Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hey guys, Wednesday we had this personality course from 7:40 to 10:40. It was a test of one's personality. So after morning assembly we went back to class and started the course. Our instructor was Coach Carrie. We actally like waited for some time cause quite a number of people were missing, people like the prefects and the catholic society guys..... So we were sort of delayed a bit but still managed to start. She started off with some game where we had to like grab the other guy's finger while trying to "rescue" our own from another guy's with a few actions before that. I was a but sian cause I was quite tired so I probably gave that sian look and did the actions quite sloppily..... Then she picked some people out for some forfeit. They were Daryl and Choong Lee. They had to do something like their "cutest smile" or something like that. Here's the pics....

Daryl..... Very nice shot..... Haha..... (Daryl is so going to kill me for this.... XP)

Haha, Choong Lee's turn....

Lol, turned out that they were displaying some of their spastic smiles or whatever you want to call them..... Haha. At least they were good sports..... After that we continued with this personality survey..... Lol, when I was doing the survey, I was sort of drifting off to sleep.... So there were periods of time where I was just holding the pen in my hand with my eyes closed..... Lol.... Managed to finish it though.... So we drew whatever graphs we had and it showed our personality.... I'm a C/S with a high C. Haha, my first graph was like a horizontal line then diagonally upwards. My second and third graph were like ticks..... Haha..... Nike fan.... Muhaha.... Anyway, I'm supposedly in the Presicionist/Perfectionist/Traditional One category..... This means I'm supposedly one who exhibits a precise,detailed, stable nature. I'm a systematic thinker who tends to follow precedures in both personal and business life(?).I act in a highly tactful, diplomatic fashion and rarely antagonize their associates consciously, taking care to avoid conflict. Extremely conscientious, they painstakingly require accuracy in work and maintain standards. I like a protected and secure environment with set rules and regulations and dislike sudden changes. They like people but only prefer to have a few close friends (Not True!!!!) Exactness is of the essence to people like me and criticism (greatest fear) is equated with failure. Can be counted on to carry out tasks correctly. Want exact facts before making a decision and feel uneasy when forced to decide anything quickly. Predicitability and security are the greatest goals. More stable the environment, happier person is.......

Ok, just quoted that whole chunk from the book. Some are true whole some are not.... You decide..... =D After that went more into detail about personalities. Had quite a few bad points which were pretty true for me, can't remember them though..... Finished the coursethen went for chinese.... Lol, after the first batch for the course, practically everybody was discussing about what each of their personalities were..... Many people thought that I was a D person.... Lol.... Am I that bad? Ok, maybe.....

Assembly was some International Friendship Day item. I have no idea how to appreciate folk dances, so I just stoned there and watched the show. One part was some dessert making. Looking at the ingredients, I don't think I would like to eat it.... Main ingredients are 10 egg yolks, one tin of evaporated milk (or was it condensed?) and some brown sugar solution..... Ergh, sounded damn sweet..... Teachers were treated to the dessert and some fruit sald as well..... Assembly ended late, at about 2:40pm.....

After that was training. Jun Wei, Wei Rong and Clifton were our PNCOs (Probationary NCOs). Had PT, which was quite tiring, long time never go PT liao..... Then had drills..... Quite ok the three of them. Things to improve would probably be Jun Wei to shout clearer and louder, Wei Rong to keep the consistent volume of his shouting (PT talk very softly, drills shout command very loudly), Clifton maybe a bit louder too..... Other than that, just want to say quite a good job I guess....... Oh, and maybe Jun Wei coukd give a bit of stuff for the other two to do? I think there's nothing else..... I thought I saw Oriana at the Bishan market bus stop while I was there with Benjamin.....

Today was quite sian..... Nothing very special..... Got dismissed at 1:40 (first time for Thursdays!!!) cause Mr Thomas had something on..... =D Saw Kian Boon being asked to stand at the back of the class during their physics lesson... Lol.... Apparrently he was "looking sleepy".... Haha.....

I believe some of you would have heard what happened at 3-3.... Don't ask me what it is.... Anyway heard many versions of who was right and wrong.... I'm an outsider so I won't take sides..... Just hope you guys will go back and reflect on yourselves.....

My cousins are staying at my house currently cause their parents went oversea for some meeting.... So they are like staying until Sunday...... Tomorrow morning we'll have to like send them to St Nicholas, then Ai Tong THEN Cat High... Luckily Fridays we start at 7:45, if not I'm screwed.....

Retaking my Chemistry Mastery Review tomorrow..... Wish me luck =D I'll really need it to pull up my marks.....

Tomorrow is PNCO for me. Working with Jason, Kah Hoe and Terence. Kah Hoe and I would be late cause of curriculum..... Session is Campcraft, Baton drills and PT. We're taking the Sec 2s by the way.... Tong Yang, Louis, Yong Jie and Kian Boon are taking the Sec 3s. Really hope that tomorrow nothing will go wrong..... I really have to treasure tomorrow. It may just be the last time that I will ever take a squad.....

I sort of realised something today.... When I try to interact with people, I sort of get damn spastic sometimes and sort of spout crap and even "friendly suanning". Then I realised that this part of me is something peopel don't like, just like in Geography today..... In that case, isn't it just best to go become anti-social and then not get into any trouble at all? It's so much easier.... I guess I'll probably be a little anti for the coming days...... It'll probably be best to stop making myself irritating anymore..... Sorry....

Some of them seem to be daoing me..... Especially Him...... I just greet them and they sort of like dao me even though they saw me..... What did I do wrong? Perhaps I'm always too extra around them..... Perhaps I'm not what everybody thinks I am.... After all, they'll be the ones who will decide my future..... What to do? Perhaps stop being so enthu anymore may work I guess......

You made me realise how lonely I was in the world. Thanks for the enlightenment. It really woke me up.... No sarcasm here.... Really......

Happy belated birthday Manfred! (Yesterday)

Happy early birthday Jun Wei! (Tomorrow)(The one from band, not NP)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail