Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ah well...... In a flash, Chinese New Year has gone by already. Now, enough of celebrating, back to the books.

A brief summary of my CNY, quite ok, though not as interesting as other years but still ok. First and second day went house visiting at numerous places. Played quite a bit of things like pool, cards, mahjong (Yes, I know how)......

On the night of the second day went to my parents' friends place for dinner. Played a whole lot of stuff there. They even have a dartboard.... Cool.... Angbao wise, collected quite a few. Then again, CNY is not just about Angbaos isn't it? It's more of like visiting friends and relatives whom you don't usually see all the time right? Well, that's my own opinion anyway....

This week, two words to describe it: Quite slack

Tomorrow is the only full day that we have for lessons. Tomorrow there is training too. Yes!!!! Thursday is half-day due to the super good O level results, so lessons end at 9:40. Means there's only two periods to endure!!! Friday is Cross-Country at Turf City. 3.5km.... That's pretty long..... However, after that, there's still NPDP training for us, so we can't go home and slack off early.....

Well, let's end off with some pics....

In the green zone, but still far away from the Bull's-eye. Still, it's the closest I've had all night :D

Lols.... Random pic of Reginald eating the scraps of ice-cream from the tub..... (He didn't eat the whole thing mind you) XD


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com