Thursday, February 15, 2007

Yo people. Well, yesterday was learning journey day cum Total Defence Day cum Valentine's Day. So in the morning, there was assembly in the hall. Firstly, there was the Total Defence Commemoration ceremony led by NCC Land. Li Song was the parade commander. Yap Chien and Wen Xuan were those by where the plaque or whatever it was was supposed to be. Our NPCC sirs were the flag bearers. If I'm not wrong those involved were Daryl sir, Troy sir, Xu Hao sir and Jia Han sir. Then Darius sir was holding some bell for the ceremony. Could tell that he was pretty tired holding the bell with such little support for so long. He was wearing his S.I. rank and stuff already. Damn cool sia. Overall the parade went quite well. Is it just me or does Li Song use his voicebox and not his diaphragm to shout? Dunno... Anyway, nice job guys.

After that we went to the auditorium for some intro on whatever we were doing. The speaker was not unfamiliar but I have no clue how to spell his name. Anyway, he gave us some lecture which lasted like over 1 hour till even Jerold was tired 0.o I was half asleep and only absorbed a bit of what he said.... :P Lasted till about 9+ then we were dismissed and had to gather at the plaza.

First we went to the Supreme Court, most interesting part of the whole trip. Saw a court room as well and all that. Had fun taking the lift too. :) Next was the St Andrew's Cathedral. Saw the grand place..... Then went to can't remember what the place was called.... It was something to do with the buildings and stuff.... Had our lunch there.... No McDonalds as what the teachers had told us..... No wonder they returned me the list..... Heard other classes in other tours got to eat that though.... Anyway, we saw the different parts of the civic district on a 1:400 scale model. Quite nice..... Went back to school at about 1:45?

After that went to Kah Hoe's house with Leonard to do the CSSP project. Sort of finished the survey, played a bit.... Went to collect my specs but they weren't ready.....

Today had normal lessons. Morning assembly programme stretched quite a bit. Sebastian was caught for talking if I'm not wrong -.- Then after that had CMC meeting... So I missed the first period of Chinese...... Went back for class and found them at the amphi-theatre. Apparently Rao Lao Shi was damn pissed with the class for not handing up our zhuo ye. Those who did were safe and could sit at the study corner to read some hao zhuo wen book..... So we were safe :) Rest of the day nothing much.....

Also went to collect my new specs today. Quite nice. Degree is slightly higher and still need to adjust to it. I think I look a bit like Deddy with the specs. Lol....

Tomorrow's CNY celebration! There's two periods of lesson though..... After celebration I'm going back to visit ATS. Seems like very few of us are going back, those from CHS that is..... Hope to see old friends there..... By the way, sorry Nick Chee if you're reading this..... I can't go bowling with you guys. Maybe next time.....

Something's bugging me......


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail