Sunday, July 27, 2008

Well, it is a pretty odd time to be blogging, but I shall do so anyway.... Friday was mainly the class photo taking... Guess at this point of time, it'll be the best moment to relfect, as what Mr T. had said... We had been through a fair bit of things, as a class... I hope that we can stay together as 4-10... It was a full class photo, everyone was there, yay... Haven't managed to get the formal ones, but there was one informal one which I thought was pretty well posed... Can't upload it though... Something wrong with blogger I guess.... Zzz

Lessons were pretty much the same for the rest of the day... Recess was extended by 10 minutes as there were some different food stuff being sold in lieu of the racial harmony week thing... Pretty cool... There was Ramli (Ramly?) burger, prata, muah chee and even malt candy... Managed to try nearly everything, except the ramil burger... It was pretty cool... And many people managed to bring the malt candy back to class (don't look at me man) and they ate it in everyone's favourite lesson, S.S! Haha... Guess Mr F. had a hard time... We were supposed to be doing the conclusion for SEQ but the mood wasn't exactly right for doing it and I didn't really know how to do it, seeing that I'm that bad in S.S... Day ended, went to eat lunch before having English oral practice with Mrs Yap... A big thanks to Mrs Yap for staying back with us to do the practice, even after having quite a long one with Daren and gang just before us, really appreciate it... Somehow, I managed to talk about some pretty sad issue for the conversation topic, and Mr Heng and Mrs Yap said it was pretty good... Haha... Took too long to think about it though... And lo and behold, the subject of my conversation question was at the study area... -.- Managed to get Eugene and Jonathan talking again after their earlier dispute... =) Managed to catch glimpses of the school NDP rehearsal from the study area a few times during the afternoon... NPCC isn't the GOH this year... Guess after 3 consecutive years as the GOH, it is kind of expected... When I looked at the rehearsal, it kind of filled me with nostalgia, as I recalled the time almost 1 year before, we were the ones down there having the rehearsal under Mr Yong K.H... It was fun... I remember my part, the drill cane, the command, the march in, the handover... It was cool, and it kind of hurts that we'll probably never have such an experience again... At least we did get to experience it =) I also wondered, was I the only one feeling anything when seeing the NDP rehearsal? I wonder how many of my squadmates will feel something when they see it... Though I believe they do... Haha... When I came home, I ended up sleeping at like 8+pm? Woke up at like 3+am for a while before sleeping again... Haha...

Woke up this morning and discovered that my lip had swollen... Zzz... Luckily managed to get the required medicine and it subsided during tuition... Went late cause I "woke up late", but you know the real reason... Haha... Don't know what came over me in the afternoon, I slept again, right till evening... What's wrong with me? For dunno how many times this week, I've just been knocking out so often, at crazy times... Hope it doesn't mean any trouble...

And yup, I remember a little extract that I heard from a Chinese listening compre passage (yes of all things)... And yup, it did have some meaning... Each day is a new one... Everyday, I'll see everyone in a new light, hopefully... My attitude to them will depend on how everything goes, how they react and treat you... I don't bear grudges, I'll still treat all my friends as my friends... I'll still love them (please don't think wrongly) as my companions... How their attitude towards me will be, let it be... Not really sure how to express this portion, if you understood, good for you, if you didn't, don't bother trying to...

Tomorrow seems like another day of work... Luckily, I didn't get much homework this weekend, so if I play my cards right, I'll be able to revise Geography and (hopefully) Social Studies and re-read TKAMB another time... I hope to read that at least once, perhaps twice with notes before Prelim 3... Was wondering, should I go visit? Haha, ok it makes me sounds damn extra though... Might not be too nice... See first bah...

Introducing this kind of lame part to my posts in a bleak attempt to improve my vocabulary... Up to 2 words/phrases shall be featured and explained here... Yah I know it's very lame, but bear with it...

Limpid: Perfectly clear; transparent
Adumbrate: To foreshadow; to outline vaguely

Today's featured song:

Go the Distance -- Michael Bolton

Go the Distance - Michael Bolton

Put the past behind, each day is a new day...

See you around people

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ok, I really haven't blogged for some time... Can't remember much so I'll just touch on the details... Last Wednesday was Chem O level SPA skill 3 experiment planning... Hope I did ok... Then Friday it was the first time I managed to reach home like before 3pm on a Friday... 2:48pm to be exact... Wow... Saturday morning went to take the Sec 3s' 2nd Class Drill practical test in school with Terence, Jun Wei and Kah Hoe... It was pretty gruelling... It took something like nearly 5 hours... If it was gruelling for me, I guess it must have been hell for the kids... Well, it's over anyway... A really big thanks to Kah Hoe, Jun Wei and Terence for helping me to administer the test for them... Oh yeah, and some people sort of did piss us off during the test, in the process a friend was daoed... Sorry... After that reached home... Slept for some time... It was raining so it was like damn comfortable? Haha... Was supposed to meet the rest at J8 at 5:45pm... I woke up at 5:45pm... -.- Thanks Ming Hao for the call... Rushed over to J8 to meet the rest at Macs... Ate dinner... Managed to get the Olympics cup thingy... Then we headed down to school for CHMA... It was the first time that I was attending CHMA so I didn't really know what to expect... It was... a blast... Most of the performances were pretty cool... It was sort of more like a rock concert though, with all the rock bands at the back... Pretty cool... Didn't see some people so crazy before, like Joseph... Haha... Oh yah, it seems like Elgyn is like known by the whole school... Shan't elaborate, if you were there, you'll know what I mean... Haha... Hilarious... Whole thing was pretty awesome... Though I must say that the people sitting behind us were pretty annoying as they kept shouting some stuff that weren't really appropriate... Shan't elaborate too... On the whole, CHMA did open my eyes a little to a side of the "real world" that I've yet to see... Hope I'll be able to watch it next year... Oh yeah, and I guess some of the winners selected weren't really what the audience expected or wanted... Ah well... I must say that Jun Wei's performance was quite nice, just that I guess he was a bit out in the so called rock concert environment... Ah well... After that we did some unit cheer at the plaza with 28th Batch... So nostalgic... Then we taupoked Ken... Haha... Somehow I ended up being one of the few squashed by everyone... Haha... Someone suggested eating a bit at J8, but it didn't turn out well and we went home...

Sunday went to cut my hair... Met Alvin and talked to him for a while... Nothing really interesting too these past few days... Just school, work and more work... Yesterday was the O level SPA for Physics, today was for Biology... I screwed up a bit for Bio... Argh... And yeah, biggest news for these few days is: Mr Talib's resigning! Sian... He had some personal matter and had to do so... At least now I'll be getting Mrs Goh due to the banding thing, though I'm not sure of the working environment, with some people there... Haiz... We'll miss Mr Talib teaching us... Thanks for everything!

And yeah, it's funny how some friendships turn out... I have 2 friends who I have similar situations with... The first one, I've sort of known him since P2, believe it or not... Wasn't really close but in Sec 1 and 2, we were in the same class and were sort of got along well despite all the topsy turvy stuff that happened then... Then now, we aren't even talking to each other... If we see each other along the corridor, we ignore each other, no greeting whatsoever... Wth? Why did it turn out like that? For my side, I began to feel that was getting more and more gl and very f-ed up with the way he said things... I guess it might be similar feelings with him... The other friend, we have known each other for 4 years... We used to be sort of good working partners, since we were "working" in the department... I remembered all the times we used to laugh, joke, fool around together with everyone else... Now, because of differences and other unknown reasons, the above mentioned result surfaced again... However, now he doesn't even bother making eye contact... When he's near any of us, he simply tries to ignore our presence, though it's only too, too obvious... Honestly speaking, I really don't want any of this to happen, I don't think anyone does... Yet, problems in communication result in such things... Also, everywhere we see the people that we supposedly call "friends"... Yet, who are the ones who really care for you? Who are those who really treat you and see you as a friend, even if it's not very close? There are just so many superficial friends around... What the hell, might as well don't be friends... I mean little things like some negative comments made behind someone else's back and like keeping it from them and then bearing a certain grudge of the sort... I mean, what's the point? I thought things had been worked out, if there's any negative problem, just say it out... Guess it's communication again... Though I must say certain negative comments are really a bit unreasonable... Based on facial expression and all that, I dunno... Like what Mr Quay said, he saw me and thought that I was unfriendly, until I told him that I was like that... Ok, that's lame... then there's another type... Having sort of backstabbed you badly before, one would definitely remember, if not remember vividly, the kind of things that he did and words he said... Yet sometimes, one can't help but think back on the past, though I know we should just let bygones by bygones, and end up remembering, horrible stuff... Then we compare to the present, even after patching up, the tell-tale signs are there... Though many would say "you think too much", well maybe it's true that I do think too much many a times, but certainly at some periods, I beg to differ... Somehow I feel that backstabbing is one of the main reasons for conflicts... Ah well... Argh... I don't know why such things are happening to me... I feel really upset over these things... It's like the people I sort of really trusted and cared for end up like this, in these situations and I'm caught in some of them... I don't even know who really regards me as friend, who doesn't... Everyone seems so... cold... Ok, that's extreme... Maybe the pressure of the Os are really getting to me and eveyone else... However, for me, I don't really bear grudges, I just want all my friends to be happy, and I can join them in the happiness, that'll be great, wouldn't it? Hope that somehow, we'll stay united too... Hopefully... Friendship is that fragile, I hope everyone can treasure it... Do tell me if you don't like anything said above... Thanks...

Oh yeah, SAJC came to school, rather one of the teachers came to our school to give a talk... And I must admit, it might be one of my choices, though I hope that other JCs will come and give us talks too... At least now I have a much better understanding of the subject system in A levels... Oh and I found someone with the same aim/mindset as me, as in someone other than my schoolmates I mean... Pretty cool... Hope we can both reach our dreams!

And I still can't believe that I somehow managed to sleep at like 7pm yesterday... Yup, didn't manage to do any work as a result... Oh crap... My body seems to be in pretty bad shape too... Argh... My stomach's been feeling weird for a while now too... The build up of not-so-healthy sleeping habits since Sec 1 is finally getting to me... Zzz...

Ok, crap, the backspace key and the "\" key of my com is falling out... Zzzz...

Oh yeah, super belated birthday Chun Keet...

Shall try to post this weekend... Tomorrow's class photo taking, hope everyone will be present... See you people...

A facade, yours, mine, everyone's, nothing else... Ciao

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Listening compre for Chinese was today... Ended class at 12:50pm, went out for lunch with the gang at Bishan North, then went back to school for LC... It was broadcasted on the radio so practically the whole nation heard it, if they wanted to that is... Waited for something like half an hour before it started... It was quite difficult in a sense, checked our answers with some of our teachers, got quite a number wrong, crap... I don't want to talk about it anymore... Sian diao already... Guess the statement "You never perform when you really need to" still applies... Right now, I just hope to see a B3 on my results slip when I receive it in like 2 to 4 weeks time, although a higher grade would definitely be better...

The few days I have been sort of acting, strangely in a sense... Whatever the case, I don't feel it's my normal self... I've been like crapping a lot, acting gay-ish a lot and going pretty much crazy at times... Is this a sign that I'm cracking? Piles or work has been coming our way and it never seems to end... I always end up tired in the evening and somehow, I've lost all my previously free afternoons due to one reason or another... Now, my only free afternoon is Friday, since I don't have any Humanities remedials yet... I'm finding hard to find my own time to even revise some of the things that I have been intending to revise, like Geography for example... Honestly speaking, I'm really really scared of O levels... Just one screw up and it's good day to you... How am I going to last something like 1 month's worth of exams? For a person like me, it sounds impossible and I won;t be surprised if I end up half dead by the end of it... Ok, I know that I'm not the only one that's going through all this and stuff like that, some people have it off worse than me... I guess I'll have to find time to revise some of my subjects that I need to pay more attention too, which is largely my Humanities... Stress and pressure seems to be buidling up, and simple things like a stupid book that I've owed the school library for weeks but I'm still reading it and am being chased by the library and I'm desperately trying to find time to complete it somehow contribute to the crap that's coming my way... I also seem to have a bit of difficulty trying to organize my stuff for this Saturday's stuff, and some crappy things that pop out aren't lightening my load... Perhaps I should have just let the other party taken the job, you might call me stupid for even bothering to take up the task, but somehow, I just did, though for certain moments I do regret my actions... I'll try my best though... It seems like this will go on for the nest 3 to 4 months or so, and the pressure and stress will only keep increasing... How much more will I be able to take? Somehow, it's a little ironic isn't it, that I said that I had to make time for myself and yet I'm wasting my time blogging here -.- Also another problem that does plague me once in a while is something that perhaps nearly everyone has experienced... I don't really know who I can approach with my problems sometimes... Cause everyone really has enough crap on their plates and there's really no point increasing their burden with mine, I don't like troubling people... A friend said some stuff during a msn conversations a few nights ago, and had he not been just crapping, I would have been deeply touched by his words... Too bad, such stuff doesn't come my way... I guess what I really have to do is to grit my teeth and tell myself to go on... Where my motivation might come from, I have no idea... I just hope that I have the strength to pesevere, cause several blows this year have already sort of proven the fact that some dreams will remain dreams, even if you worked damn hard for it, specifically, this thing happened twice already(though you could say I didn't really work that hard for the second one, but I did put in effort, I think)... I just hope I can just last through this whole ordeal... Lot's of crap is still going to come our way... Once again, if you feel offended and want to say stuff like "you think you're only one in the world suffering?" or "don't think only you feel busy" that kind of thing, I'll just say, I'm just so sorry that I'm not sensitive enough for you and not able to hide the crap inside of me...

Yesterday was pretty ok, just had english till like 5pm? Then today on the way back to school, someone said "hi" to me, and I don't think I know him personally... Think he's the h.o.t. of our neighbour's unit I think... How did he know me? Haha... Ok, just a thought anyway... Will try to find time on Friday afternoons and Saturday afternoons to revise/do homework and all that... Might be doing in school or library or something... Anyone care to join me?

Tomorrow is O level Chem SPA Skill 3 experiment planning... Hope I don't screw it up...

Got to know of this song, it's pretty nice(to me at least)... It's currently one of my favourite songs I think... I've a lot of favourite songs I think...

The Pretender -- Foo Fighters

The Pretender - Foo Fighters

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ok, it's been ages (a few days actually) since I've blogged again... On Wednesday, I was told how "brilliantly" I had done for my elective by Mrs T. during class... F9 for literature, lowest in the level... Zzz... Ok I'm really no good at this... Need help... Chinese we practiced listening compre... Some idiots were messing up our classroom, then some treated our stuff as though they were their own... Just cope fullscap paper from under the table... Messed up our tables and all that somemore... -.- Idiots... Mrs Tan wasn't present, so had a free period after recess... Can't really remember what went on during assembly... Think we stayed in class... Then we did the Chemistry test which we took so damn long to do... Thursday Carpe Diam was the talk about JCs/Polys... Ok, I'm like freakin scared now... Once I score more than 12 points for O levels I'm dead... At least there's a fighting chance for NJC... Haha... After that was Chinese... These guys from another class attempted to turn on the aircon when we're not supposed to... And it's not their classroom somemore... Maybe I was overreacting a bit, but I ended up shouting at the guy... Was damn pissed... The guy's reply was "I'm just trying to help" in a very kp tone... -.- After my return answer, he started retorting and was like saying I was still as bossy as ever, have a f*** face that kind of thing... Bloody hell... Ok, I may not be as smart, good looking, talented and any other bullshit that you have that I don't, but I won't stand for my own classroom being abused by others please... Furthermore, I won't stoop to such a level where I'll insult people to argue... Don't know how to explain in words here... Ah whatever... What an idiot... Don't care him lah... After school there was the Maths tests... Took too damn long to do... Didn't know how to do many of the questions... Finished at like 6+pm... Zzzz... Friday was nothing really mich during lessons... For S.S went to the com lab for some QSE survey thing... Oh yah, on Thursday it was the temperature check thing, I forgot all about it again and was the only idiot who didn't bring the thermometer... -.- Thanks Reginald for the sleeve thingy and Boon Siang for lending me his thermometer...

After that, we left our bags in school, changed and took the bus to HTA for shooting com... Our only supporters were Terence and Ken... Mr Thomas was the accompanying officer... Went there... Went to the usual viewing gallery... Then we kept going to the toilet, almost everytime as the whole team... People must have thought we were crazy... Haha... As usual, SNGS had a hell lot of supporters... We had 2... Haha... Good enough... Individual shooters went to shoot first... The winner's score was damn gay... 192!!!! From Bartley Sec... A crazy score man... There was also some guy who injured his leg who shot... Waited for some time before we went in to shoot... Experienced some problems with my gun during figure 2... Zzzz... Luckily I managed to discharge all my bullets in time... Or I think I did... For me, I didn't shoot as well as during the prelims... JW and WR did well, with scores of 168 and 160 respectively... I think Leonard and Louis experienced problems with their guns too... Louis was also somewhat kp-ed by one of the officers about his gun... Overall team score: 546... 10 points lower than our Prelim score... In the end we got 5th... It was pretty lucky... The novelty shoot was once again a laugh, with the GOH and other people shooting... One guy used 1 hand to shoot... Haha... For team placings, Bartley came in first for the boys... Zai... SNGS didn't do well this time, with another team claiming victory... Usual screams though... Ouch... This time we didn't go back empty handed... At least we got a trophy... =)

On the way back, Mr Thomas was sort of debriefing us about the competition, cause the atmosphere was rather tense after the shoot... We had pretty high expectations and wanted to try and attain the top 3 positions... Well, for me the silver lining in this situation is that we improved based on position from 7th last year to 5th this year, we also got a trophy this time, unlike last year.... =) I think what Mr Thomas had said was also rather true... If we had peaked at the same time, would we have entered the finals in the first place? Each team member played a part in this, to get to where we are today... Thanks everyone... Reached school, changed, then Mr Thomas wanted to treat us to dinner for entering the finals... Initially he wanted to to treat us to a meal at Cafe Cartel, but the queue was pretty long and Mr T. was pretty hungry... Haha... Other suggestions like Pizza Hut and all that were also pretty much crowded...In the end, we decided upon the restaurant-like stall at S-11... It was a really good meal, with spirits pretty high and the atmosphere was so unlike that of earlier... =) A big thank you to Mr Thomas for the treat, thanks for the motivational talk too... =) Got a lift home from Ken's parents... Thank you Auntie and Uncle!

Saturday morning went for tuition, afternoon just basically stayed at home and did homework... Same for Sunday... Zzzzz...

Right now, I think I'm falling ill... I seem to have a fever along with some other things... Zzz... Better go sleep soon, I don't want to miss school...


Me receiving the trophy

Louis and Leonard, the two LLs...

WR's turn

Team with Mr Thomas

Team again

JW and I... What a spastic look on his face... Haha...


A good shot taken by Terence.... Leonard wanted to block his face but failed... Haha...

My trophy

Ok, that's all I guess... Maybe I'll blog again next weekend, or perhaps never again... Haha... What's the point anyway...

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Opps, didn't blog for nearly a week... Backtrack to last Thursday... Thursday we got our new timetables... Pretty so so... Tuesday and Thursday contain all 3 freakin sciences, with Tuesday having 2 periods of either Chemistry or Physics... Wednesday is pretty slack, Friday's ok, Monday's so so... Then we were notified of all our remedials and all that... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings are English... Monday afternoons are English... Thursday afternoons are for Maths/A.Maths tests... Wednesday afternoons are for Physics or Chemistry... Damn fun lah...

Friday was the be-yourself day thingy... Too bad it was raining, so was not able to see all the poser clothes that many came in... Haha... Wore unit tee with Terence and the a few others... Then we got our class tee too!! Yay... Since Friday was sort of a celebration for youth day, a few teachers treated us to some stuff... Mr Thomas gave us the Hershey's Kissables thingy... Mrs Tan gave us some chicken pies which tastes pretty good... Big thanks to our teachers... For the last period which was S.S, we went to the com lab to do some quiz thingy... Did it twice and ended up with the expert builder title thingy... Haha... After that went to play soccer... 4-10 VS 4-9, then Eugene came in, so could not really call it that in the end... It was pretty fun... Played for damn long, until like 4:30pm like that... Think we won in the end 5-4... Missed a pretty good chance to score created by Jit Hin... It was still fun, it's rare that we get to have this... Then the day was sort of ruined when I discovered that my ipod had gone missing... Bloody hell... It was my birthday present and I had the audacity to lose it... Argh... I would like to extend my thanks to the 4-10 guys who helped me to look for my stuff... Thanks a lot guys...

Saturday was the CHS Homecoming Day... Went for tuition in the morning before going to school, met the rest then we walked around... First we ate some stuff... They got in Uncle Ringo's this year... After that it rained for quite some time... It stopped for a while then we went to try out stuff... We went to try out archery at Mr Paul Lee's stall... He gave us a good deal too... 7 arrows for $4... Thanks to Kah Hoe in a sense... Haha... Archery is pretty cool... Managed to hit the balloon on my first try =) Louis was after me and he also managed to hit the balloon on the first try... His shot was dman nice though... It hit the balloon and it slowly deflated... Damn cool... After that played some lame games... Won this little monkey thingy... Saw the Whitley NP people (I assume they were all from NP) with Desmond sir... Walked around, tried to spend our last bit of coupons... Used mine with KB at the cheesy hotdogs store... Was driving the guy crazy cause cause we ordered something like 36 pieces? Haha... Wanted to buy the CH bear initially, but it cost something like $20 and I was like, forget it... Next year bah... After that took 88 to AMK with the rest, then headed to AMK library to check out a book which I couldn't find... Saw Mrs Chew there... This year's CH Homecoming could be said to be more interesting than the previous years I guess, with some additions and other more interesting food, I guess it was a sort of a refreshing change... Though honestly speaking, perhaps due to the size of CHS and space availability, it still can't really be compared to that of SNGS... Ah well... Let's see the improvements over the years bah... Haha...

Sunday morning as usual went to my grandparents' house for lunch... After that went to AMK library to do some work, these two girls whom I perceive to be about 10-years of age were talking so damn loudly in the freakin library, though it could have just been due to their pitch... They sounded as though they were from ___ After that went to Yishun MRT to meet Leon, Wai Yinn, Boon Siang and Jonathan... Then we went to Orchid Country Club to play bowling... Eugene joined us after that... It was pretty fun... Managed to get another turkey... =) Then for the last match me and Jonny decided to team up to challenge the other 4... Then all of them suddenly improved and we got owned... Haha... Then Jonny thought that there were "free throws" after each game based on training experience, though it wasn't the case... In the end, the "free shots" accumulated to an extra $28.50 to the bill... Haha... Crazy man... After that had dinner at OCC... Then took some pictures, which were spontaneously taken, unlike some other times when I'll just get bloody suaned for wanting to take a picture, even if it's helping them take... -.- Perhaps it's cause we hardly go out together... Had fun on Sunday, despite the extra cost for the bowling... Haha... Don't blame you Jonny... =)

Eugene, Wai Yinn, Boon Siang, Jonathan, Leon and myself

Monday morning went for some medical check-up... It's needed cause my parents are applying some Australian visa or something for us... Haha, I'm moving soon... Nah kidding... Think it was the first time doing a blood test... Found a way to conquer my fear of it... Haha... After that met Jun Wei and Clifton at Northpoint for lunch before we went to Safra to bowl (again for me) Didn't really play very well this time... Can't beat JW when it comes to consistency and that's his strong point, must learn from him... Then we played a little match... The lowest scorer would have to pump 30 while the second lowest, 15... Clifton ended up losing all 6 matches and did 180 push-ups... Owned... Haha... Did 100 in the end, with some additional push-ups from the last match... Then came home after that... I'm broke liao lah.... Haha...

Today was the first day of school after the long weekend... Haven't completed a fair bit of homework... First period was taken up by some talk from Mr Lee... PE was height and weight measurement... I'm 0.9kg away from Taf!!! Yay, haha... I managed escape Taf this time, but I need to lose weight and grow taller!!! Sian, but I love food too... How? Haha... After that we managed to get a 10 minute or so soccer game... Big thanks to Mr GKY for this... After PE we discovered, our air-con was finally allowed to operate!!!! YAY... Then after that had a free period during Maths cause Mrs Tan wasn't around... The last period didn't seem too taxing this time... My Mum forgot about today, so Jia Yong and I ended up walking to tution from CHS... It took us about 35 odd minutes... Haha... Luckily Ling Li didn't come and Mei Zhen also arrived late, so we didn't miss too much... Haha... Also, I found my Ipod! Yay!!! Someone apparrently put it into my bag and I discovered it when I was about to change for PE... Yes!!! Thanks to whoever gave it back... I shall not suspect anyone or something, I'm just happy I got it back... Important lesson learnt from this... I shall not be so lax in security again...

This Friday should be shooting com finals... The kids are also going for ATC... Have fun guys... Haha...

This week is week 3... It's like what, 2 and a half months to Prelim 3? About something like 12 odd weeks left to O levels?! What the hell... I'm damn scared... Perhaps I should think of giving people tution? For free duh... This way perhaps I can revise at the same time... Ok, that sounds like a bad idea, cause I can't even help myself... Haha... Perhaps I'm better off studying myself among my own peers... Find me only if you're really desperate and no one wants to help you... Haha... Oh and I need help too... Haha, especially for Geog and Lit(zzz)... L1R5 for Prelim 2 should be 15... Killed by Geog mainly... Must work!!

All the best then people... Might not blog till the weekend or later... Bye...

Will we ever cross paths again?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wish I could have welcomed by 200th post with a more cheerful post, however it isn't going to be as such... The first paper that was supposed to be checked was our Elective... Mrs T. spent the whole bloody 1 and a half hours or so going through the freakin mockingbird question and not giving back our papers at all... Zzz... Wasn't listening like many others and didn't care... Most probably screwed up my paper badly anyway... I need a freakin motivation for Lit dammit!!!! After that was Geog... Many of us screwed up badly for Geog this time round... With many failures and very few distinctions... Could say that we didn't do well as a level for Geography this time...

After recess was some briefing for the plan for Maths by Mdm Ee... Then assembly in the hall, some skit called Love Bites I think... It was pretty nice... Wish I could experience something as nice as that... Haha... Pretty cool skit in all... Pretty meaningful... After that was contact time... Got our new timetable from Mr Thomas... Got our Geog scripts back too... And I scored a freaking 24.5/50 for the bloody paper!!! Dammit!!! Screwed Geog so badly, thought that I could at least scrape a B4 or something... Wah lau... Ken showed me the latest scores though, seems like all of us were given the 2 marks moderation thingy by Mrs Goh... So I managed to pass... Hopefully this is the score... Also, my English marks are also out.. Then they removed oral from the percentage thing and I ended up getting a B4... If oral was counted I would be able to score B3... Zzz... So a result my L1R5 is 16/17, depends on Geog... What the hell... Worse than Prelim 1 I think? Arrggh... In conclusion, need to work on English and Humanities!!!

And yah to you two... Hope you can patch up, I don't believe that a few simple sentences that were potentially hurting would totally ruin a good friendship.... Remember what you guys dubbed yourselves as? The Dr__ Te__ =)

And yah, one of my friends is pretty down about something, something regarding some girl... Haha... Cheer up, it's not the end of the world =) I don't have one either now... Haha... Ok I didn't have one to start with....

Ah well... Lessons start tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Second day of school today... Somehow I kept having the impression that it was Week 1... Pretty dumb... Anyway, yesterday was my Chinese O level oral examinations... Erm... Well, wasn't feeling very confident about it... Left after recess for practice, went to the canteen to eat and yah, these 2 prefects treated me like some guy who was purposely ponning lessons or something, even though I told them my reason already... -_- Yah anyway, we went into the hall at about like 2+pm... Was the last for my group, waited for like 1 hour 45 minutes before it came to my turn... Zzzz.... Topic was something about shopkeepers not supposed to put their goods on the corridor and obstruct the way or something like that... Didn't manage to out my point across properly I guess... Was sort of stuttering half the time too... Reading was also screwed, with a number of wrong words and a breakdown of the sort... In conclusion, Chinese was totally screwed... Some people came out smiling, unfortunately I wasn't one of them... Haizzzzz..... Left Chinese listening compre, after that results... How?!?!

Yah, and today was script check day 2... Got back quite a number of my results already, with a minority few left... Breakdown here....

English compre: 14.5/25, Summary: 14/25, Total: 28.5/50
English situational writing: 21/30, English compre: ??/30
English oral: 27/40

Chemistry(paper): 76/100 - A1
Physics(paper):76/100, (with SPA): 77/100 - A1
Biology(paper):65/100 - B3
E.Maths: 75/100 -A2
A.Maths: 81/100 -A2
Social Studies: 22/40
Geography(Pure): ??
English Literature elective: ??

So well.... Let's see... English it's so so, if I can somehow get 22/30 for my compo, I can scrape a B3 for English, which would probably be a first for me? Hope lah... Chemistry managed to maintain my score, though I could have done better, made a few careless mistakes... Physics, improved!!! Though yeah once again I could have done better due to careless mistakes once again.... Zzzz... Dropped for Biology, but I felt pretty glad though, considering that I got 0/12 for the Bio essay question on the heredity chapter, made some mistakes in the first part and my whole question was gone... So yeah, in my opinion, getting a 65/100 was not bad... Didn't really study much of Biology until the night before truthfully, so I need to put in much more effort... Sort of expected my score for E.Maths, thought it was a pretty low A2... Didn't really practice E.Maths though, was focusing more on A.Maths... Am pretty happy with my A.Maths score though I would have liked to have scored A1... Considering that I was extremely weak with differentiation at a point of time and all that, I am pretty glad... Those in CHS will know why my Maths scores, like many others, are of an A2 grade rather than a A1 grade... Social Studies is a disappointment though it is kind of expected... Need to practice my SBQ now, and no more fooling around in class anymore...

Haven't gotten back Geog and Lit yet... Though it's more or less confirmed that I failed Lit cause I wrote totally out of point for the Miss Gates question... It's just a matter of how badly I fail... So, I'm looking at a possibility of actually failing my combined humanities for the second time in my upper sec life... Zzz... Ah well... Anybody can help me with Lit????

Geog might not be very good news, seeing that this was a another subject that I didn't really study for this time... So I have to work on it as it'll be one of the subjects in my L1R5 cause you need one humanities inside... Just hope that I can scrape a B3 or something too... And I need to work on English too, it'll make or break us...

In conclusion, need to work, especially for humanities and English, sciences and maths need to maintain and score better as well... Still need to work on everything though... Also, no offence to those that didn't score well for this prelim... We just need to work much harder, for Prelim 3 and O levels... And it's like what 2 months to Prelim 3? 3-odd months to O levels? There's no time left... Shouls be starting by this week bah, I mean constant revision... I don't mug hardcore and not care about anything else like Shaun ok... Opps... =x Anyone up for light studying soon? Tomorrow is so going to suck though...

By the way, congratulations to Leonrad to be the first local in the Physics hall of fame with a score of 89...

Oh yeah, Mr Goh also mentioned while we were going through our Bio papers... O levels is a different ball game altogether... Some play dirty, really dirty, they put up a false front, and put forth the ultimate deceptions... Perfect example would be what he mentioned... One guys feels like giving up, the other guy "encourages" him to do so, but at home he studies like hell... However, this is a reality... Personally, I just hope that we can keep the real treasures, which are the people/friends we have... If we study, why not just openly study? Perhaps study together to? No need to deceive people and use such tactics right? Don't think any of my friends do such things... I hope I'm not wrong... Though this is a "every man for himself" world, I hope that things don't turn nasty.... But well, obviously some people have been carrying out such practices for some time already, and you and I should know some of them... Ok, I seem to have typed some nonsensical stuff, cause I don't get half of it either... -_-

One thing important in life is the mindset and the write attitude, not forgetting, self-esteem is rather important too... Perhaps I lack this...

Ciao then people.... Also, all the best to those taking Campcraft promotion test tomorrow too... =)

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail