Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ah crap, broke my promise to update this place more often. Shucks. Ok I shall update now lol. The September term break wasn't much. Notice how I use term break instead of holidays haha. Anyway, spent most of my days going to the public library to study with a few friends. Went to carry out our interview with the guy at the CC on Tuesday. Thursday morning, was crazy enough to go for some pt training with Eugene before Maths conso haha. Couldn't do it again on Friday though, too tired =/ Bessy also came down with HFMD, and a few of us happened to be studying together that day lol. Thankfully nothing happened to us and Bessy recovered already. Van Ho kind of freaked out haha. Then on Sunday, went to participate in Edmund/Yicen's PW dialogue session thing with Wei Shian at Bukit Gombak. Interesting topic they have lol. Best comment by Wei Shian: "I didn't know a Bukit Gombak MRT station existed until today" LOL!! We taupoked Edmund there after the thing haha. Lunch with the bunch of people there. After that, some went to watch a movie, then the rest of us went back. Went to AMK Macs to meet Zk, Hilary, Xing Yu, Ivan and Leonard. Did some work before going for dinner with my family.

Start of school again. Lessons as per usual. Celebrated Felicia's birthday. We have a new Physics teachers taking over our class. Mdm Khoo's on maternity leave. Thankful for having this teacher (called Mrs Low) as our new teacher. Did Hip Hop dance for PE lessons. Only on the Wed lesson did we find it more fun. Oh, then Eugene, Yong Le and I went to collect our free floorballs on Tuesday, from some sms contest thingy on 090909. Then Eugene and I went back to school, crashed the JH triaining a bit. On Wednesday tio owned by the lecturer when we entered after PE. Mental note: Never walk in past the lecturer when you're late, and respond to whatever she says when scolding the bunch of us. Haiz. ZK and Hilary saw what happened and know what I'm talking about. Kena owned -_-''' Went to HQ again with Darrell to submit our probation form. It's finally cleared!!!! Whatever happens next I don't care. We bought some cool collar pin from the shop in HQ haha. We're crazy. Long weekend. Saturday went to help out for CC promo test, library again after that. Then went to Wei Yu's house with Hilary for Debby's birthday celebration. Sunday stoned at home. Monday, went for something, shan't say what here. If you know you know. Library after that again... No life omg

2nd week of school. Not many comments I guess. Hip hop dance for pe still. Then on Thursday morning something funny happened. Was at the oasis with Wei Shian and the wind was like dman strong, then his phone flew cause of the book underneath and his phone hit me in the face -.- How suay can you get seriously wah lau. Friday was half day, went to have lunch at Causeway Point Pizza Hut with Vanessa, Zhu Wei, Hilary and Zk. Someone lost a bet and had to treat ah haha. Library after that. Sat went to help for 2nd Class promo. Screwed up again =/ Joined Hilary and Van at Woodlands library again. Sunday we met Juncen there haha. Lost the bet then had to treat Van to breakfast haha

Been reflecting about some stuff, about my character and stuff. Guess for some things I need to change a bit. Then for another thing. Somehow I'm getting more and more sian of stuff. Up till now I'm still wondering whether I was right to continue or not. Has the passion burned out? Perhaps. My friends told me not to be crazy when I told them I had stuff so close to promos. Sometimes I can't help but agree, what am I doing? Or am I just plain selfish and unable to manage my time? On another issue. I just hope to make things right again. Can't stand this stupid ignorance thing. I admit I play a part in doing so. I just don't want to let passed time have gone down the drain. Haiz, some friendships are just hard to salvage. Especially since you're the one at fault =/ Oh well....

Going to school tomorrow for a while I guess, need to chiong whatever crap I can. Promos in 2 days!!! Argh!!!

Happy Belated Birthday to Felicia, Debby, Joshua Phua, Qi Heng, Robert, Leonard Lee, Dong Hui, Aaron, Gabriella, Matthew, Sylvia and Jerrell!!

Random photos: Some day in Amk library during the hols. Zk and I swtiched specs haha

This is a work of art haha. Credits to Joshua Tan
Some random TDC photo. Van Ho, Jingying, Fiona, Guan Hao, Hou Liang, Me
Random NDC pic. Aaron Fong!!! (:
Zi Kai and I during NDC (:
Got my CHS teddy from Homecoming. Finally!!!

Celebrating Felicia's birthday. Finally a full class pic with Mr Chong! 09Sh25!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com