Monday, May 11, 2009

Damn, long weekend going to be over... Zzz... Anyway, Thursday morning had PT taken by Shaun lol, then attended lessons only till like 11am... Went to help at the Floorball match... NJC VS IJC... Han Quan, Yong Le and myself were the water boys lol, Eugene was the match secretary... We won 5-2 yay (: Too bad ACJC lost to MJC, if not we would have had a chance of entering the semis... Still, kudos to ACJC for putting up a good fight! Saw Wen Ge in the TJ team... He can play this year!! Ok, after that, went back to school with Eugene, stoned, played some floorball, had a chat with zm, then went home...

Friday, same old lessons, chinese lecture had some test, which I was kind of struggling in... Zzzz... PW was crap as usual... Rushed off from school when school ended... Went back to CHS with Ryan Han, sorry couldn't wait for you Kah Hoe... Chionged back, changed then was just in time for the parade... Heng... Passing Out Parade of 30th Batch, last parade for the kids... They also put up a pretty decent fancy drill, nice job guys! Gathering with 29th Batch squadmates after that! Ate dinner, then we went to the indoor sports hall to play basketball! Heck the full stomach man! Super fun matches here and there... Some of the kids attempted to taupok me but failed miserably... Haha... We went a bit late for the concert though... Kena sabo for muscial chairs round 2... LTY and Si Hua were like wrestling half the time... Lol... Crazy people... Interesting component of this year's concert was the Don't Forget the Lyrics game... Pretty entertaining... Nice singing Sebastian and YJ! Concert ended, Yibin and I both kena taupok by 30th Batch... Haha... Too bad didn't take a pic with them :( We wanted to talk to them after the concert, but had to wait damn long due to one reason or another... Annoying -.- Goes to a point whereby respect can't make me tolerate the fact that we were cast aside continuously and considered unimportant at all... At least we managed to tell them what we wanted to say (: Went home first, then joined the others at YJ's house... Watched some mahjong movie, crapped, ate... Not much, but still a gathering... Haha... Lunch with those who stayed over, then home... Had fun meeting with 29th Batch again, look forward to the next gathering!! (:

Evening, went for lmsc meeting, was late cause I overslept -.- Sorry guys... Agm that commenced after that was like damn fun, mind was blank, kena shot like crazy, woots... -.- Gotta like think through everything next time before hand... Went for supper with area people after that... Home-d at like 12+am? Haha... Funniest thing was that I stoned till like 3+am, crapping/playing random games with zm as well... LOL...

Sunday, nothing much... Today was late again for meeting =/ Met Wei Jian, Zhong Xi, Youen and Zhou Wei in school for GPP... No idea how to do the damn thing -.- Stoned a lot, crapped a lot, ended up going out to buy lunch with Youen and Wei Shian... End up our footwear were like soaked... Zzzz... Tried to do whatever we could... Ended up playing floorball/hockey before coming home... There is school tomorrow! Gah...

I mustered the courage, I did it, with much difficulty I must say... Grateful that you were willing to talk at least... Funny how things turned out to be, both were affected quite a bit by the guessing here and there... Felt quite dumb having done some of the things, like damn obvious... =/ Sorry for the stuff I caused you, I really am... Whatever the case, I'm just grateful if we'll still be able to remain good friends hopefully, don't want to let the decade go to waste either... Maybe someday, things might be different, someday... Fortunately or unfortunately, I'll still continue what I had been doing, looking out and stuff, cause honestly, it won't really change, sorry, hope you won't mind, and please don't treat me like differently or something... Still, friends forever! (:

To 30th Batch: Your NPCC life is finally over, since the time I took you guys, many of you have grown and learned a lot... Your NCO-ship would no doubt have been quite a journey... No matter what had happened, grow and learn with your mistakes, rejoice and learn also from your triumphs... The journey might have been tough, but nonetheless, what might be bitter to endure, will be sweet to remember... Like I mentioned on Friday as well, fate brought all 21 of you together as a batch, you guys eventually passed out together as a squad, treasure each other, treasure your experiences, treasure the moments that you guys shared... The memories won't be forgotten... Congratulations on finally passing out, you've made it! All the best for the next phase of your life guys!! :D Think there might be more things I wanted to say but I can't remember lol

To 31st Batch: You guys have just taken over, a new journey begins for everyone... New learning experiences and challenges await in your NCO-ship, brace yourselves, go in with an open mind, make the most of it... You have 1 year to make a difference, work together as a squad, it's up to you guys now! All the best!! (:

Another thing on my mind... Comparing myself to my seniors, I realise how lacking of some skills and whatever you might want to call them... Maybe it's cause I do things differently, whatever the case, I know it, I can't be compared to them... At times, I really wonder whether I deserved any of the stuff I supposedly got in the past, did I just smoke through everything? Did I really deserve them? I'm somewhat like an empty shell, maybe all I had was passion, which isn't exactly a useful thing nowadays, once the passion is gone, aren't I just practically useless, redundant? Question to ponder, cause it doesn't only apply like there in np, but it's starting to show in school as well... What exactly am I worth? To people, to whatever I'm affiliated with? To clarify, I'm not emoing here please...

Still have more stuff to share (I think), but I can't remember everything lol =/

Happy Belated Birthday Kian Boon!! (7th May)
Happy Belated Birthday Sibo!
Happy Birthday Shuangyi!
Happy Birthday Jared!

Ultimate random! Haha
Song of the day: The Man Who Can't Be Moved -- The Script
Song's stuck in my head, like the tune... Haha
Yibin with "act cute" Jian Zhong =p during the concert

I love this pic man, JZ got cut off... Aww... Ryan Han showing off... Haha!
29th Batch forever!!!

Sec 3 squad leaders!! :)

Woohoo!!! NICE EXPRESSION KB!!! HAHAHA!! Picture of the year! Lol

Another week of school...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail