Friday, April 06, 2007

Hey, guys. Haven't updated for quite some time. Anyway, first things first. Happy Good Friday people!!!

Also, I know this is damn late, but congratulations to the Chinese Orchestra for achieving Gold With Honours for SYF!!! Congrats guys! You deserve it.... All the best to the rest of the aesthetic groups going for the SYF too! :D

Ok, so this week had quite a few events. Monday there was some event held at our school for the principals. So we had to do marshalling. Plenty of principals came. The event was held at the Primary School Hall.... So there were a few of us who were doing the main ushering duty. So at about 2+ there loads of people coming in. There was some other meeting at 2 so there were two places involved.... I did manage to see Mr. Ng Keng Song, ATS's principal. :P So after that we could rest from 3+ till 5+. Mr Goh and Miss Tan, or rather Mrs Chew, treated all of us to drinks. Thanks!!! :D The rest went for training while we waited outside the General Office for the event to end.... We had some food from dunno where and we ate it there and then... Lols.... Then there was this box of noodles and we were like pestering Ken to stop playing with his fork and help to eat, which he refused.... Lol... Then we walked around practising some drills. Sec 2s were at the plaza doing drills. I must say Jia Han sir has really taught his squad quite well....He's taugh them drills that we had only learned under our Sec 3 squad leaders.... Perhaps the only thing that they need is the perfection I guess.... Then Ken and Jun Wei started playing this game where they tried to make each other laugh... Lolss. Quite fun and damn lame.... Haha.... Then the last round took like damn long before one of the gave in.... Lols... When the event had ended, we went to help clear the hall, then there were many boxes of food left behind and we gave it to the unit.... Lols.. Then we went to join our squad..... Wee Siong sir had taught them MOI and some new drills... Can't totally get the drill yet though.... After we were released and some went to play basketball. At the grandstand we could hear the CO members cheering like mad for their achievement.... Haha...

On Monday I also found out that I was the lowest in class for the chem mastery review.... 10/30...... How can a Class Chairman be the bottom of his class? ............

Anyway on Tuesday, went to take measurements for our new uniform.... Yay, finally can change the uniform liao...... Went to Blackbox on time surprisingly.......

Wednesday nothing much.... Except that I went to ask Mr. Thomas whether I could quit as the C.C. There are two reasons why I wanted to quit. I only told him one, cause I was sort of on the verge of tears... Lolss... Imagine that... Anyway, one reason is that I feel that I'm doing a lousy job cause some things like class deco was done crappily..... The other reason is that a Class Chairman cannot be the bottom of his class in results.... I mean take Chem class test for example..... 10/30?! It's like the lowest in class and probably the level...... I didn't mention this one to him.... Anyway, thank you Mr Thomas for the kind words.... So for now, I'll stay on...... Good or bad? Perhaps good for some and bad for some, like some of my classmates perhaps.....

Assembly was a whole lot of programs.... There was supposed to be some meeting with Miss Saras then g.l by her cause I was debating with her that we had to leave the hall at dunno what time or something like that... Long story...... It'll probably be a good thing that I didn't tell her that I wanted to quit I guess........

After that went to crap with Enzon, Wei Jie, Choong Hwee, Glenson and Eugene.... Some pics from there......

Many disputes and arguments, still friends :D I look really stupid.... Smile's a bit unnatural?

Me and Eugene.

Love this pic XD Perfect.........


Thursday there was some make-up training for NPDP..... Guangyang and Pierce didn't go cause they had sports day or something..... Went there and everybody was like sian sian one..... We were also damn sian..... Many schools didn't come and the whole position thingy was screwed.... Then there was once where I rusoked into Terence's shirt for the second time and Ru Jie sir came and scolded me "You wake up already?!" -.- We are like so damn close after the dressing...... Finished the training then went to KFC for dinner.... Damn suay.... I spilled my drink partially over me and like 3/4 of my drink was gone..... -.- Some of it spilled onto Terence's cover..... Sorry pal......

Today nothing much..... Went out to eat with my family just now...... I was reading some magazine there then I came across some quotes that I found quite meaningful......

"Leadership is about creating an environment where they enjoy being part of creating something extraordinary"

"You cannot achieve excellence by management, only by leadership"

-Horst Schulze

Tomorrow is the preview for NPDP. Can play with bayonet again.... XD We can also finally officially wear our No. 1 uniform.... Yay.... Speaking of that....

No. 1!!!!! :D

Me in No. 1!!! Ok, I look crappy as usual, but still nice right???? XD Lols......

Haha, ok, that's all for now.....

Watch what you say, for it can break important ties with the ones you treasure unknowingly....

By the way, my SIM card was defective.... So now I've lost all my contacts.... I'm in he midst of finding all my contacts..... Please sms me and say who you are so I can get your number again.... Except for those whom I've already asked...... Those who want my number go find out or email/msn me. Thanks guys!!! =D

By the way, Happy Birthday to Melvin and Yong Jie!!! =D


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail