Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hi everyone, yesterday was the celebrations of Chinese New Year in the school. After flag raising there was some mask competition prize giving thing, didn't really pay attention. Then all the CMC members had a meeting for the celebrations. Went back to class and found that Mr Talib had given us a free period, along with many other teachers in the school. So I went to pia Chemistry homework which had to be put into the file. After that was Chem then Mr Thomas told us that he was collecting the file next Wednesday. Then we spent the period designing our mascot, which was a Dragon. Bei Er was the mascot in the end and we "dressed" him up. It was really nice to see the whole class working together to help in the mascot. So in the end, Bei Er looked like this:

Feel my wrath!

Hi, I'm Bei Er the dragon.

After that was the actual celebrations. I didn't get to see much cause we were organising the orange giving thing and were gathering outside. Got everything done with a number of teacher's help. Then we stoned in the hall waiting for our cue. Kept getting calls and smses from Nicole asking of we were dismissed yet and that she was in ATS already..... Some schools got dismissed real early..... Then the last program was our turn and all the Student Leaders of Catholic High went up to the stage to sing the CNY songs, though I think hardly any of us were singing..... Mr Heng and Yu Lin lao shi were supporting us with their singing. Then, all of us went around to give the mandarin oranges to the respective teachers. I was giving to Mr Talib. Then all of us went back onto the stage to continue the "singing". Finished off with the "Your're so fine" cheer by us and we were dismissed. That was 12:30pm. Then Miss Tan wanted all the SLs to stay back. Did some briefing on the volleyball match which we had nothing to do with and then we were off. That was 12:40pm. Damn late..... Though we didn't win the mascot competition, I was glad that most people in the class worked together to at least come up with something that we can proudly say that it was done by our class 3-10. :)

Went back to ATS with Wen Xuan and Chuan En. Were joined by Kwan Hong and Guan Yan later. Melvin and Wei Shian apparrently had Chem remedial but Miss Tan Seow Wee didn't turn up so they left...... Reached ATS. Looked around. Everything looked so small compared to Cat High. Then met some of the members of 6D '04 who were You Yue, Justin, Aloysius, Wei Shian, Jedidah, Pei Yu and Chye Ping. Decided to go watch a movie. Met Ming Woon as well. So we took 52 to Juntion 8 and took a train to Dhoby Ghaut. Had a lot of debating whether to take a cab and all that, mainly fueled by Aloysius. Lol..... Jenn Hao joined us after that.

So we reached there and went to Plaza Singapura. Why they wanted to go there I still have no idea. There, had another debate what to watch. It was between Epic Movie (suggested by Justin) and Just Follow Law. Nearest timeslot for Epic was 5:55pm and Just Follow Law at 3:50pm, but the latter was under the "selling fast" category. So we were like debating for a long time before we decided to watch Epic Movie since Just Follow Law had only the first 2 rows, which SOME people didn't want. So we bought tickets, which were friggin expensive. $9.50!!! That could burn a hole in your pocket..... So we had about 1 hour and 45 minutes to spare. Went to Carl's Junior for lunch, which was quite expensive too.... Pei Yu was complaining that she was hungry cause she had not eaten since the previous night. (Sounds impossible?) Then she went to eat tako pachi, then ate a burger from Carl's Junior. You Yue, Ming Woon, Wei Shian and I were mainly the ones who were eating. The drinks were free flow so we could drink as much as we could. Gave some to those who needed it. Then Ming Woon left for CCA or something like that. After eating, Wei Shian left as well. Speaking of Wei Shian, during the whole journey that all of us were together, he kept suaning the two girls like crazy, especially Pei Yu. Lol.... He kept suaning her about her height and how small she was and all that. Damn funny watching by the sidelines. Ming Woon, You Yue and Aloysius joined him there. Wei Shian should be a professional suanner. Lol..... Pei Yu was like in a combination of laughter and frustration. I feel like laughing at the thought of it.....

After Wei Shian left, we walked around the place and did some bo liao things like going up and down the escalator. Pei Yu and Jedidah also kept sitting on the escalator steps. We walked around then Jenn Hao was asking us to play in the arcade, but some of us were in school uniform, so we couldn't enter. I don't play arcade games anyway..... Met Kai Jie there. Stoned around all the way till 5:30 then went to this corridor near the cinema and played/talked cock there. Were finally able to enter the cinema hall and we went in. Finished the movie and we were like.... WTF?!?

Well, if you see the poster and the ads, you'll probably think that the movie is some comedy, so did we. The movie has a bit of entertainment value, with some funny parts and quite a combination of different movie settings together like Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory, Da Vinci code, Hogwarts castle, Land of Gnarnia, Pirates of the Carribean (the pirates can break dance! Cool...) and the remote control from Click. Storyline is quite ok but I think certain parts were crap. There were some damn sick parts involving people like Mystic (X-men) and some of the women on the pirate ship. Other parts made you have the "WTF?" feeling like the part where one character was using his urine to play sudoku in the snow. One stupid part with quite a bit of laughs was the part where there was the war and there were starship troopers in the enemy lines... Lol..... Then in the last part Borat came and talked trash in that stupid suit of his, then he slapped his ass and the movie ended. Judging by some parts of the movie, we would probably say its rating is NC16 or M18, though it's under rating to be advised.....

In conclusion, you shouldn't really watch it. Cause it'll pollute your mind a bit and you'll feel disgusted.

After that we took the train and went our seperate ways. Met Kai Jie again, this time with Alphonsous.... Lol.... Alighted at Yio Chu Kang with Justin and went home.

I think that I had a wonderful time with my ex-classmates. Though it was just a movie, we sort of strengthened our bond as members of 6D '04. This time, I got their contact numbers, so that I won't be like last time and lose contact with my friends again. Perhaps we shall organize a class chalet during one of these holidays. This day was surely fun without doubt.

Happy belated Birthday Cheng Howe and Jimmy!

Enjoy your reunion dinner tonight everyone! :)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail