Friday, December 08, 2006

Yeesterday was like a total waste of time. Just sat in front of the com doing nothing. Craaaaap. I seriously hate wasting a day. I should have done some work or read my book. Haiz......

Today was Black Knights training number 3!!! Usual things. PT was quite ok. Drills we learnt quite a lot. Apparrently the procedure for our performance is similar to last years' except of the part of the human pyramid. Quite fun actually. During training we were also challenged to stack our batons as quickly as possible before we went for water break. Had to do it many times before we did it more or less ok. I seriously think that Wei Rong is seriously a poor guy. So many times for so many things he is stuck being a reserve. Horizon Challenge he was a reserve, Black Knights he's also a reserve. Xing Yu, Benjamin and myself went to asl Wee Siong sir about it and he asked us to tell him to learn Jun Wei's movements or whtaever you call it. Hope he'll gain a bit more confidence in himself. Go buddy! You have the capability! =)

After training we went to play basketball with the NCOs. Initially I didn't play and watched them play from the fitness corner. Dunno how Minron got into the game. Anyway, they finished one game then a whole lot of them left. Then we played a match against the NCOs. Very fun game I must say. Benjamin and Xing Yu ended up going to Bishan North to buy some drinks. They came back then we sort of shared what we had cause we were damn thirsty. So they ended up taking our orders and went back there to buy the whole lot of stuff. We continued playing and they took a damn long time to come back. It turned out that they also bought otah, for themselves, duh. They were kind enough to share it with us though. Somehow the oders were a bit mixed up, can't blame them. Everyone took a break then we continued playing with Benjiamin and Xing Yu joining in. Wee Siong sir was like damn high and was making some chinese commentary on the play and it was hilarious sia..... We were laughing our heads off. Lol...... Geesh, I seriously need to improve if I want to enjoy basketball. I have to shoot like 5 to 10 times before I can score?? That's how bad I am. Sometimes it may not even go in.... Haiz..... Played like crazy all the way until about 4+pm then went to S11 to eat. Our super late lunch. After that went to that bubble tea shop which sells it with the pudding. Kian Boon wanted to buy fries and we waited for like damn long. While waiting we talked a lot of NP and other stuff. At about 5:20pm left Junction 8 for home. Slacked a bit and here I am now.

Tomorrow there's a golf competition and it's strokeplay. Craaap. Hope I don't screw up or my game is gone. Have to focus.......


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail