Sunday, May 31, 2009

Opps, ok sorry for the lack of updates (yes Wei Shian and Jun Xiang I'm now updating lol) Last Friday, had Maths lesson in the morning, was late again -_-''' After maths, stoned for a while in canteen discussing with the rest where to go/how to spend the next few hours. Ended up deciding to go to J8 and CHS... Haha... So Nigel, Wei Jian, Youen, Atiqah, Wei Shian, Hong Zhi, Joshua Ng and myself went down to J8 Macs for breakfast... Atiqah finally saw who she wanted to see in Bishan! LOL! Went to CHS after that, Jian Zhong joined us. Hong Zhi, Wei Shian and myself went to collect our certs, then walked for a bit. Talked to a few teachers. Mrs Chew was like telling me better come back during trainings LOL, quite true, haven't been able to go back nowadays... Zzz... Talked with Mr Thomas as well!!! Yay! Haha... Went to Bishan market to buy the bubble tea. Still think the oreo related drink there owns the ones in school... =x The stall tenant can still recognize me sia... Not bad... Went back to school. Jun Xiang and Daryl gave me this heart-shaped helium balloon which said "Princess" LOL! Maths lecture, wasn't listening to be honest. GP, was just copying down everything... Then everyone else could go at like 3:30pm, had Chinese -.- Wrote compo till like 5pm. Went for floorball training. After training, went down to Bishan S11 there to meet some area people. Sat there and talked cock with them. Then they got me a cake and a present. Thanks so much guys (: Some funny moments here and there, like Melvin and Kah Seng attempted to tau pok me, but Melvin ended up on the floor. Then those 2 jokers tried to like chase me and stuff, managed to escape! Haha! Talked here and there till like 10 plus.

Anyway, thanks so much to everyone who Friday special! A big thanks to Christopher, Hilary, Chun Hui, Yibin, Pan Shin, Zhao Ming, Chuan En, Louis, Sarah, Auntie Mabel, Nadiah, Daren, Jason, Berwyn, Terence, Sylvia, Wei Shian, Joshua Ng, Youen, Nigel, Atiqah, Wei Jian, Jian Zhong, Hong Zhi, Sean, Jun Wei, Porlin, Jocelyn, Ken, John, Kah Hoe, Grandma, Yan Hao, Siyun, Yong Le, Rui Qi, Felicia, Evan, Edmund, Warren, Boon Siang, Leon, Ming Woon, Jenn Hao, Gabriella, Eugene Ke, Wai Yin,, Charlton, Eugene Sim, Chris, Jeanie, Rui Jie, Ziwei, Lam Jun Wei, Yanlin, Ee Seuu, Eunice, Jaron, Joyce, Aik Loong, Hanwen, Wen Rui, Panyu, Joshua Tan, Chong Wee, Nicholas, Huey Chin, Michael, Joseph Ang, Beier, Ryan, Bryan Koh, Jared, Van Tan, Xing Yu, Nick Chee, Darrell, Jingying, Perret, Ai Hua, Marcus, Wenqi, Desmond sir, Joseph Ang, Priscilla, Kah Seng, Melvin, Jia Yong, Rui Xian, Van Ho, Jessica and Manfred for the wishes!! Ok, that's a seriously long list, hope I haven't left anyone out... Even my Chinese teacher wished me happ birthday via sms lol. Anyway, big thanks to Daryl, Jun Xiang and Jerrell for the balloon, I loved it seriously, it's still floating in my room haha. Thanks Desmond sir for the cake, thanks Wenqi, Priscilla, Kah Seng and Melvin for the present! (: Most of all, thanks Mum and Dad!! (:

I think I kind of slept my Saturday away again. Evening, met up with some of 29th Batch at J8. Kian Boon, Ken, Jun Wei, Ben Lee (finally saw him after like so long lol), Kah Hoe, Ming Hao, Yibin, Terence. Had Subway for dinner. Thanks Kah Hoe for the treat (: Then everyone started scanning each other's messages and scandling one another for something... Haha... Went to the playground near S11 after that, sat there talked for quite a bit. Louis and Wei Rong joined us. Talked for damn long, jokes, crap, scandals etc... HAHA... Super fun. Went home at like 10 plus or so. Sunday, met Wenqi, Rena and Joe at Bishan library for meeting. Settled what we could. After the meeting, being the no lifer I am, went to HDB hub to see the greenlink thingy Jocelyn asked me to go see lol... Some parts of the thing quite cool. Home-ed for dinner.

I did the best thing in the world on Monday. Chem prac was at 8am. I woke up at 8am -.- Ended up reaching the lab at like 9:20am? Everyone finished liao then I just start -.- Did PW for quite a while after that. PW still sucks seriously. Went for lunch at Coronation Plaza, skipped the PW lecture thingy. -.- After that joined the team at Cineleisure. We watched Angels and Demons. Damn cool can.

Tuesday morning, had training, then went for the opening ceremony thing. Youen, Sarah and myself took great pleasure in suanning and jacking Atiqah via sms xD Inside jokes, cause she was at Star programme or something. Damn funny. GP lecture was a viewing of the documentary Supersize Me. Think it's like the 3rd time that I'm watching it, but still fun to watch nonetheless. Ironically, people like Zhong Xi and Panyu were like saying, "Let's go KAP after this" HAHA. Wednesday, went to school for the exhibition thingy, then did PW -.- Thursday morning, met KB at J8 Macs for breakfast, then we went to school, did some work. Random stuff here and there. Then Aaron managed tro persuade me to go for the SISC concert thingy. So yah went lor, not bad, performances were nice.

Friday, went to school like 7:30am, just to complete my exco form and hand it up -.- Went to library to look through the emails and proposals and stuff. Life Connections, Relationships & EQ workshop in the afternoon. Before that, a bunch of us went to say farewell to Mr Ducro and pass him his gift from us. And we still talked cock with him for a while. We were like late by 20 mins haha. Workshop was quite ok, learned some stuff. Sarah left during the break. LOL. Had training after the workshop. PT, somehow everyone was a bit screwed during pt, couldn't run and stuff. Something like half the team had Macs about 2 hours before training? LOL! Anyway, never mind, we shall all improve! Rushed down for AGM at AMK after that. Kind of late =/ Shall not bother to elaborate about the meeting. Everything ended at about 11:10pm. Terence and I went to get some food from Macs for dinner? Haha. MACS AGAIN! LOL. Oh, I think I agree with what Terence and I were discussing about. Yeah, maybe that's what we might do to?

Today had content standardisation at Peirce. Lazy to elaborate. Went to J8 food court with some of the instructors. Came home, then ended up sleeping on my room floor -.- Slept for a while then slept on my bed (haven't even changed out of pt kit) till like 8 plus... Haiz... Too tired already haha...

Personally, I feel that I'm one who is usually quite cool headed. I don't usually flare up and stuff. Unfortunately, I did so for a few minutes then, letting some of my frustrations out and sharing them with 2 people. Thankfully, it wasn't in front of everybody else. However, there's seriously a limit to how much more I can tolerate. I sincerely hope that I never get so agitated ever again, I prefer keeping my cool. Just hope it doesn't snowball into something worse. Ok, I'm just a little annoyed, nothing much. I'll endure till the end. A clash of values they call it? Could be the case here. Or am I the one who's just childish?

Ok, I seriously should get some work done tomorrow, later rather.

Thanks once again guys (: Last sentence is an inside joke -_-'''

Taken by Wei Shian lol

Happy Belated Birthday Ai Hua!
Happy Belated Birthday Nigel Tan!
Happy Belated Birthday Hong Liang!
Happy Belated Birthday Louis!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hey all... ISSF week for this week, lessons start usually at like 1:30pm or so... Monday's 2 back to back lecture tests for both sciences, seriously bombed big time... Zzzz... Seriously need to do my studying in June for the Common Tests... Tuesday, went to school for PW meeting... GP lecture, got back our test... Passed it lol... PW, no comments... Training was so so... Sucked very badly in the drills... Need to work on sitckwork! Went for the ISSF concert thing called "Expressions" at VCH... Whole bunch of damn retarded stuff happened, quite funny, lazy to elaborate... Quite a good show, ironically, missed the first song, which was where a number of my friends were performing -.- Wednesday, Physics plus Maths... Waited for bloody long to see the PW teacher... Group got shot like crazy... Hate PW lah... Oh well... Must do it well!! Argh... Came home and chionged what needed to be chionged....

Today had morning pt... Was like quite tired even before pt for some reason... Didn't want to wake up today... Haha... Chinese listening was ok, pw sucked as usual, econs, stoned, wasn't listening/slept -.- Chem, died cause I just found out how screwed my test was... Haiz... Training today was our first coach session after like who knows how long... Drills were quite interesting, they proved a point though: seriously need to work on stickwork... Need to work!

Another day tomorrow, maths in the morning, can't go to CHS to watch NP day parade which was postponed to tomorrow, haiz... Somehow, lost my mood to do things, suddenly just sian-ed... Oh well, may tomorrow be a better day.

Happy Birthday Greg, Perret and Chris!!
Happy Belated Birthday Ming Hao and Lucas!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Friday was quite day... First lesson was Maths... Whole class went to jack Mr Tan by turning to face the notice board at the back of the TD block... Idea came cause Mr Tan had thought that it was a blackboard when the classrooms were first set up... Haha... Kena jack... Credits to Youen for initiating... Haha... Chem, Mrs Ng was replaced by another teacher... Yong Le told me she gave birth already? Can't confirm... Haha... Anyway, lectures, no comments, chinese test, kena owned, die liao lah like that... GC was in the canteen, officially the last one Mr Ducro had with us since he's leaving after this term and due to the Science fairs and stuff for the next 2 weeks... Thanks Mr Ducro for everything! Thanks for being such a tolerant teacher (our class is full of jokes), thanks for being understanding and stuff, thanks for being such a joker (:P), thanks for being our CT for this half a year... Sad to see you him go... ): Sorry I was little noisy at times, and for being a little pissed at you on Wednesday cause you blasted me... Haiz... Why do we only treasure things once we lost them? Anyway, took some pics here and there, did random stuff here and there also... Haha... Think we were pigging out on some of the stuff Terra won for the song thingy... HAHA... The damn song... Lol...

Went for floorball training after that (No PW!!!) Line games before that... Kena owned... Haha... Stickwork after that, somehow, mood was screwed for the entire training, kept screwing up also... Deproved like crazy... Haiz... Pressure under the scrunity... Haha... Gotta improve! Abit more games, then changed up then team went for dinner at Pastamania at J8 (: Talked a hell lot of stuff, crapped & joked here and there... Sean and Yong Le are slowly getting polluted by Eugene and Daryl man... HAHA... Power of CHS!!! LOL... Loved the team bonding dinner (: Thanks Jerrell for initiating! Oh yah, Warren and I agreed on one thing... J8 would always have some meaning to people like us, cause that's the place where we go after every training in the past with our squadmates... Speaking of CHS times... I miss the times in the mornings when we had time to talk with our friends... The time before assembly was used for either sleeping, studying, chionging homework or talking cock... Usually it was the last one... Haha... Not only with our classmates, but those from around the level also... Haiz... Oh the CHS times... Sean commented that CHS sounded quite fun... IT WAS MAN!!! HAHA! Oh yah, bumped into Wei Jie as well... Long time no see!

Saturday, practically slept for like the whole day... No idea what in the world was up with me... Woke up only to like pass Zikai my com... Haha... Then at night, crapped with Jocelyn on msn at like 2+am till like 5am... For what reason I also don't know... Haha... Crazy people... Oh, and Man U won the EPL!! Though I admit the last match against Arsenal wasn't exactly a very good one... Oh well, think the 28th May game would be something else to look forward to (: Wonder if I'll actually go watch it... Haha...

Today, nothing much, went grandparents' house for lunch, came home, tried to do some studying... At least I managed to get a haircut, haha, no more thick hair with random strands flying around 2 science tests back to back tomorrow -.- DIE! At least might have the morning to work on it...

Ok, quoted this phrase from the song 默默 by 飛輪海, "深深的在心里没人看得出来" Not sure if my interpretation is correct, but I felt that the phrase by itself kind of applied to a number of things in life, maybe not only for me, but for others as well... Not sure how to explain, it's like, a number of things, people don't really show them in front of others, but inside it's always there... Ok, maybe I'm analysing this thing more than it should be... Haha... How this applies to me? I've no idea also lol...

Oh yeah, want to share this vid with everyone... Link was posted by Van Tan on Facebook... Super nice blending of tunes of Love Story and Viva La Vida... Who cares if the songs sounds weird with each other by the name... Tune rocks... Enjoy (:

Love Story meets Viva La Vida - Piano Cello - by Jon Schmidt

Darrell got owned on Facebook just now... HAHA... And you, please take care of yourself, rest well yeah

Happy Belated Birthday Julian!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh forgot to mention, Tuesday before Chem lecture, LT 5 was dark cause of some screw up, then admist the confusion, Marcus suddenly yelled out "Kian Boon pick up your phone lah!!" Owned... Haha... Anyway, yesterday, nothing much, after school Eugene, Sean and myself met the JH4 fb girls to discuss the fb-holic thingy... After that, chionged Physics with KB at Oasis... Finally finished Forces!! Lol, I know I'm like damn slow...

Stickwork this morning, didn't really do much though... Lessons, PT in the afternoon, played some matches against Kay Wee, Adrian and Darius... Pretty fun matches... Managed to score a few, assisted a few shots... Really liked 2 shots, one pass from Jerrell (throw rather), another pass from Jun Xiang... Nice!! Still, gotta improve my ball control... Yeah...

One thing to take away from today... Somehow, it seems like I'm like re-living Sec 3 or something... Today's econs tutorial was possibly the last one by Miss Wang, then she like gave out some chocolates and stuff, talked about the class and everything... Somehow, it reminded me of a time 2 years ago around the same period... Mr Edmund Yong took our class for Physics as part of his practicum then... Didn't do well in Physics for mid-year that time, felt damn guilty despite the effort that had been put into teaching... Similiar situation now... I admit, just like last time, didn't really enjoy all of the lessons, but at least the teacher did put in effort... Last time it was pizza hut for the 3-10, didn't want to have any cause I felt maybe I didn't really deserve it? Ok, maybe it's a bit touchy or something, but yeah, just a thought... This time she gave out chocolates, I did horribly for both econs tests, do I deserve any of this by anybody? When I didn't put in effort? When I didn't care? Time to reflect... Maybe only myself would really understand the significance of this thing... Hard to explain... Then again, maybe I just think too much... Lol...

Sometimes, I really miss the days back then in CHS whereby there was always someone I could talk to easily and trust, a friend who I could depend on, someone who didn't see me as joke lol... Back then it was Leon and Jonathan, too bad now they're in different schools... Oh well... Atmosphere back then was also so much more friendlier... Speaking of which, I want to meet up with some of my old friends soon... Haven't seen some people in like ages... Haha

Ok, I realise I have totally no mood to do any work once I reach home... Better change this... Have a lot of stuff to catch up on... Go on, push on! Oh yah, some people are seriously a little immature, ok not a big thing, but some actions done by people are seriously ...... Don't know how to describe... Never mind, like I said not a big thing, as of now anyway... Thankfully, I think I have a pretty decent tolerance level... Then again, maybe I'm a little too close-minded... Lol

I think this video is pretty cool, especially for those who can appreciate music... 2 men on 1 guitar playing Turkish March, super nice, ultimate pro-ness... Enjoy (:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Started off the day badly in the morning, first period econs, yet another blow in the face, though it was kind of expected... Another U for econs... Gotta buck up, gotta get my concepts right... PE period, did work for half the period, chem, actually managed to focus and absorb what the teacher said, nice... Break, did work with py, zx, ye, jz... Lecture for Chem, no comments. physics mcq test, screwed up zzzz... Stayed back to do work with py and zx and eugene, came home after that with zk...

Overall, screwed day, felt crappy half the day... At least, managed to get a bit of drive to do some catching up... Go Catch Up Gang! (CUG) Lol... Gotta push myself, gotta move, gotta catch up, let's go!

Every team that comes together will always have issues here and there, these things are inevitable, no matter how much we try to prevent them... Back tracking to D'08, Hao Jun taught us about team dynamics, forming, storming, norming, performing... Best solution? Approach them with an open mind... Of course, things are always easier said than done... Let time tell I guess...

I'll push myself, I'll move ahead, I'll keep going, even if the end isn't in sight

Monday, May 11, 2009

Damn, long weekend going to be over... Zzz... Anyway, Thursday morning had PT taken by Shaun lol, then attended lessons only till like 11am... Went to help at the Floorball match... NJC VS IJC... Han Quan, Yong Le and myself were the water boys lol, Eugene was the match secretary... We won 5-2 yay (: Too bad ACJC lost to MJC, if not we would have had a chance of entering the semis... Still, kudos to ACJC for putting up a good fight! Saw Wen Ge in the TJ team... He can play this year!! Ok, after that, went back to school with Eugene, stoned, played some floorball, had a chat with zm, then went home...

Friday, same old lessons, chinese lecture had some test, which I was kind of struggling in... Zzzz... PW was crap as usual... Rushed off from school when school ended... Went back to CHS with Ryan Han, sorry couldn't wait for you Kah Hoe... Chionged back, changed then was just in time for the parade... Heng... Passing Out Parade of 30th Batch, last parade for the kids... They also put up a pretty decent fancy drill, nice job guys! Gathering with 29th Batch squadmates after that! Ate dinner, then we went to the indoor sports hall to play basketball! Heck the full stomach man! Super fun matches here and there... Some of the kids attempted to taupok me but failed miserably... Haha... We went a bit late for the concert though... Kena sabo for muscial chairs round 2... LTY and Si Hua were like wrestling half the time... Lol... Crazy people... Interesting component of this year's concert was the Don't Forget the Lyrics game... Pretty entertaining... Nice singing Sebastian and YJ! Concert ended, Yibin and I both kena taupok by 30th Batch... Haha... Too bad didn't take a pic with them :( We wanted to talk to them after the concert, but had to wait damn long due to one reason or another... Annoying -.- Goes to a point whereby respect can't make me tolerate the fact that we were cast aside continuously and considered unimportant at all... At least we managed to tell them what we wanted to say (: Went home first, then joined the others at YJ's house... Watched some mahjong movie, crapped, ate... Not much, but still a gathering... Haha... Lunch with those who stayed over, then home... Had fun meeting with 29th Batch again, look forward to the next gathering!! (:

Evening, went for lmsc meeting, was late cause I overslept -.- Sorry guys... Agm that commenced after that was like damn fun, mind was blank, kena shot like crazy, woots... -.- Gotta like think through everything next time before hand... Went for supper with area people after that... Home-d at like 12+am? Haha... Funniest thing was that I stoned till like 3+am, crapping/playing random games with zm as well... LOL...

Sunday, nothing much... Today was late again for meeting =/ Met Wei Jian, Zhong Xi, Youen and Zhou Wei in school for GPP... No idea how to do the damn thing -.- Stoned a lot, crapped a lot, ended up going out to buy lunch with Youen and Wei Shian... End up our footwear were like soaked... Zzzz... Tried to do whatever we could... Ended up playing floorball/hockey before coming home... There is school tomorrow! Gah...

I mustered the courage, I did it, with much difficulty I must say... Grateful that you were willing to talk at least... Funny how things turned out to be, both were affected quite a bit by the guessing here and there... Felt quite dumb having done some of the things, like damn obvious... =/ Sorry for the stuff I caused you, I really am... Whatever the case, I'm just grateful if we'll still be able to remain good friends hopefully, don't want to let the decade go to waste either... Maybe someday, things might be different, someday... Fortunately or unfortunately, I'll still continue what I had been doing, looking out and stuff, cause honestly, it won't really change, sorry, hope you won't mind, and please don't treat me like differently or something... Still, friends forever! (:

To 30th Batch: Your NPCC life is finally over, since the time I took you guys, many of you have grown and learned a lot... Your NCO-ship would no doubt have been quite a journey... No matter what had happened, grow and learn with your mistakes, rejoice and learn also from your triumphs... The journey might have been tough, but nonetheless, what might be bitter to endure, will be sweet to remember... Like I mentioned on Friday as well, fate brought all 21 of you together as a batch, you guys eventually passed out together as a squad, treasure each other, treasure your experiences, treasure the moments that you guys shared... The memories won't be forgotten... Congratulations on finally passing out, you've made it! All the best for the next phase of your life guys!! :D Think there might be more things I wanted to say but I can't remember lol

To 31st Batch: You guys have just taken over, a new journey begins for everyone... New learning experiences and challenges await in your NCO-ship, brace yourselves, go in with an open mind, make the most of it... You have 1 year to make a difference, work together as a squad, it's up to you guys now! All the best!! (:

Another thing on my mind... Comparing myself to my seniors, I realise how lacking of some skills and whatever you might want to call them... Maybe it's cause I do things differently, whatever the case, I know it, I can't be compared to them... At times, I really wonder whether I deserved any of the stuff I supposedly got in the past, did I just smoke through everything? Did I really deserve them? I'm somewhat like an empty shell, maybe all I had was passion, which isn't exactly a useful thing nowadays, once the passion is gone, aren't I just practically useless, redundant? Question to ponder, cause it doesn't only apply like there in np, but it's starting to show in school as well... What exactly am I worth? To people, to whatever I'm affiliated with? To clarify, I'm not emoing here please...

Still have more stuff to share (I think), but I can't remember everything lol =/

Happy Belated Birthday Kian Boon!! (7th May)
Happy Belated Birthday Sibo!
Happy Birthday Shuangyi!
Happy Birthday Jared!

Ultimate random! Haha
Song of the day: The Man Who Can't Be Moved -- The Script
Song's stuck in my head, like the tune... Haha
Yibin with "act cute" Jian Zhong =p during the concert

I love this pic man, JZ got cut off... Aww... Ryan Han showing off... Haha!
29th Batch forever!!!

Sec 3 squad leaders!! :)

Woohoo!!! NICE EXPRESSION KB!!! HAHAHA!! Picture of the year! Lol

Another week of school...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Today wasn't much... Morning rained, no assembly again, temperature check still on... Thought there was no PE but in the end still had to report for height and weight... Saw some friends running their 2.4km run for napfa... Think Wei Shian and Yicen had pretty good timings if I remember correctly, Lionel ran damn fast... Haha... Spent the rest of the lesson doing Physics... Haha... Anyway, didn't have CIP today, so ended pretty early... Attempted taupok of Ziyi was a failure... At least we managed to sing a birthday song for him out loud... Haha... Played a bit of squash, then did some work with Wei Shian... Joined by Eugene, Nigel and KB after that... Finished my functions assignment (with quite a bit of help and teaching by the rest) Oh yay! Stayed back for some random stuff... Played a bit of floorball here and there in the evening, came home late, plan to hear the full structure of the council from the elects immediately after they finished failed... Haha... Came home, saw like 9 emails in my inbox, regarding the same issue -.- Then probably irked certain people cause I didn't do some of the things, my fault... Sorry Rena and Wenqi to have gotten you all blamed as wel... Saturday might get flamed/shot... Zzz... Ok, won't say too much about it anyway...

Anyway, school work, still a little behind on stuff, trying to catch up, slowly reading up on everything... I feel bad though, having to like depend on people like Hong Zhi and Wei Shian etc to like keep teaching me stuff... I mean, one will get quite irritated if some joker keeps asking you for help right? Yah, that's me I guess... Feel guilty that they have to waste effort to try and teach me stuff here and there... Very grateful to them still, thanks loads guys... This other thing, how to say, a little freaked out by what's going on? Honestly, I'm a little intimidated by the other party (sounds weird I know), not that I don't wish to do something, if not why did I even think about it in the first place? It's like, oh well... Don't know how to explain... I should clarify this asap, unable to do so today, also probably unable to do so this week though, damn... Ok, whatever, ranting on again...

Ok, agenda for tonight: Physics plus Chinese... Highly doubt that I'll even finish one of the subjects at all... Going to help out for the match tomorrow also, missing lessons as a result... Both good and bad I guess... Need to think about the other project as well... Gah... Oh crap, there's still PT tomorrow morning, and I haven't exactly fully recovered yet... Oh wow, perfect... Oh, I have stuff to do and I'm typing all this here... Nice... Come on, I can do all this... Jia you!

Happy Birthday Ziyi!!!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Hey all, back again... Ok, believe it or not, I stayed up to about 4am to study for maths on Sunday night (or monday morning, to be precise) Miraculously, I was like wide awake during both GP test and Maths test... Oh yay... GP test was ok I think, crapped damn a lot for the essay part, used like nearly 2 pages... Summary couldn't really find the points though =/ Oh well... Maths, thankfully I went through the notes again man... Was able to do most of the questions, save for the last part of Qn 3 and 4... 6 marks gone... Besides that, hopefully the rest are correct... If I fail I'll like kill myself or something... Haha... Supposed half day yesterday, but our class stayed back for Maths with Mr Tan, after that had meeting with Eugene and Sean about the Floorball thingy... Discussed here and there about the stuff, somehow, was really burned out, ended up half sleeping in the second part of the meeting >< Sorry guys... Shagged to the max... At least it was more or less done :) Ironically, we went to play a bit of floorball after that with the noob sticks... Left at about 6 plus... Reached home, bathed, knocked out... Haha...

Too much sleepy doesn't really help that much either though, as proven today... Depsite the 10 odd hours of sleep, still felt sluggish the while day, was described by Atiqah as "grumpy"... Haha... PE played floorball! Skills were pretty screwed though... Gotta improve! Oh oh, tried the food from the new chicken rice stall! Food's good :D No comments on the lectures... Decided to go support the match in the end... The rest left earlier though... Went to Yew Tee to meet Jun Xiang, Jerrell, Daryl and Shaun... Thanks guys... Match against ACJC after that... The seniors won 7-2!! :) Yay!!! Took the train back with the rest...

Oh yeah, excited about Friday man... POP!!! Can't wait to see my dear squadmates!! 29th Batch ah! I know it sounds gay... Haha, but who cares...

Damn, this thingy is driving me crazy... What should I do? Or is all this just an assumption? Or is it just me?

Quote of the week: "Chickens are birds?" From Nadiah or Atiqah, can't remember haha

Happy Belated Birthday Meng Long!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Ok, successfully got the notes for Maths from KM... Still have a lifeline left haha... Anyway, annoying thing that's happening is like everytime I want to watch tv during the weekends I would end up being unable to, cause like soccer matches are always around that time and my brother's always watching them -_- End up I'll be unable to watch anything... Zzz... Anyway, thanks Wei Shian for the stuff you said to me just now... Really appreciate it... Most of the things he said were true, just how much I can follow his advice I don't know, confidence level doesn't seem to be in existence in any way now... I'll try dude (: Then yah, for this other issue that a friend came to discuss with me about... I don't want to assume anything, no matter how much it sounds like it, cause misterpreting would be dangerous... I don't want to look like much more an idiot than I already am... Moreover, I don't wish to screw up my relations with anyone... Maybe I'll do so, someday, when I consider myself worthy...

Ok, I better go study for the maths test tomorrow, don't want to screw it up... All the best to everyone taking the tests! (:

Ok, time to change the song being featured on my blog... Aaron used this for his class' April fool vid... Nice song (:

The Man Who Can't Be Moved -- The Script

The Man Who Cant Be Moved - The Script

Ok, decided to make an effort to revive this place... Haha... Haven't blogged in ages... Zzz... See what I can remember, since quite a bunch of stuff has happened over this like 1and a half months? Last week of Term 1, last day ended up going to HCI's poolside cafe with ZM, YC, AH, and Adhitya, too bad Aaron couldn't go... Food was pretty good (prices were not too bad either) Island Cremery next, ice cream's as good as ever.... Spent the weekend at Sec 1 camp back in CHS... Quite an experience I must say, taking those bunch of Sec 1s a bit, cause they were well, different from other batches I guess (some might understand what I mean, if you compare how we started and how they started) March Holidays, Monday went to play basbetball with 29th Batch people plus collecting year book and O level cert... Also spent 2 days in Floorball camp... Fun, quite good training, though I guess the bonding between the seniors and juniors wasn't exactly effective (I still don't know quite a number of their names yet) Thursday, attempted to walk to KAP but gave up halfway, ended up in some strudel shop... Haha... Had another P4 gathering with the gang, this time at some prata shop in Thomson (cause someone was craving for prata... Haha) Yicen joined us and atmosphere was still as lively and crappy... Haha... Friday, went to Kbox (first time for me) with Aaron, ZM and YC... Nothing much to say on that, quite fun I guess? After that was the SCGS dance concert, and Aaron spent quite a bit ( I shall not disclose the amount) on a bouquet of flowers for someone... Aww, so sweet... Haha... Concert was quite cool...

Term 2 started... Quite a load of stuff happened... Helped do the April fool's vid for the class, did damn retarded acting... Thought it was quite cool actually, after the editing and stuff... Too bad we submitted late :( Thanks all for the helping! Thanks Jaron for the editing! Went to do duty for SPF-NPCC badge presentaiton ceremony at Victoria School on 3rd April... We went late, did some stuff (with a lot of stoning)... Most of the guys there were from D'08... Haha... Unit cheer with the NCOs plus Tian Ming sir was a blast man... Loved it!! Next day, went down for duty at Sec 1 Swearing-in cum SI promotion ceremony... Oh the memories.... Ah well... Didn't do much once again though... After that went for lunch with area instructors, we talked for damn long... Haha... 7th April, went for P4 class gathering cum celebration of Melvin and Michelle's birthday... Damn fun, saw Miss Loi after like years? Ended up going to the condo where Mel and Miss Loi stayed and had fun there... Talked for damn long, reminiscing all the funny stuff that happened before... Haha... Oh, Kah Ming joined the gang too... Slowly finding everyone, haha... Credits to Zhao Ming for hunting people... Good Friday, went to welcome Eugene back from Melbourne with Boon Siang, Wai Yinn, Leon and Jonathan at like 6am?? Haha, thankfully we stayed over at Jon's house... Went to Eugene's house to play for a while, then went to OCC for pool... Too bad we couldn't have spent more time with him... Oh well... Look forward to his next trip back!!

18th April, went for NPAP carpark duty at HTA with Darrell... Was on my feet for like the whole day >< Watched the parade... Felt the wave of nostalgia while doing so... Miss the times when we participated in such things, they were fun (: Met quite a few people there, like Hongliang, Yan Chang, Lillian, Zhuang Yi, Calvin as well as the area people (who were in civilian clothing while I was in full u... Kena suan... Haiz) After the event, rushed down to Mr Ducro's house for the class gathering... Unfortunately, got lost in Toa Payoh, ended up reaching there only at like 11pm -.- Still, at least I managed to go there, even for the mere 20 minutes or so, haha...

Meanwhile, council stuff started on week 2 or week 3, can't remember... Went through campaigning, speech day and all sorts of things... Speech Day was one memorable event I think... New experience of crapping in front of many people... Made a fool of myself anyway... Haha... After the event, went with Youen and Ziyi to try recording the stupid ISSF or something song thingy... Another joke, heard that we won or something in the end -_-''' Haha... Then kene forced by Joy to go for the table tennis cheering at PLMGS.... Yanlin was supposedly there also, since TJ was having their match also... Too bad never meet... There was one Friday whereby we went down to support the canoeing finals... Cheer like crazy, kena burned by sun also... Haha... Anyway, ultimately, decided not to join the council, chose floorball over it... Yah, forgive my indecisiveness... Not sure why I picked up the form in the first place, but well... It's been fun... Got to know quite a number of damn cool people like Brandon, Jessica, Gareth, Van Tan, Van Ho, Sheena, Lucas etc. All the best for their term! To those running for Exco, good luck!

Last Thursday class went for the Capoeira dance thingy, had dinner together at Coro before the event (most of us anyway) Show was quite cool... Zhongxi and Lionel were caught on video for their stunts... Haha... This week, floorball nationals started... One match was on Monday, one on Wednesday... Seniors lost to YJ and MJ in these matches... They fought hard though... Both matches lost 4-2... :( Always suay at the last period de... Still, NJ FB all the way! Proud of my seniors for their tremendous effort in trainings (: Guess we must train hard for next year! Thursday, had econs test, screwed it up big time... Sian... I must start studying hard for the upcoming tests!! Don't want to retain :( Labour Day, literally laboured for half the day... Had a 7 hour meeting at Thomson Plaza's KFC with LMSC committee people... No joke man, mentally draining... Went to Island Cremery with them after that, then went to Wei Yu's house for some family gathering... Crapped, ate, stoned, joked with my cousins... Quite fun :) Went home at like 2+am? Haha... Saturday, woke up at like 2pm? Did some work, then did dunno what... Stayed at home the whole day I guess... Today, went to grandparents' house for dinner, now stoning here...

Maths and GP tests tmrw... I just found out yesterday that my yellow maths notes were missing after I had taken them back from Panyu... Totally screwed... Thankfully Zikai told me that the notes were on KM... Have chance!! Will not screw up those 2 tests tmrw! (Hopefully)

Maybe I'll leave the thoughts and stuff for the next post eh? This is getting a wee bit long...

Was it directed at me?

Happy Belated Birthday Joe!!

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail