Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi folks.... Highlight of today..... Classification shoot!!!!!

We left class at about 1:30pm and went to change into full-u. The top part of my uniform is like quite small liao..... Need to change...... Put our bags in the stall and went to fall in at the General Office. Miss Tan came, Mr Lee came, Mr Goh came (he didn't come with us though) and Peck Hor sir came. Tian Ming sir also came to give us some last tips for the shoot. Then we went to HTA.....

Marched to the range once we alighted...... I gave the timing at first then I guess I was off form today and couldn't give the timing properly.... So got changed.....

Reached the range, officers helped us fill in the necessary forms and we were briefed by Desmond sir. Then we went to shoot. Lol, like damn fast reach us.....

So, we took a target card, which was quite big, then we were like waiting excitedly for our turn as the others were shooting inside.... Lol... Sound like compo..... So went in. Started with 12 rounds at 9m first. To shoot inside the target boundary was three points. To shoot inside this rectangular box in the target is 5 points. So the score is over 90. (Maximum score is 18*5=90)
Tried to do the first, second pressure but the first six rounds i pressed and it fired... Wth.... Second set of 6 rounds, had a number of shots with the pressures and some without. The last 6 rounds at 15m I focused a bit more on the first, second pressure..... Finished shooting then returned the empty shells then went to have scores counted. Lols Jason take like damn long to shoot..... His officer kept talking to him.... Haha....

So..... I got my marksmanship badge!!! Yea!!!!! Our squad has 4 sharpshooters (score is 90/90)/ They are Louis, Me, Leonard and Wei Rong. Congrats guys :D Unfortunately, we have three people who did not get the badge, one passed, two failed (pass---45/90) One even got 0 points..... Don't worry guys, at least you had a chance to fire a revolver :D This doesn't affect your post anyway..... :D

So in Area 4, there are 12 sharpshooters, and 4 of them come from Cat High!!! Woohoo!!! One-third leh....

So this Friday we have to go to KCP by 3pm in half-u for dunno what. Sounds like the prize presentation ceremony i guess...... If there is PNCO on Friday then I can kiss it goodbye......

Sian.... Friday is also my make-up SPA for physics, how?????

Tomorrow there is NPDP training again..... Didn't have time to polish my stuff..... Shoot.......

After the ride from school to HTA, and then after marching in, I suddenly began to doubt myself again..... Can I really do it? Or am i just giving myslef false hope that i can achieve something so high and good..... Crap.....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com