Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hi, haven't been updating for a few days.....

Anyway, Saturday was supposedly the preview for NPDP. So all of us gathered at about 12:50pm all changed. Evertone was in full-u while we were in half-u. We couldn't wear our ceremonial pants there cause Si Ming sir didn't want us to....... We reached there then we were seperated from the rest and went to the auditorium that was the GOH Boys' holding room. Attendance was taken then we claimed our NPDP shirt..... =D That's two of these kind of shirts..... XD Anyway, we changed into half-u with the NPDP shirt and ceremonial pants. We took longer than the others cause we had to change pants and our beret crest as well...... Then Jun Wei's belt buckle buckle broke, so Ken and I accompanied him to the store where he got a new belt while the rest went to draw arms.... After that we marched from the pathway all the way to somewhere near the drill shed. Then it started raining....... Band not there somemore..... Anyway, took arms from the rest and we practised our rifle drills. Position got changed.... No longer infront..... :( Luckily everyone will be inspected.... XD I'm quite near the SI that I sort of made friends with..... Victoria one..... Too bad not standing next to him after jadigan dua barisan..... Nice guy..... Anyway, after that everyone went to the mess hall for the break...... Quite good..... After that, everyone went to change into No. 1.... Something funny happened.... While the sirs were checking our uniform, Zaki sir asked one of the CIs to go and check if the girls had finished changing. He also asked the CI to be careful cause he said what they were changing with the door open..... (Don't think sick guys.....) Lols, then we were like trying to hide our laughter then apparrently Tong Yang was like smiling till it became damn obvious then Zaki sir went to him and went like "Why? You want to see is it? No taste" HAHAHAHA!!!! XD XD XD Damn funny and we were like shaking like siao trying to control our laughter...... In a way perfect description for him.... No Taste!!!!! Hahaha..... Ok that was entertaining.....

Anyway, it continued raining for the whole afternoon..... -.- SO we practised for the wet weather program, which was held in the harmony hall and it was DAMN BORING..... I really hope that it won't rain on that day..... Please...... After that went to return arms and change.... Took some stuff home too.....

Waited for quite a while before the rest came.... Took the bus and went back to Cat High..... Got some of the Area 4 people's number..... So anything need to ask can contact them..... Especially those NCOs to be.....

Although some of us are complaining a bit about NPDP, I think all of us would miss these times terribly once the parade is over..... We're going to miss the atmosphere of the training, the training with rifles, some of the CIs, the feeling to be in the parade, contingent friends, area 4 friends etc..... It's two more trainings before the actual parade liao......

Went to KFC for dinner after that then went home....

Sunday nothing much....

Monday..... Nothing much.... Boring day as usual.....

Today.... Another boring day..... Had lunch with squadmates at Primary school canteen before going for lesson at 3pm..... Got a bit pissed after English lesson.....

Went to Blackbox early!!! First time in a long time.... I'm usually late or on the dot..... Lols...

Tomorrow there's some career guidance course.... Sian... missing the good periods for Wednesdays.... Carpe Diam and PE...... PNCO for some tomorrow as well..... Good luck guys..... Mine's on Friday, with Kah Hoe, Terence and Jason......

All the best to Timothy in PB =D We guys in CMC will miss you =D

I kind of realised something..... I'm not insulting you guys or something..... Ever since Land took over and Air got their posts..... I seem to feel there is some tension between many of them.... This guy bu shuang with this guy for getting this post etc, then some people trying to act big...... I guess what Troy sir told us was really true.... There are bound to be conflicts between squadmates once POP comes and our posts are announced..... From what I have seen and heard, I really hope that we can keep the tension that we have as small as possible..... We are 29th Batch and we will bond as the 29th Batch......

I think juniors also have squad problems too......

Feeling a little emo again..... Yet, I feel a little angry with some people for dunno what reason.... Dunno why.....

Sometimes when I look at back at those times, I feel pain and feel like crying cause I know those times cannot be brought back and would just remain as memories forever......


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com