Saturday, November 18, 2006

Nothing much today, except I woke up at 2:30pm. Crap, have to sleep earlier tonight. Had golf lesson at the course today. Hit a few very nice shots but couldn't complete nine holes cause it was too dark to carry on after Hole 6. :(

I got a few photos of the Nanyang Girls Horizon Challenge that we participated in on 6th September this year.

The main team
Left to right
Top: Me, Yong Jie, Ken
Bottom: Tong Yang, Xing Yu, Jason, Yi Bin, Benjamin

One of the activities. Kian Boon and Wei Rong in the background.

Us again with Kian Boon (blue shorts) and Wei Rong. Wei Rong was a reserve
and KB came as the only supporter. Lol. We got first in the Boys' category. Yeh!
The girl in the picture was our I/C for the day for the events from the hosting school,
Nanyang. Yi Bin was ecstatic cause he was the captain and the team won first under
his charge. Captain Seah.......:)

All of us together. CHSNPCC rules!

Man, I look crappy in the photos. I think my face spoiled the photos. Haiz.... Took these from Yi Bin's friendster profile. Will upload the rest when I get them from him. That was the first 1st prize that our squad achieved. Hope to win much more in future!

I'm damn lag sia, the event was a few months ago then now then get. Haiz... Cause no msn to receive the photos.

Should sleep soon.........zzzzzzzzz


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail