Wednesday, January 31, 2007

zzzzz..... Friggin tired now, today's been a long day and I've been sleeping at 1++am the past two nights....

Ok... Monday.... Double period of Maths, hate double periods..... Biology SPA went to the lab and did something on osmosis with potatoes. I cut them pretty ok, but need a bit of improvement. Then there was the worksheet to complete, which up to now I've not finished.....

Tuesday.... Mr Talib didn't come to school so we had one free period. Weeeeee! :) Physics, Miss Wong couldn't speak much cause she lost her voice pr something and thus, hardly anyone could absorb what she said. Social Studies was damn funny cause of something about Manfred shitting and taking a long time then Bei Er was like laughing with the damn hilarious tone, which of course made everyone laugh.... Lol.... Had Blackbox lessons after school.... Ate the ice-crean from Icekimo for the first time in a very long time. For some reason, I'm getting a bit pissed with Yi Feng... Dunno why, maybe cause I'm too serious or I don't like his attitude? Maybe..... Can't believe after dunno how friggin long already I've been attending the same class as him and Edward asks "Who's Bryan?" WTF. Damn dao also eh he.....

Today..... Carpe Diam, felt very sleepy. Didn't really here all the stuff about self-respect and all that.... Chinese, didn't really pay attention today. Assembly programme was something about the Taiwan Sports Trip last year. Then the library people came and gave some presentation on some new system.....

NP training today was rehearsel for next week's Muster Parade. Underwent selection for GOH and a number of us got chosen. Ken, Yi Bin and myself also go chosen, but then again, the three of us and Terence won't be attending the parade due to NPDP right? So we just joined the Supporting contingents comprising of some Sec 3s and mostly Sec 2s. Ended up in the same contingent as HIM and even falled in near HIM. He's not my squad mate or super close friend and even accidentally called me by my name, before realizing it and rectifying his mistake. Watched him while he was doing drills with his squad. Not impressed although his timing is quite ok. Not really happy with him.... Or is it because I'm in a bad mood? Did parade practice until 5+++pm then got dismissed. Played basketball after that.

Saw our new Sec 1 juniors today, or we caught a glimpse of them. Guess the Sec 1 squad leaders finally have something to do. Lol.... Hope all of them stay on and don't quit, hopefully more will join soon too. :)

Tomorrow's the make-up chinese class test for last Friday. People say it's difficult. Sian...

I've lost alot of my "wanting to learn more attitude" I'm now more in the mood of slacking. Craaaap. I need to wake up.

After looking at all those, I suddenly feel so cast out. I thought that I had finally succeeded in not repeating it but alas, I still got it. Everywhere I feel that, so when and where will it be so? Or am I destined to stay like this forever?


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail