their lunch or something..... Then the shooting com people went to the G.O and waited for the bus then we went to Tanglin for our dry prac again... Did the prac and all that, then went to the cafetaeria to buy the burger again... Haha.... Then the bus came and we went back to school..... Then we changed and went for dinner...

At dinner we saw a lot of seniors, all from past batches.... I think until 26th Batch.... So went there and saw that food was already being served.... So went to join in and served the people... Then we sort of screwed up the order for the serving and all that.... Shoot... After that then we went to the audi to prepare for the concert... Then we heard Yan Hao sir wanted to see us.... Then he talked to us about what we wanted to achieve for ourselves and the unit in the coming one year... Ok... I know that's like quite important, but he could have told us about it after the concert right?? We were like damn busy liao then he still expect us to go and gather from where ever we are.... Quite strange right?? -.- Anyway after that we quickly chiong and got everything ready... Then we invited everyone to come in.... Then everyone was like playing quite a bit... Then wanted to invite officers in then Mr Goh said that everyone not settled yet.... So told YJ and Kenneth to settle everyone then the officers came in and then the concert started.... Mr Azman gave his speech... Then we had to get the Sec 1s into the backstage halfway cause Ken said they were damn slow in preparing... Then got scolded by Mr Goh cause it was rude to do so.... Shoot..... Then felt damn sian cause we screwed up quite a number of things.... Waaaaa.... Then anyway concert carried on.... Sec 1s performance.... Then their song.... Then some game where you had to guess the given number.... Can't remember the name.... Then there were people saboed to go up like Daryl sir, Sze Huan sir, Siang Yong sir, Yan Hao sir and Tian Ming sir..... Haha... Then Daryl sir first one to tio then he got some funny mixture of bandung, coffee and dunno what.... He drank the whole cup then went back... Haha... Then after a while game ended and it was the Sec 2's turn... Their performance was quite entertaining I must say.... Haha..... Then their song.... Then the next game was song guessing..... Then in the end the last song, Face Down, Daryl sir guessed it then he said both teams do forfeit.... Haha... Then they had to burst some balloons in the shirt... Then there were quite interesting ways to burst the balloons, like pumping... Haha... Then Darius sir and Yang Heng sir were like trying to burst the balloons by smashing into the other's back... Then Darius sir took damn long and the action was like damn wrong lor... Haha... If you saw it then you'll understand...

Then after that was our performance... So we showed our video... Haha... So many photos that were koped... Haha.... Then there were the interviews that we had collected... Then the one with Tian Ming sir which I felt was very meaningful.... Then at the credits we sort of spelled Tian Ming sir's name as Thiam Ming... Then he was like " Wah Lau!!!" Haha... Dunno whether it is the "Ming" spelled wrongly or is because we used "Thiam Meng"... Haha.... Then our song Tian Shi and our squad leaders came up and sang with us.... After that Wee Siong sir was picked to come to stage and sing a song (planned beforehand XD). Then he asked Daryl sir and Troy sir to join him. He picked a song and got Ting Ma Ma De Hua.... Then the singing part quite funny.... Haha.... Then after that was the Sec 4's performance "Love Me".... Then it was Mr Goh's speech about the Sec 4s.... After that he concert ended...... Talked to the Sec 2 outside... Then watched the Sec 4s do their fancy drill on the stage of the audi..... Then Sec 2s were dismissed while we had our own reflections..... Some people just need to really practice what they preach.... They tell others but sometimes they themsleves don't do so.... That's all I have to say... Then someone sort of jacked himself..... Lol... Then after that we packed up everything... Tian Ming sir briefed us on things like quiz com and all that... Sec 4s were having reflections and all that by their ex-squad leaders and Si Ming sir.... After that I left liao....

Ok... So a brief reflection.... I feel that 28th Batch has done a lot for the unit. They have achieved quite a number of things that perhaps have never been done before... Hmm.... I guess most has been said by the officers and the video that we did....

For our squad leaders..... Hmm.... I feel that they have done quite a lot for our squad, they have managed to bring out the standard in us not by force or threat, but by encouragement, most of the time..... They have managed to also bond our squad and solved some of our internal strives. Well... I just want to thank our squad leaders once again for all that they have done during theis one year or so.... All the best for your O Levels and your future endeavours!

So, here's the post list...

Chairman: Ken

Head of admin/Secretary: Terence

Sec 2 DI: Me

Sec 2 CCI: Louis and Yi Bin

Sec 2 PTI: Yong Jie

Sec 1 DI: Jun Wei

Sec 1 CCI: Leonard

Sec 1 PTI: Xing Yu and Wei Rong

Logistics Head: Jason

Quarter master: Kian Boon

UOPA monitoring: Kah Hoe (coordinator), Benjamin, Tong Yang

Welfare Team: Clifton (coordinator), Kenneth

Journalism Team: Ming Hao (coordinator), Linus, Jian Zhong

So yeah, that's pretty much about it.... You might realize that there's no Sec 3 squad leaders cause the council is based on 2007.... So next year there will be another selection for the Sec 1 squad leaders... By the way, don't go about thinking I'm unhappy with my post or anything because I didn't get my first choice or something.... Ok, perhaps I'm a little disappointed, who wouldn't? I'm pretty much happy with my post... Seriously.... Also heard that Jason's parents called Mr Goh like 3 hours before POP to tell him not to let Jason be a squad leader so that his studies won't be affected.... Seems like because of that the council changed till this... Ok, don't get the wrong idea that I'm blaming anybody.....

Well that's about it for POP 2007.... I actually got a picture of Ken holding the Drill Cane but I guess I won't put it up... Haha.... Got it from Louis....

Well, we have one year as NCOs, hope we'll all be able to strive for excellence in everything we do and may the unit soar!! =D

Once again.... Thank You 28th Batch!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail