Wednesday, December 13, 2006


4th Black Knights training. Morning PT was not bad. Ran two rounds around the track with a time limit. We came back late then owe 50, then plus 50 we owed Zi Ming sir for falling in slowly. Did 100 at once. Still have no idea how I managed to pull through. In the second 50, we did 10 diamond, 10 wide arm and 10 with one leg up. When we finished didn't feel like dying yet, luckily. Did sit-ups after that then PT was over. Went to drills after that. We learnt more of the procedure. After the "die luo han", it seems like the rest of the performance is like last years'. The house and the wave following after that. That's where we have learnt until. I guess after that is the butterfly thingy then the 13 hit combo. My favourite!!! Yes!!! Guess being the timer for the performance isn't easy. Especially at the part for the baton volley. Those who were asked to be timer by the sirs would probably know. I'll be panting after the 2 baton volleys. It's nuts.

After training Darius sir asked the Sec 2s to stay back to discuss on our posts. We were to close our eyes and raise our hand for any of the posts that we wanted when the NCOs mentioned it. I know, the truth's out. Who ever knows what I'm talking about please don't criticize me or something. It's just an aim. After that went to play a bit of basketball with sirs. Jun Wei's wallet apparrently got stolen. Later also heard that James Loo's stuff also got stolen.


Went to Bishan North to have lunch with Xing Yu, Kah Hoe and Jason (did not eat). JASON I ADVISE YOU TO EAT AND EXCERSISE TO KEEP THIN, NOT BY NOT EATING!!!!!! IT'S TOTALLY NOT HEALTHY I TELL YOU. YOU'LL SUFFER HEALTH PROBLEMS IN FUTURE IF YOU'RE NOT CAREFULL!!! Crapped a bit then we split up. Didn't play golf cause it was raining and I was too tired.


Had piano lesson in the morning, then my cousin came over. We played some card games and chess. Then I had to go for Blackbox and he had to go home. I want to go to his house to play PS2!!!!!! My parents probably won't allow though. *Sigh* Apparrebtly it was the last lesson of Blackbox. Next lesson's on 9th of January.

I don't believe it, I'm playing golf later in the morning and I'm here blogging late at night. Oh my...... It's like 1:10am?! Craaaap. Going to sleep. Nights. :)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail