Monday, November 27, 2006

OAL camp awaits!!!!

In a few hours time I'll be going to school and setting off to Changi Coast Adventure Centre with many others on foot!!! Ah yes, it's time for OAL camp. I've packed my bags and I'm almost ready to go. Sheesh, dunno how many hour hike to go there. Sian. Anyway, my blog will be quite stagnant at least until Thursday. If I have time on Thursday then I'll make a post. (Next day Annual Hike liao) If not..... Probably Friday evening or Saturday morning. Who knows?

Crap, hope I don't screw up or do something stupid embarrassing etc. Hope I come back in 1 piece! Lol.....

I think I saw someone today. Still unconfirmed if it's really who I saw. Too much of a coincidence? Dunno......

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Nuts.... Last few days quite packed with activities so didn't really have time to blog.

Thursday went to school to copy down the OAL kit list. Benjamin took 1 hour to copy everything down. Everything!!! Including the groups etc -.- Then we went to J8 to have lunch. Ken ate something but I can't remember the name but it's the stall in the yakitori stall. Benjamin ate a few snacks and I ate the yakitori thing. We went to guardian to buy our fisrt-aid kits for the hike.

Next, went down to Lavender to army market to purchase a few items. I got a dowel pole, twine and something else. Benjamin bought a few things like insect repellant. Did Ken buy anything? Can't remember...... Apparrently Vannessa saw me there.... Then tried to find some weapon shop to find ideas for the weapon or even but it. (For the hike, long story) Walked all the way to Kampong Glam and searched. Still don't have. Singapore doesn't really have weapon shops does it? Went to Bugis Junction on foot and searched again. Nothing. Went to food court to rest a bit and went to find again before giving up and heading home.

Took the train to City Hall and took the City Link to Marina Square. Met my parents and brother somewhere very near there and I changed up and went for dinner with them. We stayed for one night at the place cause my mum got some complimentry thing or something like that. After dinner walked around Suntec City before heading back. Taught my family taidi with whatever i knew about the game and we played that for quite some time. Played a few rounds of mahjong as well. I lost all the rounds.....

Next day met a few relatives and met my dad for lunch. Then I went to Ang Mo Kio. Met Leonard, Louis and Clifton at Ang Mo Kio central and went to buy tickets for Casino Royale.
had 1 hour waiting time and went to mos burger to eat. Went in to watch the movie. While the advertisments were still on we decided to go to the toilet first and I fell down the steps cause ti was too dark. Injured my right foot a bit -.- The cinema wasn't very crowded and the service of the staff at the cinema weren't very friendly..... Watched the movie... It was quite good actually I must say, quite thrilling. I didn't get the last part though, I think I have to watch it again to fully understand it..... Leonard was damn sick during some parts of the show. Those who have watched it will know what I mean..... :p Also finished the day by packing eveything in my room.

Today was packing again, my two drawers which were an utter mess. Cleared one of them as the other was more difficult. It contains all my pokemon cards that I've collected over the years. There's more somewhere else. (I'm not childish ok.....) Went for training today and I think my short game improved quite a bit. Crapped with a lot of people as well.

Later I've got a Golf Competition. Hope I can play better this time.....

To those who did not get satisfactory results, do not give up and pesevere. Focus on the O levels next and do well then. To those who did, kudos to you.

Oh yah, my cousin collected his PSLE results on thursday with our grandmother (His parents were working). He got results, looked at it. 240 (I think) Was super happy with it cause he didn't expect it, gave my grandmother the results and went out with friends. At 2:15pm my mum called his mum and asked about his results. She had no clue about yet. My mum called his fater. Same answer. Lol!!!!!! PSLE is like something important and two hours after collecting your results your parents still don't know?! I was laughing after I heard this.... :D :D :D

Two more days to OAL camp!!!!!

Four more days to Annual Hike!!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Whew.... Finally finished packing my room... Ok, maybe it's not entirely packed yet. What's left is my table and my clothes cupboard's two drawers. Sheesh, my table is bloody messy.... With the help of my mum, I managed to pack a whole lot of my textbooks files and got rid of the unneeded stuff.....

On Monday, went to Leonard's house to practice campcraft. His new house is like damn deep in the estate. Have to walk quite a bit. Brought the dowel poles and all of us started practicing bits and pieces. Revised knots and lashings practical. I tie my lashings DAMN slow sia..... Need practice or I'm screwed. Went for lunch somewhere and we were like "fighting" over the two bikes that Leonard brought along. Came back, did a bit more then many of them left to play bowling, leaving Xing Yu, Kah Hoe, Leonard (duh) and myself. We played two vs two soccer at the road outside, injured my foot a bit. A lot of spastic goals sia...... Rained later again and we played taidi in Leonard's room. We played like dunno how many rounds and I only won like 5 rounds while the others won like 13, 10 and 8 rounds.... I'm noob sia..... Hitched a ride in Kah Hoe's father's van home with Xing Yu. Manged to get home much faster. Thanks Uncle, Auntie and Kah Hoe! I dropped my pencil box there though.....

Today, or should I say yesterday, was the Annual Hike briefing. I ended up being the i/c of my group with Terence as my a.i/c. I was surprised that Jason didn't get to be anything. Don't worry pal, there's still Annual Camp, you'll surely get to become some leader there. You were also shortlisted for ____ also leh. Come on....... Go claim your rightful Sec 3 PTI post lah. :) Anyway, my group members are Leonard, Terence, Clifton, Myself, Rui Jie (junior), Joel (junior), Jian Shen (junior) and Jia Sheng (junior). From what we've heard from the briefing from Zi Ming sir, it sounds like the hike would be damn fun. I'm looking forward to it. Terence already thought of a group cheer already and it's seriously good. I'm really useless when it comes to coming up with creative cheers and skits...... Everything was over and we discussed over some matter and at the same time watched Sec 1's practicing Jadikan Dua drill. Their timer seriously sucks. The timing sounded very monotonous and a bit too fast for Jadikan Dua. After that went to have lunch with Terence, Ken and Benjamin. We met Qi Ren sir on the way and crapped with him. After eating then we waited there cause Kai Zhong sir was supposed to be coming but ended up that he went to J8 -.- (Those two are in Sec 4 and there's actually no need to call them "sir" but what the heck, used to it already, so still call them sir) Came home then slept for a while before going to Blackbox. There was a new guy in class today, forgot what was his name.... Muhaha, next week not going cause of OAL camp.

Wah lau eh!!!!!!!! Actually supposed to go and watch Casino Royale at Vivo City with a friend later....... Alas, my mum did not tell me that there was piano lesson rescheduled to 3pm! Damn..... We took so long to arrange a day cause it was difficult to get a day that we were both free.... Different school somemore...... Wah lau.....

Tomorrow playing golf in the morning again. Having a friendly unofficial competition with my brother. May play 18 holes........ My foot still hurts though.... Dunno whether can play properly.

I want to watch a movie!!!!!! Any takers?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nothing much today. Played golf again. Sheesh, played badly. 53 strokes in total. Damn, next week how?

Decided to change my tag ID to my own name from now on, unless somebody gets confused which Bryan is tagging his blog. Lol.

I love this pic, it brings back memories.

The Lance Corporal ranks (one stripe) on the right with the 3rd class drill badges (green thingys) were to be awarded to members of our squad during the muster parade at the beginning of the year. (No offence to those who did not get what they wanted). Next muster parade would be next year. For me and a number of others, we would be taking the tests for sergeant. Drill test is over already and campcraft test is on 27th December. Damn scared sia.

Tomorrow we're going to Leonard's house to practice campcraft. Must remember to bring the dowel poles.......

I'm going to sleep earlier tonight!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Nothing much today, except I woke up at 2:30pm. Crap, have to sleep earlier tonight. Had golf lesson at the course today. Hit a few very nice shots but couldn't complete nine holes cause it was too dark to carry on after Hole 6. :(

I got a few photos of the Nanyang Girls Horizon Challenge that we participated in on 6th September this year.

The main team
Left to right
Top: Me, Yong Jie, Ken
Bottom: Tong Yang, Xing Yu, Jason, Yi Bin, Benjamin

One of the activities. Kian Boon and Wei Rong in the background.

Us again with Kian Boon (blue shorts) and Wei Rong. Wei Rong was a reserve
and KB came as the only supporter. Lol. We got first in the Boys' category. Yeh!
The girl in the picture was our I/C for the day for the events from the hosting school,
Nanyang. Yi Bin was ecstatic cause he was the captain and the team won first under
his charge. Captain Seah.......:)

All of us together. CHSNPCC rules!

Man, I look crappy in the photos. I think my face spoiled the photos. Haiz.... Took these from Yi Bin's friendster profile. Will upload the rest when I get them from him. That was the first 1st prize that our squad achieved. Hope to win much more in future!

I'm damn lag sia, the event was a few months ago then now then get. Haiz... Cause no msn to receive the photos.

Should sleep soon.........zzzzzzzzz

Friday, November 17, 2006

Road marshalling for traffic games day at the expo today. We reported at 7am in full u and did the usual stuff like putting the bags in the stall, taking attendance and uniform inspection. At about 7:30 we set off for the Expo. On the way there crapped a lot in the bus. Reached expo, had briefings and then split into groups. Jason and I went to help sirs with the registration counter for the primary school kids participating in the competition. We were in charge of giving out the food to the kids, which was a chicken sandwich or something like that from burger king.
Did a whole lot of stuff after that, like packing bags for the old folks who attended the event. After that was lunch, which was not bad. Then did some other funny duties for the whole day. I screwed up the whole shift thing big time. Sorry guys. At the end of the day, we got a free bag, the same as last year's. Except this time I took the blue one.

After we were dismissed in school all of us rushed like mad idiots to the board at the general office. I'm in class 3-10 for next year. Crappppppp........ None of my squadmates are in my class....... Arghhhhhhh. Quite a number of the squad went to 3-3 and 3-6. Good thing is, I know quite a number of people who went there as well like Leon, Wee Shi Jie, Wee Yang, Reginald, Jonathan etc. it shouldn't be too bad.... I hope. Unless some people look at me then hate my guts already and start doing who knows what to me. Well, just have to see next year.....

All right, this is going to be a short one. Woke up at six today then went to play golf cause my coach wanted a practice for us. Played quite well I think, 48. Hmmm....

Anyway, gotta sleep soon, tomorrow's road marshalling for the traffic games day at the Expo! Yeh! It's gonna be real fun. Report in full-u outside auditorium at 7. Have to reach school at around 6+. Then can slack for a while before changing. Well, this means that we'll be missing class allocation. Wonder what class I'll go to. As long as it's not with ____ can already. Hated him in sec 1. Though in different class now but I still dao him, unlike the other friends from 1-7
Well, gotta go and sleep, adios! :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Went to school today to check the appeal results and I'm in triple science! Don't believe it man. That means that next year I'll be taking the following subjects:
-Additional Mathematics
-Combined Humanities (Social studies + English Literature elective)
-Pure Geography

Wah lau eh, that's 9 subjects! Gotta work much harder next year and the year after and do well! I bought my school books as well, except for a few which were out of stock.

I just visited a blog of an old friend, whose blog seemed to be inaccesible during the past few months. Anyway, saw the contents of the various posts and I was like WTF?! I know I'm not supposed to say it or even think about it, but that was the only phrase that could describe it. WTH never knew it would be so fast.

I need to cut my hair!!!! Tomorrow must go and cut. My hair is like so thick and I'm looking like a mushroom head! Must cut........

Monday, November 13, 2006

Ah well, finally back to blogging after 2 days, was a bit busy. Anyway, yesterday I could rate it as quite a fun day, though it was only 1 event. I participated in this golf competition called something like the captain's and lady captain's prize. Format of play was something called Texas scramble or something like that. Anyway basically, we had to play the better ball among the pair. It's a bit complicated to explain. Partnered someone called Uncle Derrick. I think we made quite a good combination. Some of my tee shots were good, I also had a few good long range putts. Uncle Derrick was quite accurate. So we played quite ok. Halfway, as we were about to complete our ninth hole, it rained and the siren went off, asking us to stop play because of the lightning. The lightning and thunder which followed was crazy. Play resumed at about 5pm. We continued to play our second set of 9 holes. Could have scored 2 birdies (It's a golfing term) but both of our putts missed. Dinner followed along with the prize presentation. Congratulations to Uncle Edward and Uncle John for coming in second in the competition. In the lucky draw I did not manage to bag anything, unfortunately. My brother did win some metro shopping voucher though. Damn.

Crap, I definitely need to train up my physical or I'll seriously die in Black Knights. My energy levels need to be restored through sleep but I think I have been infected by Melvin and Nicole liao. I have become partially nocturnal. Last night 4+am then went to sleep! Wth...... Maybe I'll do a second post later on...... My Friday class has been changed to Tuesday evening again! Yeh!

Oh yah, this is to reply Nicole on asking who from ATS went to Cat High. The people are given according to their classes in P6 '04.

6A: Toh Jun Ting, Glenson Ong, Zhu Qi Ren, Ho Sheng Rui
6B: Melvin Lim, Gordon Lim, Kenneth Gwee, Jason Tan, Harrison Kho, Soh Wee Yang, Tan Wei Jie, Ng Yee Kiat (now, dunno where he go), Liu Guan Yan
6C: Leon Lee, Chai Wen Xuan, Andrew Tan, Lim Kwan Hong, Roy & Ray Chin, Leonard Lee, Dominic Ng
6D: Hong Wei Shian, Me.
6E: Ong Kong Ying, Yew Zi Wei, Ong Yong Siang
6G: Melvin Goh

Did I leave out anyone?

I'm still stuck doing homework. Sianz...........

Friday, November 10, 2006

Today was at least more interesting than others. Went to school in the morning for the CMC interview. Arrived in school and met Kelvin and Ivan. We reported to the SLB room and found Albert there with Robin, Nikolas, Guo Yuan and some Sec 1 Chairman. One by one we had to go to 2-9 for the interview by the EXCOs. In the SLB room, had nothing to do then play in the room. Played with my rubber ball (from bookshop) with Robin and Ivan. Haiz.... We were so bored until have to reduce ourselves to playing with such lame stuff. Lol. My turn came then went to 2-9. The class looks super empty with 5 or 6 tables where the EXCOs were and one chair in the middle. The fans were running and I could hardly hear what the EXCOs were asking me, requested them to repeat themselves a few times.

After we were done, went to Junction 8 foodcourt with Robin to have lunch then rushed back cause he had choir at 1 and I had NP. Changed into P.T kit then played a bit of basketball with Yi Bin, Ken, Yong Jie and Terence. Later joined by others. Si Ming sir came late for some reason then asked us to gather near bookshop. Looked through our previous campcraft promotion test theory papers. This time must score well for the whole thing.... Si Ming sir also taught us orienteering. I'm still a bit blur... Haiz... Later annual hike people ask me to lead the group then I bring the group and get lost......

Since I had campcraft practice, I had to skip blackbox english tuition. Then Ling Li comes telling me that she had no tissue paper to clean up whatever mess she had probably created.... Lol. Next week I also cannot attend the class because of road marshalling for traffic games day at the Expo. That means that I also cannot attend class allocation. Haiz.....

Can't believe I have to do this... Is there anyone who wants to watch some movie like Flushed Away or something stupid? No horror movies though... Don't like them.... Contact me if there is anyone who does. If you don't have my contact because you lost it or some funny reason, then ask around. I'm sure you'll find someone who knows my contacts. Please don't ask me stupid questions like what's my email though, cause it's above the tagboard!!

Don't feel like doing Maths holiday homework.... sian....

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Great, just great. So my brother thinks that he is the better son and he can have everything his way. He thinks he is in the better class than I was in P5 and is superior to me. He is taking higher chinese and I didn't. Fine.... Haven't even gone to P6 already say can enter Hwa Chong in Secondary school. Fine. I'm the lousier son who did not take higher chinese in primary school and went to 6D, while he went to the B class. I'm also the one who did not live up to expectations and only got 24* for PSLE. Fine fine fine. He is a much better person than I am. I bet even my neighbours and relatives think so. I'm a bit anti-social and quiet so I don't mix around much. So everybody knows him as the nice guy whom we all know. While that brother of his does not even come to say Hi. Fine fine fine. I'm the lousier of the two. Fine. That's the way I am. If you're not happy with me, you can don't acknowledge me as a family member. I'm fine with that. The Tan family does need such a person like me...........

Whole evening spoiled because of him. Anyways, tomorrow there is CMC interview and the campcraft thing with Si Ming sir. Still undecided whether I should quit CMC. Bah, never mind. Go interview and see how first.

Oh yah. Just a reminder to everyone. If you plan to add me on msn, don't. Unless you wish to have a contact who is always offline..... :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Now CMC tells us that the interview is on Friday. Well, it would probably be better. There are two shifts, luckily. I wonder what time the campcraft thing is at. Hope it won't clash....

Another day.....

Haiz....... As expected, today nothing very interesting. All day doing homework, though there's not much progress...... Talked to Eugene on the phone for a while and as usual he crapped. Claimed he was studying A maths or something like that, when he was actually gaming. Crapper.

Then in the evening watched a bit of TV while having dinner. I must say, the gags for Just For Laughs are super entertaining. Some of them a bit evil though. Wanted to watch Romeo must die but was forced to practice the piano. Don't really like my second piece. First piece is nicer.

Oh yeah, discovered my squadmate Yi Bin's blog and I found some comments about me. Well, I'll just like to thank him for the encouraging words. Just that nothing is certain in this world, which explains my constant "pessimism". Thanks a lot anyway. Maybe I'll give comments on my squadmates some other time.

It's been a few days since I had my blog and my tagboard. I would like to thank those who had tagged (esp. Jimmy, first to tag lol) and many others as well as taggers-to-be =)

Tomorrow there is the CMC interview, but guess what? Up till now, there's still no details about what time it is and where! They better post it up soon or there'll be a major screw-up tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Civil Defence Course

Today it was the Civil Defence Course at the 1st Division or something like that. Anyway, it's somewhere near IKEA. Thought that it was great to have a NP activity but today it seems like it's one of the rare times where I actually get frustrated during such activities. We were joined by some schools like Guangyang, Bishan Park, New Town and I think three cadets from Ngee Ann.

Anyway, this course taught us a few useful things like extinguishing using different kinds of fire extinguishers. Learnt CPR, carrying casualties on stretchers and a few other things. We had these guys who were doing their NS in SCDF taking us. Bunch of practical jokers.... They swore a lot, (not really surprised). One of them even shouted, "People, shut the **** **" just to keep us quiet. Keeping us quiet is one thing, but you can't just swear your head off like that. The rest during the test kept giving false hints which were VERY annoying and distracting. Oh yea, some of the BPS cadets really cheesed me off.

One part involved us to prevent "gas" from entering a room by sealing up gaps. One of them was like playing a fool, the other screamed in the enclosed room. WTH. Stupid idiot. Don't think their mature enough to be Sec 2.

Super happy when we left the building. Didn't like the course -.- SANA was better. After that went to McDonald's to eat with Yi Bin, Ken, Yong Jie, KB, Jason, Jun Wei and Ben Lee. Then took 855 all the way home.

Haiz..... Tomorrow sounds like another boring day. Back to homework....

Monday, November 06, 2006

Well.... hi guys, don't need to tell me this blog is pathetic, it's my first time blogging and i'm a IT noob. -_- Anyway, today was really bad cause was playing golf game when suddenly there was lightning warning and play was suspended. Damn.... Second day in a row cannot complete game. Haiz.......
Tomorrow will probably be the same. Sit around at home doing work with nothing else to do. Haiz.... Holidays are boring without NP activities sia. Wish there were more. zzzzzzz

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail