Friday, April 27, 2007

Ok, won't go on much.... Thursday start of mid-year exams.... No, wait, Mid-term Mastery Review. Ok, anyway, first time having exams in the hall, not bad lah. English paper was pretty much ok I think. Paper 1 my compo has a very spastic storyline.... Comprehension was quite hard to understand for some parts.... Hope it's ok.

Chinese today, had the exam in the classroom cause I'm taking normal Chinese (YES, I'm a noob). Pretty ok I guess. Wrote gong han and question 3 for the zuo wen..... Hope it's ok.... Paper 2 the second passage quite confusing, then there was 1 question where we had to copy almost the whole paragraph..... Hope it's the correct answer....

After that I was playing with the hamsters in the classroom then the higher chinese people told me that the NP guys had something. So I washed my hands and rushed down..... The thing they were discussing about had nothing to do with the NPDP people, but we are a squad, so we must do things together. Have to return first-u by 9th May..... Sian.... I'm going to miss it.... =(

Then went for lunch with Wei Jie and Kah Hoe. Later tio pang seh by the 2 of them.... -.- Xing Yu is right.... It's a very bad feeling to be pang seh-ed by people......

After that went to Bishan library with Xing Yu to study. Much better than the last "Bishan Library study group" that I went to with John Lau, Leonard and gang. Just the two of us was pretty condusive, any quieries we just asked each other...... At first damn hard to find a free cubicle..... Then at last we found one at the seond level. So went to mug there. After that I went to buy sweets so we could stay awake..... Also read comics for a while..... XD It was damn fun studying with Xing Yu.... No fooling around, can concentrate..... Thanks pal! =D Hope we can do that again!

Going to really mug for the next few days....... Oh yah, forgot to mention, Wednesday Cat High won their B division basketball title again, beating Gan Eng Seng 61-50. Nice job!

The remaining NPDP pics I think I have to upload only after exams..... The rest of the NPDP guys I'll send them to you after mid-years I guess.....

Also, helping Brian advertise here, those who want to watch the sparring video by St John's can visit Brian by my links.... Lol.....

See you soon.... =D

Oh yah, Happy Birthday to John Lau the freakin sadist =D


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail