Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ok, back again.... I really need to think of ways to start an entry......

Anyway, Friday we were dismissed at 12 with recess at 1130 so actually we had half an hour more. Then again, mr yong teached us for a while more before releasing us. I now realise something, I don't like statistics..... Damn tedious..... Somemore tomorrow there is some mastery review on standard deviation...... Sian..... 3D trigo is fun actually :)

After that ate at the primary school canteen and met Ken, Jason, Jun Wei, Terence and Kian Boon there. Joined by Tong Yang after that. LTY changed his phone and he's obsessed with it and keeps playing songs..... Haha, no surprise...... Terence was playing that giant chess set with Jason and kept getting owned, some which were my fault :P After that went to change into half-u, then went for NPDP while the rest had "yeoman service". Not sure what that's supposed to be, some sort of marshalling I guess.

After that we went to HTA with Jacky sir accompanying us. Long time never see him liao...... There were a lot of extra people today and the CIs kept saying got a lot of spare parts then if we screwed up then would be changed..... Damn sian..... We went to draw rifles and then there was the march in with the whole miltary band. I think it's the same as the one which participated in the SYFOC. The conductor was Mr Anthony. With the band the parade is damn nice.... Crappy thing is that when the GOH do Jadigan Dua Barisan, there is hardly any space to do our drills. I kept rusoking into Terence's shirt... Lol.... Imagine if we use bayonets as well, what would happen...... The last practice we did was without the band as they had to go back. Then the whole practice was damn screwed, especially the march pass..... For some reason I got pissed, perhaps of the screwed up crap.... Then when we were marching back after returning the rifles, this idiot from dunno what school was fooling around with the timing. Stupid idiot.... By the way, there is this SI from Hwa Chong I think who just joined our contingent. Lol, he doesn't seem to have the SI look. Still, he is so what to do? It's not like that affects us anyway.

We returned to school with the bus being damn noisy..... Oh yah, I forgot to mention, on the way to HTA, one of the Sec 2 Whitely girls kept asking LTY for his name and she thought he was Ken.... Lol.... Then she kept talking to him..... Haha... I kept teasing him for that after that.... Haha...

It seems like Linus will be able to go for classification shoot with us after all. He went for dry practice on friday and he's going again tomorrow. So there is still a chance that we can beat the 28th Batch's record by having all marksman.... Tuesday is the classification shoot liao...... Gonna be damn interesting.....

Oh yah, I can use msn liao... Decided to use the desktop instead of my com since my com cannot access it. So yeah, add me if you want: I should have added most of you except for those who don't display their email somewhere..... I'll probably be online mostly on weekends... Weekdays need to see first..... If you need to send me emails, you can send to that one or Almost no difference.... But I like the yahoo one, easier to use i guess.......Ok gotta go, bye.


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail