Monday, April 16, 2007

Ok, before I start anything, Happy 15th Birthday to Elizabeth and Leonard!!!! =D

Ok..... Last Friday was our PNCO, as well as Friday the 13th..... Well.... I'm not superstitious, but it really seemed like the notorious day really lived up to it's name.... Lol.... In the morning, Boon Siang's phone was apparrently stolen right under everyone's noses..... So, Mr Teo had to be called, along with Mr Thomas, Mr Quay and Miss Tan..... So we missed assembly, missed the first period, which was humanities, and a thorough search was conducted of everyone's bags..... Lockers were checked and the whole classroom was checked..... Too bad nothing was found..... Then Christopher and Guang Wen were called to our class to check their bags..... Apparrently, Christopher was very unhappy...... Well, as much as I'm your friend, I just want to tell you that those were standard procedures after a theft case, everyone was a suspect until proven innocent..... Unless you wish to remain a suspect then you can just say you don't want to be checked..... I'm just saying this as a friend....... Anyway, whole first period was burned then the day continued as usual.... Then there were a number of other things which happened but I can't really remember........

After school, I went to the auditorium to retake my Chemistry class test, or rather, MASTERY REVIEW......... For NP guys, Jun Wei, Kian Boon and I went to take it.... The rest were taking it today I think..... Test was pretty much the same as the previous one, just that this time I focused more on studying the bonding part...... While doing the test, could hear Terence and Jason taking the Sec 2s for UI ourside..... Lol...... After the test we went to change, not before KB went to the store to borrow a beret..... Tsk...... By the time we finished changing, opening parade was already over and as the Sec 2's first period was campcraft, I had to change back again..... -.- Anyway, changed then Sec 2s were brought outside the auditorium.... We were supposed to do tent pitching but it rained, so we did advanced knots.....

We taught the Sec 2s Artillery Loop and Fireman's chair..... Was a bit screwed up I guess..... All of us were pretty nervous I guess..... No idea what to say next....... Lol..... Time was damn scarce cause we started late..... We sort of finished teaching the campcraft..... Most of them seem to know how to tie artillery loop, some know fireman's chair..... So I guess it was pretty ok.....? Then we changed into full-u and had drill session..... Took the batons from the store and taught the Sec 2s the basics..... Then taught them saluting with the baton........ Saw Charlton with the St John's doing drills as well...... Lol..... Went around correcting them...... Went through the drills a few more times.....

Well..... I know I have no right to do this, so if anyone feels offended then I sincerely apologize..... So well, here's my feedback for the Sec 2s, they were quite ok..... Perhaps the training was quite slack for them cause there was no pumping, though they owed quite a lot..... Wanted to settle everything in PT..... In drills, I guess we can probably see that some of them are not putting in enough effort? Pretty obvious for some of them..... Then also, the Sec 2s probably need to get more timers in the squad, so if the timer cannot take it then anyone can take over..... I guess that's for my opinion..... Any Sec 2s reading this please give feedback on the training?

I guess my same old problem came back again..... I seemed to be the one doing most of the talking...... Sorry guys.....

Then, when were supposed to change for PT, we were informed that the whole unit had to go for some briefing.... So, PT was cancelled..... We ate into Jason's time somemore.... Sorry Jason..... The briefing was on some unit matters then about City Venture..... After that, we were lectured by our squad leaders..... Need to buck up a little..... After training, went with most of the squad to J8 but didn't eat.... Bought something from Macs then headed home.....

Saturday was NPDP training and City Venture.... Falled in at 7am then we could relax for a while on our own before we headed to HTA..... Apparrently, we were supposed to bring our No.1...... The message was supposedly passed down last minute..... However, Mr Goh didn't receive it, so we were like there with our half-u, not even in No.1 half-u......I was supposed to give some form to the HQ store for Mr Goh but it was closed so I gave it with my file to Daniel for safekeeping...... Thanks buddy..... Then the GOH members were apparrently given some badge to put on the No.1.... The badge was like damn cool..... Wanted bto bring it back and take a picture but we had return it...... :( We can't keep it either..... Sian....... For us, the badge remained in our pocket the whole time..... Lol.... Had a bit of warm-up then we went for a simulation of the parade..... They are using a NPCC band.... Cool...... Was damn fearful for my NPDP shirt the whole time..... Was damn scared that the guy beside me would rusok it into my shirt.... Lol..... The second person to be welcomed int the parade (pretend one lah, can't call the actual person to come during practice right) took damn long to come..... So we were, according to Terence's terms, stoning there for damn long for nothing. That practice round was pretty smooth until the National Anthem, the Parade Commander forgot to give the Rusok command and went straight to Hormat Senjata..... UG people would know what this means..... Other than that, quite ok.... Somebody dropped the rifle magazine on the parade square by the way.... Heard that one of the officers wasn't really happy with the GOH's performance..... After that, we had "cool down" drills then went to return arms..... Went back to the holding area for our contingent then we were dismissed...... Went to find the rest of Area 4 in one of the classrooms...... Got a bit pissed with some people cause of some miscommunication...... Bah, never mind.... Went to the HQ store only to find it closed AGAIN..... Then I realised it was closed on weekends.... -.- Went back to the classroom again.... Thanks for accompanying me XingYu.... =D After that Zaki sir came into the room and scolded everyone for something or another like playing with the batons and wearing some cap when he was not around..... He also screwed us (Cat High) for some posture thing..... Then he said what want to complain to our HO...... Haiz.... That's the bad part of him I guess......

Went back to Cat High then we changed then went straight to the Rifle Range to help out..... Jason, Jun Wei and Yong Jie went to buy lunch... Lol..... The schools came back from their "Veture" aorund Singapore and did the air rifle shooting..... Saw Jia Quan, and Jun Hao in the Zhong Hua team..... Haiz.... From those shooting, I sort of identified some pai kias from the other schools..... Just see the way they are can tell already........ Got some pierce ear then put the stud there.... Is that allowed in NPCC for guys? I think even girlls also cannot..... Well.... I have no right carry on commenting on the other schools.....

Prize presentation and all that was held in the lecture theatre..... Zhong Hua got first..... Congrats guys..... =D Then followed by Rivervalley and Maris Stella I think.... Can't remember..... After that, the participants went off..... Then we had debrief..... Was damn tired during the debrief..... Almost felt like sleeping..... Lol.... However, still got some learning points for next year's CV..... After that, went to play soccer with Yong Cheng sir, Michael sir, Ben Tay sir and some Sec 2s.... Started raining soon after.....

Went to S11 for dinner after that with the rest..... Then went to buy bubble tea and took MRT with Ben and Leonard.....

Sunday nothing much, normal boring day.... Got my hair cut..... Damn short... Lol.... Also went out for dinner at some Hong Kong Cafe based restaurant somewhere at Thomson.... Quite good.... Some pics.....

Utensils holder......

After that went back home to collect my cousins bags to send them home...... They apparently have been sleeping pretty early the past few days..... 10+pm sleep already..... No wonder so healthy.... Lol..... Anyway, took a pic before they left......

Valarie, me, our Grandmother, Hilary

Lol, don't know why I'm like leaning to one side....

Today was nothing much..... Boring as usual...... Three periods continuously can seriously kill......

Now not feeling vey well..... Hope I can go to school tomorrow..... Don't plan to do any work and sleep early today......

5 Days to the 48th NPCC Annual Parade!!!!!

I'll really miss the times spent there..... I pray that that day will be a day with wonderful weather and everyone will be able to participate and the parade will be able to run smoothly.....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail