Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ok..... After all this time, it's more relaxed now for me, ok, not so relaxed. Anyway, had NP Annual Camp in school from the 20th to the 22nd. Anyway, I'll talk about the past few days.


Went to school to tie the rope obstacles for the camp with the whole unit. We were seperated into groups and assigned to the two obstacles that we had to help to tie, which were the Rope Transfer and the Wardens Walk. Even though it's only 2 stations, it was certainly no mean feat. When our group had finished with the Rope Transfer, the others were still tying the Wardens Walk. That took quite some time. When that was finished, we had lunch and then all of us went to tie the Double Line. Finished that then we were debreifed as well as being taught certain campfire songs by Daryl sir and Troy sir. When we were dismissed, I went home to finish the flag and pack my bag. Very heavy rain that night.


First day of Annual Camp. We fell in in our squads and then we got into our camp groups. Our group was Ironman. I seriously thought that our group was of quite a strong team with Xing Yu, Benjamin, Jian Zhong, myself, Rui Jie, Xavier, Han Wen and Yong Kang in it. There was bag inspection first of all and Jason's group got into trouble and got pumped cause of someone for some reason I can't remember. After that episode was running round the track with our bags as punishment. Finishing off with the basic camp info, we proceeded to our bunks and collected our rations. We then started off with bunk cleaning and made the classroom quite clean and fit for us to sleep in. Yi Jun sir (C.I) came into our bunk and first went to cope Xing Yu and asked him to do something then when we asked him for Xing Yu, he "denied" it. It was damn funny after that where suddenly He Yuan and Kenneth kena pulled to our bunk to do some funny stuff. When Xing Yu came back we started the "funny" things. Xing Yu had to hold in pumping position while I had to do the same under him. Then the rest were made to make some funny shape and there was supposed to have some "symmetry". Then Yi Jun sir went to check the cleanliness of our bunk and found a lot of dirt and wiped it on some of our shirts. Lol...... After that was our first meal in the camp, which was lunch. Our rations consisted of maggie noodles, canned food, biscuits and milo powder. There was quite a lot and sufficient for all of us. After lunch we changed into our jeans and track pants and went for rope obstacles. The five stations (for five groups) were the Double Line, Wardens Walk, Rope Transfer, Vertical Rope and Suicide window. We started with Rope Transfer. Everyone did it successfully and we did our grouo cheer. Rui Xian sir also siad that our group lacked enthusiasm, which I thought was quite true. So I told the group that we had to buck up. Our next station was the vertical rope. We had to climb up a vertical rope (duh) using some methid with our legs. This was something that I couldn't do last year, which is why I was quite satisfied with myself when I managed to complete it twice. The Sec 1s couldn't do it, no surprise there. Guess they were not familiar with the technique yet. Went for the suicide window next at the fitness corner. Hard to explain what we had to do there, but if you know what it is, then good for you, if not, never mind. Anyway, it was supposedly very short but it was extended with some funny questions asked to the perwson doing the thing. I got the question which person do I like the most among all the NCOs, CIs and HOs. At first I told Wee Siong sir it was him, then I changed to Peck Hor sir. Then Alvin sir went to record what I had said with his phone. Lol..... Next activity was Wardens Walk, we had to walk along a length of rope using another surporting rope tied to one end. Very fun. Couldn't beat the record though. Double Line was our last station and it was the same as last year and it was still ok. Dinner was next and then night activities came. First the group had to solve word puzzles to find out what the next checkpoint was. At the checkpoint, we had to find a letter of the alphabet pasted somewhere in the area. We had to record down the letters and then piece all of them together to find the last checkpoint which was the finishing point. We did it quite quickly and we were the first to finish the activity. So, our group won a bottle of sprite! A cold one some more. We shared it with Yi Bin's and Jason's group. Terence's group was last and they took unusually long for some reason. They didn't manage to complete it in the end. The last activity fr the night was Dual Night and I was paired with Han Wen. We were assigned to sit outside the computer lab. Quite boring with the occasional passes of the sirs. I was half asleep then :P At about 12am we gathered at the track and were debriefed before wash up and lights out. No one bathed that night. Went for sentry at 4am, our time slot. Actually, we just went there and talked cock. The actual sentry we would do it the next night. It was raining too.


Fire drill at 5+am, were damn slow and got scolded for coming down late. Got pumped. Went back to the bunk and had to go down again, this time much faster. Got scolded again cause some groups' rations and I think flags got stolen. Ours didn't get stolen, lucky.

Have to go out now. Will continue later or tomorrow. See ya! :)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail