Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 is coming to a close

Ah well, very soon 2006 will be gone forever and it's time for 2007. I guess I'll do a bit of reflections about my year as far as I remember. Well.... here goes....

My Journey 2006

1) Entered class 2-7
2) Went for Sec 2 camp, was a real jerk/idiot there.
3) Learned loads of stuff in class. (I remember sleeping in some classes :P)
4) Muster Parade 1. Promoted to Lance Corporal with third class drill badge and total defence badge.
5) Went back to ATS during CNY, not many I knew were there. Mr Chia was on MC I think -.-
6) NP Day, celebrated on 5th May (I think), wore full-u for the whole day. CHSNPCC got Gold for UOPA!!!
7) Started SYFOC parade trainings. Didn't get into GOH and wear first-u. :(
8) Went to Sydney for holiday. Stayed in Uncle Eric and Family's house.
9) Missed the Passing Out Parade of 27th Batch. :(
10) Went for SANA Course
11) 1st July-- SYF Opening Ceremony Parade. NPCC surporting contingent
12) 1st July-- CHS Homecoming (Did almost nothing cause of SYFOC)
13) Became Assistant Class Chairman of 2-7.
14) Went for .22 revovlver live shoot.
15) 7th August-- School based NDP parade. NPCC GOH Contingent. Used Mark-4s :)
16) 11th to 13th August-- 1st Adventure Training Camp(ATC) for our squad at Pulau Ubin. Made some friends from RI in our group and met some incorrigible people.
17) Went back to ATS again for Teacher's Day. Met a number of ex-6D guys, went to Pizza Hut for lunch.
18) Muster Parade 2. Promoted to Corporal with SANA badge, Campcraft badge and Safety First badge.
19) Sat for FYE. Did so so.
20) Project Work Finals. Won Second prize. :)
21) That fateful day that was not unexpected but it was devastating for the whole family.
22) Holidays!!
23) Marshalling for Traffic Games Day at the Expo.
24) Civil Defence course.
25) Went for OAL camp. Learned some very useful things there.
26) Annual Hike at Pulau Ubin. Group won "Most Number of Checkpoints visited award"
27) Black Knights trainings.
28) Annual Camp at school. Won best camper. Unit won challenge shield.

Ah well, these are basically some of the more important things that have happened as far as I remember. I'm not sure if I'm ready for 2007. It's going to be a tough and demanding year ahead. It would also be the year that we will shine, take on more responsibilities and experience more things.

Hopes for 2007

1) Lead Sec 1s and 2s 2007 properly and well during their respective activites.
2) 28th Batch to get gold and those selected for NPDP to wear first-u.
3) To get promoted to Sergeant at the first Muster Parade in first half of year.
4) To do well in studies.
5) To grow taller.
6) To get the post that I would like in our NCO Council.
7) Be first batch of Staff Sergeants (If I can become sergeant by first Muster Parade that is)
8) 29th Batch to get Gold for UOPA.
9) To be a MUCH better person.

At this point here, I would also like to take the opportunity to say a sincere sorry to many of those that I had either offended, let down or whatever I had done "bad" to this year. I'm really sorry for being such a jerk. I'm really sorry for being such a nuisance, I'm really sorry for my lousy attitudes towards you guys. I'm really sorry to have let you guys down. Especially the guys and teachers of 2-7.

January is going to be real hell for OALs. Whole lot of stuff to attend to. Just hope I'll be able to cope.

I wonder if I'll be able to fit into 3-10 properly.....

My hair is bloody short now. Crap.

I'm going to dread chemistry as well. Cause there's something in there which is going to spur people to start making fun of me again......

Playing golf again tomorrow. Will also go to my parents' friend's house for the countdown tomorrow.

Wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance. :)

A FEW MORE HOURS!!! Are you ready for what comes next?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Ok, Christmas is nearly over, approximately another 45 minutes or so I guess. I kept thinking it was Sunday...... Dunno why, must be the holiday feeling. Nothing much to celebrate today, just went to play 18 holes and played crap again. Anyway, let's get back to Annual Camp. I know it's boring. :) What the heck, nothing much to blog about anyway.

So where was I? Oh yeah. Had morning PT from 6++am. Push-ups, leg raise, jumping jacks. Pretty decent. Apparrently some Sec 1s are not used to PT in the morning. Well they better adjust fast, Sec 2 camp's coming up for them. Done with that then it was breakfast. Mr Goh (NP teacher) apparrently thought that our rations weren't enough, so he got all of us some extra rations like biscuits and bread. Thank You Mr Goh! Morning activities were Team building games dry, pretty fun. Lunch then the wet segment of team building games. One activity required us to transfer some water balloons for something, very complicated to explain. Anyway, the Sec 2s had to commando crawl on the track for one part. So well, all of us got injured I think. Jian Zhong's injuries were the worst. He got cut on his feet as well, so he couldn't wear his shoes.

After dinner was the campfire. So many exCHSNPCC NCOs came, mainly from 27th batch. Tiong Hui sir never come. :( Kang Rui sir and Qi Chao sir came too!! Well, since there was a bit of rain, we had to hold the campfire at the gallery, using candles, hurricane lamps and pressure lamps. Mr Azman came too man... I was tasked to shout the command for the clapping for some of the 8 basic songs. It was tough cause I was having a sore throat from shouting our group cheer with my voicebox too much. Should have used my diaphragm more. Still managed to do it though, although I definitely sounded funny. I made some last minute changes to our skit and I think I screwed it up, what do you guys think? Night walk was next. I paired up with Rui Jie and went for our activity. Got stuck at the first checkpoint for a damn long time. I also kept wanting to go to the toilet, must have been the cold weather. Jia Sheng got scolded for sleeping during debrief session. -.- Sentry that night was the actual one except it was indoors cause it was raining.


Last day of camp. Started with PT, some excersie then it was Ironman competition. First obstacle was to run 2.4km 12 minutes and under to qualify for next round. Later they raised it to 12 minutes & 30 seconds for Sec 2s and 14 minutes for Sec 1s I think. I didn't qualify :( My running no good. Timing was 13 minutes and 23 seconds. Slow sia. Push-ups was the next stage. Pump until 100 over then Xing Yu, Wei Rong and Jun Wei were the last ones left. They competed in chin-ups and obviously Xing Yu won. Jian Zhong was so sad till he cried cause he had the power to do all the stages, only because he was injured and was not allowed to participate in the competition. Poor guy, twice in a row unable to compete in the pumping competition. Jason had gastric and couldn't run the 2.4km. He was greatly weakened by that. Breakfast, last meal in the camp. Quite ok..... After that was area cleaning. Si Ming sir was angry with us for not able to clear some chairs fast enough and shortened our area cleaning time. Got scolded by the CIs later for that. Brought our bags down and gathered. Then there was the competitve games of basketball with Yi Bin's group owning everyone. (No surprise). The OALs then went to attend some briefing about next year. Seems like January will be hell for us. Daryl sir then came to call us for prize presentation cause Mr Azman was there.

At the prize presentation, Mr Azman presented the Challenge Shield to Mr Goh, a great achievement for the unit. Sadly, it's confirmed that Mr Lee Chang Hong is retiring some time next year :( Then it was the prizes for the camp.

Congratulations to Xing Yu for winning the the Ironman award. Great birthday present :)
Congratulations to Yi Bin for winning the best group award as the I/C of his group.
Congratulations to Sebastian for winning the Sec 1 Best Camper award.

I won the Sec 2 Best Camper award!!! Woohoo!!! Can't believe it man.... I thought I screwed up too many times already to be eligible for it.

We were dismissed after that then some of the OALs went to take our OAL shirt. Then we went to J8 KFC. The NCOs were there too, so the KFC was like super crowded with CHSNPCC cadets. Later I realised that I had forgotten to take Wei Rong's shirt for him and ran back to Cat High alone to get it. Went into Mr Goh's office to take the last L shirt and ran back. Now, I realize that the one I took for him was a 2003 shirt -.- Real dumb, have to change it again. How did it end up there anyway? We split up after that and I went home.

There was some early christmas party at our neighbours house. Sometimes I really feel a bit lonely in the neighbourhood, as in with the children. It's hard to explain. Anyway, had to resort to doing some lame things to keep entertained like monopoly, hide and seek (????!!! We're like 14 and 15 years old already??!!!) and talking crap. Geesh.

Back to the camp. I really thought that the camp was fun though a bit taxing. I must say that 28th Batch has done quite a decent job. :)

1 week till 2007!!!


Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ok..... After all this time, it's more relaxed now for me, ok, not so relaxed. Anyway, had NP Annual Camp in school from the 20th to the 22nd. Anyway, I'll talk about the past few days.


Went to school to tie the rope obstacles for the camp with the whole unit. We were seperated into groups and assigned to the two obstacles that we had to help to tie, which were the Rope Transfer and the Wardens Walk. Even though it's only 2 stations, it was certainly no mean feat. When our group had finished with the Rope Transfer, the others were still tying the Wardens Walk. That took quite some time. When that was finished, we had lunch and then all of us went to tie the Double Line. Finished that then we were debreifed as well as being taught certain campfire songs by Daryl sir and Troy sir. When we were dismissed, I went home to finish the flag and pack my bag. Very heavy rain that night.


First day of Annual Camp. We fell in in our squads and then we got into our camp groups. Our group was Ironman. I seriously thought that our group was of quite a strong team with Xing Yu, Benjamin, Jian Zhong, myself, Rui Jie, Xavier, Han Wen and Yong Kang in it. There was bag inspection first of all and Jason's group got into trouble and got pumped cause of someone for some reason I can't remember. After that episode was running round the track with our bags as punishment. Finishing off with the basic camp info, we proceeded to our bunks and collected our rations. We then started off with bunk cleaning and made the classroom quite clean and fit for us to sleep in. Yi Jun sir (C.I) came into our bunk and first went to cope Xing Yu and asked him to do something then when we asked him for Xing Yu, he "denied" it. It was damn funny after that where suddenly He Yuan and Kenneth kena pulled to our bunk to do some funny stuff. When Xing Yu came back we started the "funny" things. Xing Yu had to hold in pumping position while I had to do the same under him. Then the rest were made to make some funny shape and there was supposed to have some "symmetry". Then Yi Jun sir went to check the cleanliness of our bunk and found a lot of dirt and wiped it on some of our shirts. Lol...... After that was our first meal in the camp, which was lunch. Our rations consisted of maggie noodles, canned food, biscuits and milo powder. There was quite a lot and sufficient for all of us. After lunch we changed into our jeans and track pants and went for rope obstacles. The five stations (for five groups) were the Double Line, Wardens Walk, Rope Transfer, Vertical Rope and Suicide window. We started with Rope Transfer. Everyone did it successfully and we did our grouo cheer. Rui Xian sir also siad that our group lacked enthusiasm, which I thought was quite true. So I told the group that we had to buck up. Our next station was the vertical rope. We had to climb up a vertical rope (duh) using some methid with our legs. This was something that I couldn't do last year, which is why I was quite satisfied with myself when I managed to complete it twice. The Sec 1s couldn't do it, no surprise there. Guess they were not familiar with the technique yet. Went for the suicide window next at the fitness corner. Hard to explain what we had to do there, but if you know what it is, then good for you, if not, never mind. Anyway, it was supposedly very short but it was extended with some funny questions asked to the perwson doing the thing. I got the question which person do I like the most among all the NCOs, CIs and HOs. At first I told Wee Siong sir it was him, then I changed to Peck Hor sir. Then Alvin sir went to record what I had said with his phone. Lol..... Next activity was Wardens Walk, we had to walk along a length of rope using another surporting rope tied to one end. Very fun. Couldn't beat the record though. Double Line was our last station and it was the same as last year and it was still ok. Dinner was next and then night activities came. First the group had to solve word puzzles to find out what the next checkpoint was. At the checkpoint, we had to find a letter of the alphabet pasted somewhere in the area. We had to record down the letters and then piece all of them together to find the last checkpoint which was the finishing point. We did it quite quickly and we were the first to finish the activity. So, our group won a bottle of sprite! A cold one some more. We shared it with Yi Bin's and Jason's group. Terence's group was last and they took unusually long for some reason. They didn't manage to complete it in the end. The last activity fr the night was Dual Night and I was paired with Han Wen. We were assigned to sit outside the computer lab. Quite boring with the occasional passes of the sirs. I was half asleep then :P At about 12am we gathered at the track and were debriefed before wash up and lights out. No one bathed that night. Went for sentry at 4am, our time slot. Actually, we just went there and talked cock. The actual sentry we would do it the next night. It was raining too.


Fire drill at 5+am, were damn slow and got scolded for coming down late. Got pumped. Went back to the bunk and had to go down again, this time much faster. Got scolded again cause some groups' rations and I think flags got stolen. Ours didn't get stolen, lucky.

Have to go out now. Will continue later or tomorrow. See ya! :)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Ok, here to post. Yesterday morning at 12:30am till like 1am was smsing Zhao Ming talking a lot lot of stuff. Apparrently she was doing the same thing with some others. No surprise why her smses keep bombing. First lesson of Han for the year (for 2007). Sat between Yan Lin and Clement. Quite funny, the first part of the lesson, cause Clement was chosen a few times for a few times some came out quite funny. Lol.... After that went off, Yan Lin went for her usual piano lesson at the community centre I guess, while Clement and I went downstairs and chatted along the away. Then, met Hilary, my cousin, who apparrently came for make-up class cause she didn't come on Friday cause of some festive thingy or something like that. Went home, couldn't play golf cause it was raining.

Before I slept, I went to AH YES at many people's blog. Lol..... AH YES strikes back!!!


Black Knights training number 6!! (Not Burger King) PT was quite ok. Ben Lee, Jason, Rui Jie, Ming Hao and Louis didn't come, so we were short handed. 14 people, not enough. Then at that time, we made stupid mistakes like Kian Boon having gloves of the same hand, which is my fault, cause I lent him the gloves but I gave him the wrong one. It included other things but shan't say it. So as a result, we pumped TWENTY. We pumped by spelling out the number and then saying the number, so in total it was like 100 over push-ups. Great deal man. Worked on a number of parts of the performance. At one part for some reason when saying the timing I fumbled many times and just couldn't say the timing. Dunno why.

Just as Wee Siong sir was debreifing us, the drama started. It was gradual and it wasn't very nice. I wasn't sure what happened before cause Terence and I went to the bookshop. Then we saw Xing Yu in it as well. What followed was not a very pleasant scene. These sort of things are family matters and we can't do anything about it. I just felt that the person was a bit harsh in the tone with phrases like "don't waste my time" etc. Not nice at all. Hope he's ok now.

After that wen to S11 for lunch with a number of the Black Knights. Buying bubble tea followed. On the way back to J8, Yi Bin and I discussed about some things that we had discovered. Very interesting stuff about them. :) Shared with him cheese fries from KFC as well then went to popular to buy paint for our flags. Headed back to school to do the flags until 8+ before we weren't very comfortable with the atmosphere of the school and got out. Took a bus home and had to walk in the rain from the bustop to my house. Up till now, it's still raining at my side here.

Tomorrow is tying the rope obstacles for Annual Camp.

2 days to Annual Camp!
14 days to 2007!!


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Seriously nothing much today, morning had camp group meeting. Some meeting -.- Benjamin didn't come, Xing Yu didn't come, Jian Zhong didn't come. So it was only Han Wen, Yong Kang and me. Discussed with them some campfire songs and other things. Also discussed on the cheer and the flag design. After that showed them the bunks at classrooms 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9 and 3-1 all based on 2006. Craaap, my next year's classroom is like at level 5?! Have to climb the stairs all the way there -.-

In the afternoon went to play golf. Played quite well for the first 9. 49 strokes. Can be better.

Tomorrow Han starts!!! Yes! Can see old friends again. Hope I can still fit in with the class. Also hope that the teacher doesn't be biased against me.....

I think Hua Peng's in China. Hope he's enjoying himself if he is. :)


Friday, December 15, 2006

Something's wrong. My previous post is gone. Crap. Anyway yesterday went to Wild Wild Wet with Matthew and family. Last outing with them before they return to Perth. Reached there Matthew, Robert and my bro got changed. Me? Let's just say that I didn't really feel like swimming. Irony huh? I wear a swimming badge on my NP uniform and I don't like swimming. Lol...... Ate a bit then read my book before taking photos. Here's some pics.

Group photo! (Left to right) Me! My brother. Robert. Matthew (He's the same age as me but he's like so much shorter than me. How come? His dad's tall alright. His mum's genes perhaps?)

Lol..... Matthew giving his spastic look in the river thingy.

0.0 Heads up down there!

Me. With some of the rides or whatever you wish to call it behind. I look stupid in sunglasses.

Robert! Like his brother, a bit crazy at times.

It rained heavily at about 1+pm. So we left and went for lunch. Oh yah, guess who I met at Wild Wil Wet? Nicholas Chee!!! Long time no see! :) At the food court there met Glennson Ong. Also saw that ex St. Johns guy called Kendrick or something like that. After lunch went to the club. Played bowling, pool, a bit of games and table tennis. Craaap, forgot all my training in the past now play total rubbish. Bowling was quite ok, highest score was about 120 I think. After that was time for goodbyes. :( Hope to see them again. :D


Black Knights training No.5! Learnt the whole procedure till the end. I like the 13-hit combo man..... It rocks. It was a bit nuts. We did drills for like 2 hours before we went for water break. The timer's job is getting tougher too. I have to coordinate with the music for the first part and it's difficult, especially for our first bang. I need an assistant timer!!! Then Peck Hor sir was like asking some people to pump then they didn't know he was referring to them so they owe 90 in the end. Two people dropped their baton, can't remember who. At the end of training we had to do some punishments by carrying some people around. We cheated a bit. :P Then there was one part where we had to finish all the cans of coke for the CO people I think. Lol.... Super gassy. Then it was time for Annual Camp briefing. Group I/Cs are Jason, Yi Bin, Terence, Ken and Me. My group members are Benjamin(A.I/C), Xing Yu, Jian Zhong, Rui Jie (again), Han Wen, Yong Kang and Xavier -.- Our group name's Ironman. Lol.... The other three Sec 2s in my group are those PT damn zai one. Wah... I'm the weakest. One Last Man Standing, one chin up dam zai and one running damn zai. Sec 1s seem ok, Rui Jie shouldn't be a problem, Han Wen is quite ok, Yong Kang the same. Xavier..... -.- Talked to him on the phone just now and he was like very unenthusiastic. How to get best group like that?!

Having camp group meeting tomorrow. Should sleep soon. See ya! :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


4th Black Knights training. Morning PT was not bad. Ran two rounds around the track with a time limit. We came back late then owe 50, then plus 50 we owed Zi Ming sir for falling in slowly. Did 100 at once. Still have no idea how I managed to pull through. In the second 50, we did 10 diamond, 10 wide arm and 10 with one leg up. When we finished didn't feel like dying yet, luckily. Did sit-ups after that then PT was over. Went to drills after that. We learnt more of the procedure. After the "die luo han", it seems like the rest of the performance is like last years'. The house and the wave following after that. That's where we have learnt until. I guess after that is the butterfly thingy then the 13 hit combo. My favourite!!! Yes!!! Guess being the timer for the performance isn't easy. Especially at the part for the baton volley. Those who were asked to be timer by the sirs would probably know. I'll be panting after the 2 baton volleys. It's nuts.

After training Darius sir asked the Sec 2s to stay back to discuss on our posts. We were to close our eyes and raise our hand for any of the posts that we wanted when the NCOs mentioned it. I know, the truth's out. Who ever knows what I'm talking about please don't criticize me or something. It's just an aim. After that went to play a bit of basketball with sirs. Jun Wei's wallet apparrently got stolen. Later also heard that James Loo's stuff also got stolen.


Went to Bishan North to have lunch with Xing Yu, Kah Hoe and Jason (did not eat). JASON I ADVISE YOU TO EAT AND EXCERSISE TO KEEP THIN, NOT BY NOT EATING!!!!!! IT'S TOTALLY NOT HEALTHY I TELL YOU. YOU'LL SUFFER HEALTH PROBLEMS IN FUTURE IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFULL!!! Crapped a bit then we split up. Didn't play golf cause it was raining and I was too tired.


Had piano lesson in the morning, then my cousin came over. We played some card games and chess. Then I had to go for Blackbox and he had to go home. I want to go to his house to play PS2!!!!!! My parents probably won't allow though. *Sigh* Apparrebtly it was the last lesson of Blackbox. Next lesson's on 9th of January.

I don't believe it, I'm playing golf later in the morning and I'm here blogging late at night. Oh my...... It's like 1:10am?! Craaaap. Going to sleep. Nights. :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ah well..... It's the end of the weekends and tomorrow is the start of a new week.

Yesterday had golf competition. Don't bother asking how I did. It was like every other time. Bad.
As with other things, when it's time to perform, I never perform. Haiz......

Today was nothing much. Went to my grandparents' house for lunch (They live VERY near by). After that went to the club for golf. It rained a bit and play was suspended for a while then it continued. Went down with the rest of Trent's students. We were playing behind Greg's students and they were like short of people to make up a full flight (4 people). So it ended up with some girl called Wei Min I think went to join some other girls while Elijah and I joined up with Kevin and Guo Sheng. I played total crap. Didn't bother to keep score. I was playing with like two of Greg's students?! Those are the people whose golf is damn zai..... Ask me to play with them sure tio own. It came true. We were playing with people much younger than me some more..... The sky looked very threatening and the siren finally sounded for suspension of play. I also discovered that the base of my golf bag had cracked apart and some of my golf clubs' grips were sticking out. Need to replace my bag right away if I want to play somemore. After that went to have dinner with Elijah and family. Talked a bit of what he might experience in Secondary school. After that then came home. Nothing to comment on the day.

YES!!!!! My parents and brother are coming back tonight!!!! Yeah!

Black Knights tomorrow again.


Friday, December 08, 2006

Yeesterday was like a total waste of time. Just sat in front of the com doing nothing. Craaaaap. I seriously hate wasting a day. I should have done some work or read my book. Haiz......

Today was Black Knights training number 3!!! Usual things. PT was quite ok. Drills we learnt quite a lot. Apparrently the procedure for our performance is similar to last years' except of the part of the human pyramid. Quite fun actually. During training we were also challenged to stack our batons as quickly as possible before we went for water break. Had to do it many times before we did it more or less ok. I seriously think that Wei Rong is seriously a poor guy. So many times for so many things he is stuck being a reserve. Horizon Challenge he was a reserve, Black Knights he's also a reserve. Xing Yu, Benjamin and myself went to asl Wee Siong sir about it and he asked us to tell him to learn Jun Wei's movements or whtaever you call it. Hope he'll gain a bit more confidence in himself. Go buddy! You have the capability! =)

After training we went to play basketball with the NCOs. Initially I didn't play and watched them play from the fitness corner. Dunno how Minron got into the game. Anyway, they finished one game then a whole lot of them left. Then we played a match against the NCOs. Very fun game I must say. Benjamin and Xing Yu ended up going to Bishan North to buy some drinks. They came back then we sort of shared what we had cause we were damn thirsty. So they ended up taking our orders and went back there to buy the whole lot of stuff. We continued playing and they took a damn long time to come back. It turned out that they also bought otah, for themselves, duh. They were kind enough to share it with us though. Somehow the oders were a bit mixed up, can't blame them. Everyone took a break then we continued playing with Benjiamin and Xing Yu joining in. Wee Siong sir was like damn high and was making some chinese commentary on the play and it was hilarious sia..... We were laughing our heads off. Lol...... Geesh, I seriously need to improve if I want to enjoy basketball. I have to shoot like 5 to 10 times before I can score?? That's how bad I am. Sometimes it may not even go in.... Haiz..... Played like crazy all the way until about 4+pm then went to S11 to eat. Our super late lunch. After that went to that bubble tea shop which sells it with the pudding. Kian Boon wanted to buy fries and we waited for like damn long. While waiting we talked a lot of NP and other stuff. At about 5:20pm left Junction 8 for home. Slacked a bit and here I am now.

Tomorrow there's a golf competition and it's strokeplay. Craaap. Hope I don't screw up or my game is gone. Have to focus.......

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Damn long time since I last blogged, so here's a brief outline of these few days.


Played golf as usual, played total rubbish. Then went to pick up some Australian friends. They were actually Singaporeans but they migrated there long ago. They were here en route to Japan for their holiday. We picked them up and they were almost the same. Matthew's the older one and if I'm not wrong, he's the same age as me, but he's still like so miuch shorter than me. He looks way younger too. (I look damn old next to him :p) If you look at him compared to me, you'll probably say that he's P5, P6 or Sec1. Went for dinner at Newton Food Centre (I think) and the food there is like.... OMG, so expensive. One plate of chicken rice is like $5?! Ok, maybe cause there's a drumstick there. After that, went to Mustafa centre to buy some stuff. Mostly we were looking at watches. I got a metal watch and this nice little clock for my table. It's a bit difficult to read though. The watch is nice man....... It's not those expensive types, below $40. After that sent them back to the hotel and went home to sleep.


First day of Black Knights!!!!! We falled in on the track at 8am and then had PT. Quite tough. The first to fall out were Sec2s (so malu), then the Sec1s falled out. Woah, that Sebastian guy is damn strong sia, better than Jackson (Both Sec1s). Present were Peck Hor sir and Alvin sir, the two more "terrifying" CIs. So, what do you expect? It WAS tough. Went to drills session and we started on the procedure. Our drills weren't so good. Haiz..... I think PT drained our energy like siao already...... End of training CIs started talking a bit of stuff then dismiss. We managed to borrow the basketball from sirs and we played a bit. After that went to Bishan market to buy drinks and the rest wanted to go somewhere for bowling. I didn't join them cause I had to go home. After that went for golf training. Bloody hell hot cause the range was like closed due to maitainence works and we had to hit on the grass outside which was like damn soft. I was super tired by then cause I slept around 1 the previous night and there was PT early in the morning. Guess my coach thought that we were damn free in the holidays and thought that I had an attitude problem just because I was very tired -.- After that went to the course to play 9 holes with Jeremy and Eugene (not the guy that we all know). We were joined by some guy who was wearing a wig. Lol..... He wasn't really nice, didn't speak much to us, or should I say almost nothing to us. I never seem to be able to play well on Hole 5 & 6. Damn..... Saturday how? On Hole 6 Eugene teed off many times cause his shots went into the water and he had the Junior Championship game the next day. The guy sort of got frustratedand said he was leaving and he went to play the hole of the second 9 parallel to Hole 6 -.- I mean, ok Eugene shouldn't have teed off so many times, but he shouldn't have just left like that. Played until Hole 7 then gave up cause I was running out of golf balls.


Went for breakfast with Matthew and family at somewhere in Tiong Bahru. Quite a filling breakfast I must say. Robert (Matthew's younger brother) wasn't feeling well cause of something he ate the previous night. So after breakfast sent them back to the hotel. They left the same day for Japan. Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves! :) They'll be back next Tuesday I think en route to Perth. Hope can play soccer with them. I haven't played properly in weeks!!!! Went to Blackbox for lesson and Miss Chan told us some stories of a certain someone who was damn clumsy and spilled stuff in class many a times. Too bad our dear clumsy friend LING LI didn't come for class!!! Haiz... Cannot suan her.


Second Black Knights training!!! PT was more interesting cause after running we had to sprint 50m to some point and do 10 crunches and 10 wide-arm push-ups. After that we had to run back. Then went to drills session. Learned quite a lot more of the procedure. Turns out that this years' procedure is almost the same as last years'. We learned until the baton volley. Got some advice about the timing from Peck Hor sir and Si Ming sir. Have to improve my timing. After training went home cause had to see my parents and brother off. They went to Bangkok for a golfing trip with the club. They are probably playing one competition right now. Hope they'll have an enjoyable and safe trip. :) They'll be back on Sunday.

Should I play golf today? I dunno...... I'll talk about Annual Hike some other time I guess.

I'm going to play with my baton after this. Have practice if I want to stay in Black Knights.....

There's something wrong with our CHSNPCC website. It's like not there any more. Don't know what going on.......

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I'm Back!!!!

These few days were packed with activities and they were nuts man...... So, expect this to be a long post.

Tuesday, Start of OAL camp:

Went to school about 7:30am, realised that I had forgotten to bring my sleeping bag. I had actually prepared it and left it with my stuff to bring but guess went rushing out I kind of forgot it. Lucky my Dad managed to come and pass it to me. Thanks Dad! :) The I/Cs came and we went into our groups. My group members were as far as I can remember: Ivan, Warren, Samuel Ng, Xing Yu, Terence, Myself, John, Timothy, Li Song, Clement, Alvin and Rong Yang. We were given a chinese map cause we had to WALK there. Yes, walk there. The map was in chinese some more and my chinese is like not that good? We sort of planned a route in the end but didn't actually use it cause Li Song knew the way to the Expo on foot. The teacher accompanying us was Miss Zheng and the our two I/Cs were Ryan Hong and Shun Yu sir. We went on and were like quite near Benjamin's group. Lost them eventually but we had a route so no problem. We walked a damn long way, eventually reached some place near Ubi I think. A coffee shop where we had lunch. Terence, Xing Yu and Myself ate $1.50 chicken rice. Still felt hungry after that so I shared another portion of chicken rice with Terence while Xing Yu ate another plate to himself. We sure were hungry. It started raining heavily while we were eating and we waited till it lightned up before continued our journey. One of the more memorable breaks we had was when we stopped at some place with a KFC. We wanted to go in to rest but was afraid to get chased out cause we didn't buy anything. Then Miss Zheng asked us to go in and treated us to drinks! Thanks! There was a point where we had come to a dead end along the road and the only way was to cross the road and cut across expressways, which was not allowed. We were debating like crazy. Guess who we met? Mr Victor Tey!!! For some reason, he was driving along the road and apparently saw us and talked to us, blah, blah, blah. We made a decision and crossed the many roads which were expressways. It was like the craziest thing that I had ever done and I personally feel that it was quite dangerous, but quite fun. :) Alvin actually suffered the most cause he had a blister on his toe earlier and was asked to change into his slippers. Those expressways the grass patch that divided them, you know what I mean, was like thick with grass and Alvin had to trudge through them, must have been real uncomfortable. We eventually reached the campsite and we were like cheering our heads off. We reached there about 5:20pm, the second group. The first group was Bemjamin's group who reached at 4:20pm. We rested for a while then had some more ice breakers and reflections. We had settled into our bunks after the third group arrived. Just before dinner, the last group arrived, Mr Goh Kee Yong's group. From what I heard, they had to go back to Bishan over and over again cause some people could not remember their group mates' names. When we were in Serangoon, they were still in Bishan. WTH. Still, they managed to reach the camp. I really admire their peservereance. Anyway, we had dinner then went to do some first-aid and campcraft. There's this joke going around in the camp that when there was once when the I/Cs asked us how much time we needed to get our utensils, Samuel Lim straight away said without thinking cause nobody answered and shouted:"Twenty minutes I/C!" We were like sniggering cause of that. Lol.... Lights out was at around 12 I think, but no one could sleep cause we were near the airport and there were aeroplanes landing like every 5 minutes. WTH. Then after about 15 minutes, Gabriel I/C pooped his head in and said very casually:"Fire." He had to say it twice berfore we got the message and everyone rushed down. It was short and sweet then we went back to sleep.

Next morning, or should I say that morning, was woken up at around 5 by the aeroplanes landing. Good alarm clock. :) After falling in we went for morning P.T, which was to repay the 22 rounds around the campsite that we owed Mr Goh KY. Long story for that. We ran 10 rounds then stopped and went for breakfast. After that, we went for kayaking. I must sya that was something that was quiute fun. We kayaked for quite a distance. At one point, we were asked to beach and we were like lectured on quite a number of things like leaving people who were stuggling behind. Mr Goh YH then scolded some people for not bringing their water bottles. It was not their fault though, some of them lent their bottles to others while some lost their cap etc. He can really be unreasonable sometimes. When kayaking back it was quite tough cause we were going against the current and salt water kept getting into mine and Xing Yu's eyes. Besides that, I couldn't drink water properly cause my lips were full of salt. Sian.... Cleaned the kayaks then went to wash up. I showered but didn't use soap cause there wasn't enough time to do so many things as I neeeded to do something else. Twenty minutes for everything? WTH. Had lunch after that. The funny thng about us was that whenever we were in the canteen and an aeroplane passed, we would all turn around to look at the plane. Lol...... In the afternoon, we planned some orienteering activity for the Sec 2's next year at some park. Wasn't really interesting and I nearly fell asleep while Mr Goh KY was explaining something to us. Nothing much on that then we went back to camp and presented our ideas. We had dinner then planned somethings for next years' Sec 1 BURST programme and Sec 2 camp. We did the planning for the Sec 1 BURST programme and we listed some do's and dont's and I presented on behalf of our group. Nothing much after that then it was lights out at 11:45pm.

However, Wee Siong sir wanted to see us and us NP people gathered in the canteen and at about 12 we started. The reason Wee Siong sir called us was let us reflect on ourselves during the camp so far and other things. Firstly, the person would say what post he wanted and then the others would comment on him during the camp as well as with their personal opinions. When it came back to the person he would give his own comments and his rating for himself. Then Wee Siong sir, Darius sir and Shun Yu sir would give their comments. Darius sir also told us the comments of the I/Cs as well. In a way you could call this a confession session. One by one it went around. Apparrently, Wee Siong sir thinks that Yi Bin should aim for something higher than the Logistics head. Go for it Yi Bin!!!! For me, my squadmates gave comments like I was brave or something like that. ???? Still don't get that part. Of course, they also commented on my old problem, which I was at times a spoilsport and dampened people's moods by being too strict or something. Sorry guys, I'll change that. My post that I was aiming for was quite obvious, something I had been aiming for for quite some time: Sec 3 Drill Instructor. It's like the Part C UDI for NCC. Some people are asking me to aim for higher though. Not sure whether I can make it to my desired post...... Who knows? I'll decide next year. Wee Siong sir's comments for me were quite good I think. Darius sir said the same thing for me as I said for Benjamin, give others a chance sometimes. I agree on that. I think Shun Yu sir said something like I was sticking too much to my own squadmates and was not mixing around. I agree with that as well. After that was our comments on the sirs. We talked all the way until about 3am. We were quite tired but I feel that it was worth it as we found our strengths and weaknesses and for some, gained more confidence in themselves.

Wanted to wake up at 5 later but ended up waking up at 6. Finshed our remaining 11 rounds during morning P.T, had breakfast then went for the confidence course. We were taught how to belay and I felt it was a bit difficult if you don't do it properly. All the more, it was quite fun. Started raining after that and the teachers set up a mock belay system under the I/Cs bunks. After that was area cleaning, which was done in a jiffy. We then had our lunch and got on the bus back to school. On the journey, Mr Goh YH kept asking us to sing songs so we sang Ain't No Mountain High Enough over and over again. WTH, on foot from Catholic High to Changi Coast Adventure Centre we took about 7 hours while the bus ride back took about only 20 minutes. Then in school, Mr Goh YH kept ranting on about the notebooks etc, a whole lot of crap. Then dismiss!! Yeah!

I felt that the camp was quite good and we probably gained a bit more proper leadership qualities. I also made quite a number of new friends. However, I felt that the camp was very slack compared to our NP Annual Camp, especially when there is ___ and ___. NP guys you know who I'm talking about.

Woah, this is a long post, I'll post about Annual Hike later.

To tell the truth, I was quite disappointed to see my tagboard so quiet when I came back. Until now it's still quite quiet. Thanks to Dennis, Melvin and Ling Li for livening it up a bit. START TAGGING PEOPLE. :) Check back later!

Boy, this post took a hell of a time to type. :)

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail