Sunday, December 31, 2006

2006 is coming to a close

Ah well, very soon 2006 will be gone forever and it's time for 2007. I guess I'll do a bit of reflections about my year as far as I remember. Well.... here goes....

My Journey 2006

1) Entered class 2-7
2) Went for Sec 2 camp, was a real jerk/idiot there.
3) Learned loads of stuff in class. (I remember sleeping in some classes :P)
4) Muster Parade 1. Promoted to Lance Corporal with third class drill badge and total defence badge.
5) Went back to ATS during CNY, not many I knew were there. Mr Chia was on MC I think -.-
6) NP Day, celebrated on 5th May (I think), wore full-u for the whole day. CHSNPCC got Gold for UOPA!!!
7) Started SYFOC parade trainings. Didn't get into GOH and wear first-u. :(
8) Went to Sydney for holiday. Stayed in Uncle Eric and Family's house.
9) Missed the Passing Out Parade of 27th Batch. :(
10) Went for SANA Course
11) 1st July-- SYF Opening Ceremony Parade. NPCC surporting contingent
12) 1st July-- CHS Homecoming (Did almost nothing cause of SYFOC)
13) Became Assistant Class Chairman of 2-7.
14) Went for .22 revovlver live shoot.
15) 7th August-- School based NDP parade. NPCC GOH Contingent. Used Mark-4s :)
16) 11th to 13th August-- 1st Adventure Training Camp(ATC) for our squad at Pulau Ubin. Made some friends from RI in our group and met some incorrigible people.
17) Went back to ATS again for Teacher's Day. Met a number of ex-6D guys, went to Pizza Hut for lunch.
18) Muster Parade 2. Promoted to Corporal with SANA badge, Campcraft badge and Safety First badge.
19) Sat for FYE. Did so so.
20) Project Work Finals. Won Second prize. :)
21) That fateful day that was not unexpected but it was devastating for the whole family.
22) Holidays!!
23) Marshalling for Traffic Games Day at the Expo.
24) Civil Defence course.
25) Went for OAL camp. Learned some very useful things there.
26) Annual Hike at Pulau Ubin. Group won "Most Number of Checkpoints visited award"
27) Black Knights trainings.
28) Annual Camp at school. Won best camper. Unit won challenge shield.

Ah well, these are basically some of the more important things that have happened as far as I remember. I'm not sure if I'm ready for 2007. It's going to be a tough and demanding year ahead. It would also be the year that we will shine, take on more responsibilities and experience more things.

Hopes for 2007

1) Lead Sec 1s and 2s 2007 properly and well during their respective activites.
2) 28th Batch to get gold and those selected for NPDP to wear first-u.
3) To get promoted to Sergeant at the first Muster Parade in first half of year.
4) To do well in studies.
5) To grow taller.
6) To get the post that I would like in our NCO Council.
7) Be first batch of Staff Sergeants (If I can become sergeant by first Muster Parade that is)
8) 29th Batch to get Gold for UOPA.
9) To be a MUCH better person.

At this point here, I would also like to take the opportunity to say a sincere sorry to many of those that I had either offended, let down or whatever I had done "bad" to this year. I'm really sorry for being such a jerk. I'm really sorry for being such a nuisance, I'm really sorry for my lousy attitudes towards you guys. I'm really sorry to have let you guys down. Especially the guys and teachers of 2-7.

January is going to be real hell for OALs. Whole lot of stuff to attend to. Just hope I'll be able to cope.

I wonder if I'll be able to fit into 3-10 properly.....

My hair is bloody short now. Crap.

I'm going to dread chemistry as well. Cause there's something in there which is going to spur people to start making fun of me again......

Playing golf again tomorrow. Will also go to my parents' friend's house for the countdown tomorrow.

Wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance. :)

A FEW MORE HOURS!!! Are you ready for what comes next?


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail