Monday, December 25, 2006

Ok, Christmas is nearly over, approximately another 45 minutes or so I guess. I kept thinking it was Sunday...... Dunno why, must be the holiday feeling. Nothing much to celebrate today, just went to play 18 holes and played crap again. Anyway, let's get back to Annual Camp. I know it's boring. :) What the heck, nothing much to blog about anyway.

So where was I? Oh yeah. Had morning PT from 6++am. Push-ups, leg raise, jumping jacks. Pretty decent. Apparrently some Sec 1s are not used to PT in the morning. Well they better adjust fast, Sec 2 camp's coming up for them. Done with that then it was breakfast. Mr Goh (NP teacher) apparrently thought that our rations weren't enough, so he got all of us some extra rations like biscuits and bread. Thank You Mr Goh! Morning activities were Team building games dry, pretty fun. Lunch then the wet segment of team building games. One activity required us to transfer some water balloons for something, very complicated to explain. Anyway, the Sec 2s had to commando crawl on the track for one part. So well, all of us got injured I think. Jian Zhong's injuries were the worst. He got cut on his feet as well, so he couldn't wear his shoes.

After dinner was the campfire. So many exCHSNPCC NCOs came, mainly from 27th batch. Tiong Hui sir never come. :( Kang Rui sir and Qi Chao sir came too!! Well, since there was a bit of rain, we had to hold the campfire at the gallery, using candles, hurricane lamps and pressure lamps. Mr Azman came too man... I was tasked to shout the command for the clapping for some of the 8 basic songs. It was tough cause I was having a sore throat from shouting our group cheer with my voicebox too much. Should have used my diaphragm more. Still managed to do it though, although I definitely sounded funny. I made some last minute changes to our skit and I think I screwed it up, what do you guys think? Night walk was next. I paired up with Rui Jie and went for our activity. Got stuck at the first checkpoint for a damn long time. I also kept wanting to go to the toilet, must have been the cold weather. Jia Sheng got scolded for sleeping during debrief session. -.- Sentry that night was the actual one except it was indoors cause it was raining.


Last day of camp. Started with PT, some excersie then it was Ironman competition. First obstacle was to run 2.4km 12 minutes and under to qualify for next round. Later they raised it to 12 minutes & 30 seconds for Sec 2s and 14 minutes for Sec 1s I think. I didn't qualify :( My running no good. Timing was 13 minutes and 23 seconds. Slow sia. Push-ups was the next stage. Pump until 100 over then Xing Yu, Wei Rong and Jun Wei were the last ones left. They competed in chin-ups and obviously Xing Yu won. Jian Zhong was so sad till he cried cause he had the power to do all the stages, only because he was injured and was not allowed to participate in the competition. Poor guy, twice in a row unable to compete in the pumping competition. Jason had gastric and couldn't run the 2.4km. He was greatly weakened by that. Breakfast, last meal in the camp. Quite ok..... After that was area cleaning. Si Ming sir was angry with us for not able to clear some chairs fast enough and shortened our area cleaning time. Got scolded by the CIs later for that. Brought our bags down and gathered. Then there was the competitve games of basketball with Yi Bin's group owning everyone. (No surprise). The OALs then went to attend some briefing about next year. Seems like January will be hell for us. Daryl sir then came to call us for prize presentation cause Mr Azman was there.

At the prize presentation, Mr Azman presented the Challenge Shield to Mr Goh, a great achievement for the unit. Sadly, it's confirmed that Mr Lee Chang Hong is retiring some time next year :( Then it was the prizes for the camp.

Congratulations to Xing Yu for winning the the Ironman award. Great birthday present :)
Congratulations to Yi Bin for winning the best group award as the I/C of his group.
Congratulations to Sebastian for winning the Sec 1 Best Camper award.

I won the Sec 2 Best Camper award!!! Woohoo!!! Can't believe it man.... I thought I screwed up too many times already to be eligible for it.

We were dismissed after that then some of the OALs went to take our OAL shirt. Then we went to J8 KFC. The NCOs were there too, so the KFC was like super crowded with CHSNPCC cadets. Later I realised that I had forgotten to take Wei Rong's shirt for him and ran back to Cat High alone to get it. Went into Mr Goh's office to take the last L shirt and ran back. Now, I realize that the one I took for him was a 2003 shirt -.- Real dumb, have to change it again. How did it end up there anyway? We split up after that and I went home.

There was some early christmas party at our neighbours house. Sometimes I really feel a bit lonely in the neighbourhood, as in with the children. It's hard to explain. Anyway, had to resort to doing some lame things to keep entertained like monopoly, hide and seek (????!!! We're like 14 and 15 years old already??!!!) and talking crap. Geesh.

Back to the camp. I really thought that the camp was fun though a bit taxing. I must say that 28th Batch has done quite a decent job. :)

1 week till 2007!!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail