Friday, December 15, 2006

Something's wrong. My previous post is gone. Crap. Anyway yesterday went to Wild Wild Wet with Matthew and family. Last outing with them before they return to Perth. Reached there Matthew, Robert and my bro got changed. Me? Let's just say that I didn't really feel like swimming. Irony huh? I wear a swimming badge on my NP uniform and I don't like swimming. Lol...... Ate a bit then read my book before taking photos. Here's some pics.

Group photo! (Left to right) Me! My brother. Robert. Matthew (He's the same age as me but he's like so much shorter than me. How come? His dad's tall alright. His mum's genes perhaps?)

Lol..... Matthew giving his spastic look in the river thingy.

0.0 Heads up down there!

Me. With some of the rides or whatever you wish to call it behind. I look stupid in sunglasses.

Robert! Like his brother, a bit crazy at times.

It rained heavily at about 1+pm. So we left and went for lunch. Oh yah, guess who I met at Wild Wil Wet? Nicholas Chee!!! Long time no see! :) At the food court there met Glennson Ong. Also saw that ex St. Johns guy called Kendrick or something like that. After lunch went to the club. Played bowling, pool, a bit of games and table tennis. Craaap, forgot all my training in the past now play total rubbish. Bowling was quite ok, highest score was about 120 I think. After that was time for goodbyes. :( Hope to see them again. :D


Black Knights training No.5! Learnt the whole procedure till the end. I like the 13-hit combo man..... It rocks. It was a bit nuts. We did drills for like 2 hours before we went for water break. The timer's job is getting tougher too. I have to coordinate with the music for the first part and it's difficult, especially for our first bang. I need an assistant timer!!! Then Peck Hor sir was like asking some people to pump then they didn't know he was referring to them so they owe 90 in the end. Two people dropped their baton, can't remember who. At the end of training we had to do some punishments by carrying some people around. We cheated a bit. :P Then there was one part where we had to finish all the cans of coke for the CO people I think. Lol.... Super gassy. Then it was time for Annual Camp briefing. Group I/Cs are Jason, Yi Bin, Terence, Ken and Me. My group members are Benjamin(A.I/C), Xing Yu, Jian Zhong, Rui Jie (again), Han Wen, Yong Kang and Xavier -.- Our group name's Ironman. Lol.... The other three Sec 2s in my group are those PT damn zai one. Wah... I'm the weakest. One Last Man Standing, one chin up dam zai and one running damn zai. Sec 1s seem ok, Rui Jie shouldn't be a problem, Han Wen is quite ok, Yong Kang the same. Xavier..... -.- Talked to him on the phone just now and he was like very unenthusiastic. How to get best group like that?!

Having camp group meeting tomorrow. Should sleep soon. See ya! :)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail