Monday, December 18, 2006

Ok, here to post. Yesterday morning at 12:30am till like 1am was smsing Zhao Ming talking a lot lot of stuff. Apparrently she was doing the same thing with some others. No surprise why her smses keep bombing. First lesson of Han for the year (for 2007). Sat between Yan Lin and Clement. Quite funny, the first part of the lesson, cause Clement was chosen a few times for a few times some came out quite funny. Lol.... After that went off, Yan Lin went for her usual piano lesson at the community centre I guess, while Clement and I went downstairs and chatted along the away. Then, met Hilary, my cousin, who apparrently came for make-up class cause she didn't come on Friday cause of some festive thingy or something like that. Went home, couldn't play golf cause it was raining.

Before I slept, I went to AH YES at many people's blog. Lol..... AH YES strikes back!!!


Black Knights training number 6!! (Not Burger King) PT was quite ok. Ben Lee, Jason, Rui Jie, Ming Hao and Louis didn't come, so we were short handed. 14 people, not enough. Then at that time, we made stupid mistakes like Kian Boon having gloves of the same hand, which is my fault, cause I lent him the gloves but I gave him the wrong one. It included other things but shan't say it. So as a result, we pumped TWENTY. We pumped by spelling out the number and then saying the number, so in total it was like 100 over push-ups. Great deal man. Worked on a number of parts of the performance. At one part for some reason when saying the timing I fumbled many times and just couldn't say the timing. Dunno why.

Just as Wee Siong sir was debreifing us, the drama started. It was gradual and it wasn't very nice. I wasn't sure what happened before cause Terence and I went to the bookshop. Then we saw Xing Yu in it as well. What followed was not a very pleasant scene. These sort of things are family matters and we can't do anything about it. I just felt that the person was a bit harsh in the tone with phrases like "don't waste my time" etc. Not nice at all. Hope he's ok now.

After that wen to S11 for lunch with a number of the Black Knights. Buying bubble tea followed. On the way back to J8, Yi Bin and I discussed about some things that we had discovered. Very interesting stuff about them. :) Shared with him cheese fries from KFC as well then went to popular to buy paint for our flags. Headed back to school to do the flags until 8+ before we weren't very comfortable with the atmosphere of the school and got out. Took a bus home and had to walk in the rain from the bustop to my house. Up till now, it's still raining at my side here.

Tomorrow is tying the rope obstacles for Annual Camp.

2 days to Annual Camp!
14 days to 2007!!



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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail