Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yo guys! Yesterday was the 48th NPCC Annual Parade!!!!

Reached school at about 11:45am then stoned around. Watched the modern dance do their routine. Not bad.... Must have taken loads of preparations. After that changed with the rest then went to G.O. Yi Bin was late... -.- Went to HTA, then changed for practice. The rest went to draw arms liao. Marched to the drill shed then we ate our sandwiches there. The rest went to draw arms liao then we just took it from them. Did practices for the rifle drills together as a whole GOH. Then there was supposed to be some practice. Then the supporting contingents formed up already.... Then there was lightning warining... -.- Then everyone went into the drill shed and practiced there. Was feeling damn sian by then..... We worked so hard then it just rained? Then everything would just go to waste. After that was the break and we went into the mess hall for some break. Then it started raining..... Felt super sian..... Then we thought that it ws better for it to rain heavily then and then stop and let the area dry. So we were like thinking there was still hope. Lol, saw some of the huge signs positioned at the back get blown down by the winds. By the time break was over, the rain had lightened to a drizzle. Was feeling very hopeful. Quickly went back to our auditorium and changed. Before that, accompanied Terence to the store to borrow the collar lapels(correct spelling?). We went back then saw everyone changed then we chionged like crazy, with help from Ken. Thanks bud! After "inspection" then went back in and had some pep talks. After that, we went behind the building and marched one round behind the buildings to the drill shed. Cannot be seen by the spectators mah.....

At the drill shed, had some final preparations. By then, the sun was already out and we were like damn happy like anything.... =D Finished everything then got ready.... Lol, my mum came and took some pre parade pics....

Then, the time came!!! Supporting contingents marched out then it was our turn!!!! When marching out, it was like damn nice!!!! Together in beat with the music with everyone watching!!!! When we faced the front it was a damn nice sight.... Whole Grandstand was filled with spectators. (Cadets supporting the parade were by the sides) Feeling then was something that I can't describe here..... It's like nervousness, an honoured feeling and elation and a jumble of other emotions all together..... Did the best we could.... Parade went pretty smoothly I guess..... Perhaps only problem was that the Parade Commander's mike did not work sometimes..... Lol.... Other than that, everything was good. Then the march pass, and then it was all over...... Everything that we worked for for the past 2 months or so paid off in those grand 35 minutes or so....... We marched back to the armourery to return arms. Savoured the last moments with the M-16 and bayonets.... Lol...... After that had debrief then we went back to the drill shed before going to Harmony Hall. Took photos there. Ate food. The rest accidentally took food from the table meant for the VIPs.... Lols, damn funny..... Mr Goh told us to help ourselves then the rest took food from the wrong table..... Haha.... I didn't eat much, was more of thirsty than hungry...... Oh, yah. Found out that the Deputy Chairman of NPCC or something like that is my Dad's ex-classmate!! Cool huh?

Oh yah, heard from my Dad that the post parade segment, especially the line dance screwed up.... Lol.....

After that, all of us marched back to the auditorium as a GOH. Felt very ecstatic. =D Changed in the auditorium then we had rush out cause our bus apparerently had been waiting for us since 6:30.... -.- Can't the driver like wait and not ruin the mood or not? Same for the teacher officer.... As a result cannot take photos of our GOH commanders.... :( Rushed onto the bus. Realised that Jason and Wei Rong were not there yet. Then I went to find them..... Brought them to the bus then the bloody teacher officer used her sarcastic tone and said "Oh great, thanks you..." Jun Wei told me not to think too much, but you can her her sarcasm..... -.- Slightly pissed then. Then on the bus we kept playing with photos.... Lol..... Went back to school then realised that the gate was locked.... So how? The teacher officer told us to go to J8 toilet to change..... -.- Then there was a mini argument..... Then wanted to ask Yi Bin for his opinion on something then he gave me that kind of crap attitude then I got really fed up..... Then there was the add on of the changing argument then I got damn freakin pissed..... Some people can really show attitude sia... Not me lah, someone else. I must have looke damn pissed cause the teacher officer was like looking at me and I think she was like thinking that I was pissed with her.... Lol, half correct. Bus driver dropped us at J8 then we quickly walked to the toilet and changed.... We were like breaking2 of the NPCC rules liao.... What to do? Teacher officer say one.... So dunno.
Then at the toilet we apparently all changed at once then we clogged up the toilet and some supervisor came to tell us off. We explained ourselves then I think the guy let us off, hopefully. Pretty stupid come to think of it.... Guess we were so desperate as to not be seen by many in uniform. Well, anyway, there goes our Area photo.... Not even informal one..... I guess we'll all meet some day..... Hopefully. The Sec 3s is for sure... LMSC coming up =D

After that, went to the food court to eat with the rest except LTY and Yong Jie cause the two of them went home first. Got some corner then we ate and talked crap...... Finished everything at about 10+pm and we went home. Hitched a ride in the taxi that Jun Wei and Wei Rong were taking..... Thanks guys! =D I'm ok with Yi Bin now.....

So the day was pretty much great. Just got really pissed off with some people. Other than that it was pretty great. About the part of the area photo, perhaps Rahim might want to organize some gathering for the Area 4 NPDP '07 gang..... Haha..... Hope to see you guys soon!!! =D

Most of all, though I'm not a firm believer, we must thank Him for blessing us with the weather for the parade and for everything else so that it went smoothly. Thank You!

I know I've said this many times. However, once again, I'll say this. I'm REALLY going to miss these times. The times spent training with the rifles, with the GOH, the times on the bus when everyone just liked to talk crap, the friends we met again and made, the times at the HTA and most of all, the parade itself. I'll miss you guys......

48th National Police Cadet Corps Annual Parade. Rock on. =D

PS: I'll probably post the pics the next time. Pretty late now.... Gotta go. See ya. XD
Also, all the best to Jay-Jay sir and Li Quan sir in their future endeavours. Hope to see guys again, same for the other officers =D

I think I know what to get for myself for my birthday liao.... Yay XD


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail