Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ok, back again......... Last few days was nothing much. Wednesday NPDP training, Thursday Chemistry mastery review, Friday Physics mastery review and training..... Learned Buka and Tutop on the march....... Got our Civil Defence badge too.... Yay!! Finally..... Haha, I still remember the day of the course at the First Division..... The Instructor went like "Guys! Shut the **** UP!" just to shut us up after several failed attempts..... Lols.... Haha, 2 badges in 1 week without the muster parade.....

Yesterday was NPDP training again.... had to wake up at like 5:30 so as to fall in at 7 at school first. Or was it 6:55? Anyway, we were like late.......... Took the bus to HTA with the rest of the Area 4 people. It was supposedly a Full Dress Rehearsal, so everyone was in full u except us (GOH). We brought our No. 1 along and we couldn't fold it in the uniform cover, so we had ti hang it and it looked damn congested.... Haha, Someone said that it looked like laundry... Lols... Reached there, we were changing into No. 1 then some guy came in and said that Christopher sir said that we just had to wear half-u with the white shirt.... So all of us had to change back...... Then we brought our bags to the LT far away and it took damn long.... We were damn tired and lethargic even before the actual training......

Anyway, we finally went to draw arms and this time we took bayonets as well.... Lols... Practised a bit with it then we marched into the parade...... The band was there so it was quite nice.... Anyway, we went for two full parade practices, except that we skipped some parts......

On the second round, just before the march pass, the guy beside me rusoked the rifle into my shirt then then bayonet poked a hole in my shirt...... Lols..... New shirt leh..... Lucky it's just a plain white shirt.......... Haha....

We went back to school then we changed and went for lunch..... Lols... There was some damn funny incident on the way to J8..... So funny that I want to laugh.... It continued at KFC too..... Hahahahahahaha..... I won't mention it here.... Want to know, find me on msn......... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha ok, came home and slept from 7+ last night till 9+ this morning....... Lols

Tomorrow leaving class after recess....... We're doing marshalling for the principals and directors function thingy tomorrow....... Ken, YiBin and me are the Sec 3s chosen to usher the visitors to the place with sirs..... Hope we won't screw up.......

The Sec 3s of NCC Land have taken over liao.... Congrats on your posts guys..... Ours..... Still long time more....... Is it a good thing or bad thing I wonder...... To finally take over the unit? I dunno.......

Anyway, see ya again :D


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail