Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yo guys... Stayed over in school last night for CMC camp, but I shall talk about training yesterday first? Yeah... BK training... PT they had endurance run and some other exercises, must have taken quite a toll on them.... Drills... Pretty ok I guess, but can be better.... After that went to J8 foodcourt to eat with everyone, then went back tot school for camp.... Reached there, helped out a bit... Didn't really do much truthfully.... The night was fun... Had a water bomb fight at the gallery as the last activity.... Rocks lah... Sec 3s VS Sec 2s and 1s... Damn fun fight... Lol... Play until mad one... Haha... Then later did something then it was the end of activities... Richie, Kelvin, Cheng Howe and me went to Cheers to get some stuff... Ate instant noodles there.... Lol... Then bought back stuff for the rest too... We ate, talked, then Ivan wanted to do what see who within the 1 hour that the lights are off will not sleep... Lol, time was like 3+am at that time? So was damn tired, slept anyway... Lol...

Today, nothing really much done... Woke up, had breakfast, then after that can't remember did what then the Sec 1s and 2s went for their hike to macritchie... They had to backtrack a long way sia.... After that I went off le, went to visit Eugene Sim... Talked to him for a while, then went back to school, went to buy the campers' lunch with Richie and Mr Tan, then went back to CHS and stayed in store... Yibin, Clifton, Louis and Xing Yu were doing their camp planning.... I was playing Cliff's PSP.... =p.... Then we went S11 to eat.... Then went library stone while they still planned... Then went for class... then found out I got jacked for something.... And that feeling that you're a total fool makes me mad lah.... Zzzz... As in I wasn't exactly happy about it lah... -.-

Anyway, somehow I felt a bit extra in the CMC camp, cause I seriously didn't do much... Perhaps 1 reason why I went was to see how they would conduct such a camp, without using UG style? Yeah, a bit of an eye opener for me... Cause I too used to UG style camps le... Lol... Anyway, going to the airport in a few hours time.... Going to Japan for holiday.... Has been some time since I went overseas for a holiday trip I guess? Missed last year's trip cause of BK.... Lol.... Will be back on 7th December... Till then, keep my tagboard alive! =D Yeah, then Ming Hao taking over my duties for a while....

Yeah, and an early Happy Birthday to my cousin Hilary (28th Nov) and Eugene (30th Nov) =D December ones com back then wish.... XD Haha, ok bye everyone.... See you...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hey everyone... Today, or rather yesterday, went for my Mum's graduation ceremony... She took this acupuncture course or something... Then finish liao so graduate lor... Lol... So went with my Dad to see the ceremony... My brother went for some golf camp, as in go overseas and stay there for a few days that kind of thing... Anyway, went to see the ceremony... Well, congrats on graduating Mum... Lol... First time I've actually been to a graduation ceremony, and well, good experience to have seen one I guess... Hope I'll be one of those receiving a scroll in future... Haha...

Ok, nothing much... Tomorrow, Black Knights training 3... Training time has been cut short... Arrgghh... Anyway, will be away for the CMC camp thing... Hope it's fun..

And after that, it's off to Japan! Will update before I go... Lol... Japan trip from 28th Nov to 7th Dec... Fun? Lol... Bye people...

And my hair totally sucks now... Bleah... Sure to be laughed at... Zzzz

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hi everyone.... Nothing much today... Can say I sort of wasted the whole day... Stoned at home... Watched Bleach... At Episode 25 now... Ok, a bit slow lah.... Did up my uniform too... Badges all up... Lol.... Hope tomorrow will be more interesting... Perhaps a haircut will be in the schedule as well... Lol.. See you...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey guys... Friday today... BK training again... Managed ti advance quite a bit into the sequence... Halfway I guess... Standard, well, I can say that I am hopeful, that this batch will turn out all right.... Hope this motivational style can work... Anyway, jia you guys!!!

Yeah, after training, went to AMK Hub to eat with everyone... After that, we were like walking to NTUC to find twine for the C.C Com people.... Didn't have what they wanted exactly.... Then ended up going to the library with the Camp Committee.... Was the only one not in the committee there... So played Mario on Jason's DS and Dynasty Warriors on Cliff's PSP... I'm acting like some damn deprived kid... Lol... Playing every game comsole there is not being used... Lol.. In a way I am though... Lol... Yeah, stoned until 6+pm like that then came home... Right now I'm like seriously bored and frustrated lah... So many people have what PSPs, DS, Xbox, PS etc... They're like allowed to play them all they want.. And I'm not even allowed to play a borrowed PS2.... Zzzz.. The PS2 we borrowed from our neighbour was forcibly returned and my parents both think we're playing too much... Now I seriously have nothing left to do... I don't play com games, I don't play lan... What else can I do? And I can't study, not at this point of time... I'm starting to get bored.... If there wasn't any NP I think I'll seriously die of boredom... Wish I could go out and all that, but well, nobody and sometimes also don't dare I guess... I'm weird.... Yup....

Anyway, yesterday was the release of PSLE results... Top score was 294... Unbelievable.... Then my brother went to get his... 256... Distinction for all his languages... So, plus his HCLit would end up with 259? Nice... Cousin got 250... Guess she's joining her sis in St. Nick's too... Lol... So well, then my brother's DSA into Hwa Chong Instituition is confirmed... So he's going there, yeah... Good lah he... Well, as a brother, I feel happy for him... All the more so that he got into HCI, which is a far better achievement than my own... So... Yeah, I just hope he doesn't become the irritating git he is and start to get it into his head that he's better, smarter, more talented and a better person than his older brother, aka me.... So, can say that I'll look like a total joke next to him lah... Sigh.... Zzz... Haiz.... Yeah, many in his class did well too... Well, the "B" Class leh... There were people scoring 270+... o.0

Anyway... There are really a lot of things I wish I could say... But well, hard to mention them and I also forgot some of them already... But well... To my best friend, seriously, stop daoing me and acting slack and all that... I have no idea what happened to you, but please don't barricade yourself from everyone else, maybe it's your personal problem, but we can help, unless we've seriously become nothing to you anymore... Hope you'll pull yourself together... Do help us to help you too... And cheer up... Stop emoing, be the person you used to be... =D

I have no idea why, I'm not exactly very happy these days... Zzzz... And some people seriously should stop treating me like a joke.... Zzzz... Guess I have nothing left to do but to watch Bleach on Youtube... On episode 7... Lol... Somehow, I think I moulded myself after a certain someone, and it might explain why I'm like that now... Tense, rigid, lack of humour etc... To think I actually moulded myself after him... I must have been out of my mind perhaps... Lol...

Anyway, here's the photo of all the Sec 3s at ATC 2007... Cheers everyone!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Yo people... Will first blog about yesterday... As mentioned before, it was the soccer match against 28th Batch... Our team consisted of people mostly from our squad, then 2 from 30th and 31st Batches each... Went to the field near Ang Mo Kio central to play... Damn muddy... Played as keeper first... Then switched with people and became defender... Supposed to be a full 90 minute match, but after the first 45 minutes many didn't want to play already due to the muddy conditions? It was seriously crazy playing in that field.... Anyway, second half ended up as 20 minute play only... Played only he last 5 minutes of that half though... Once done those who played quite a but were muddy like anything... Ended up walking back to CHS.... Yeah... Bought drinks from market on the way... Back in school went to wash my shoes and all that... Didn't go to the extent of showering like Terence, YJ and Ben... Lol... After that basically we went to eat at S11 then came home, took a shower and went for class... Nothing much... Yeah... Didn't mention the score right? Haha... Final score was something like 17-8 I think? Haha... For fun anyway... Lol...

Today, first Black Knights and Campcraft com training... I have nothing to do with C.C Com so I shan't talk about it... BK, first training... Managed to get somewhere... Hopefully the standard displayed today can be maintained and further improved... The BKs managed to achieve pretty good drills at the end I must say... Yay...Hope it carries on... Haha... Next training on Friday... Anyway, after training, went to play basketball, then we went to J8 Foodcourt to eat, but waited for Jun Wei to get his game downloaded or something... Finally ate... Then we sat there for quite a while... Yibin and most of his Camp committe went to carry on with their Camp stuff.... Played Jason's DS to pass time... Stayed all the way till like 5+pm? Then hitched a ride back with Jun Wei, Cliff and Ming Hao on the taxi... Lol...

Yeah, anyway, managed to get some ATC pics... Credits to Mrs Chew for uploading them on sharepoint, and credits to Joseph sir for sending them to me.... Here goes...

Yeah, this is Group Halo of Area 4 Sec 3 ATC 2007!! Centre of attention: RI: Tuck Wai!!! Top row from left to right: Vincent, Yi Long, Lionel, Madeline (Crazy kid) Middle row: Me, Andrew (Another crazy guy), Yibin and Ming Hao....


29th Batch!! With Mr Goh and Tian Ming sir....

All the best to those getting PSLE results tomorrow... =D

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hi everyone... Post on ATC coming up.... Friday went to school at 9+am... Stoned for quite a while as Ken had not yet arrived (for he was holding the store key)... He came... Chucked stuff in store... Went to get fire wood.... Then took squad... Did whatever necessary stuff... Then took the bus to Changi Jetty... Reached, went to eat, took bumboat to Ubin, walked with fire wood to campsite... Finally reached, split from Sec 2s, joined our lot... Apparrently we were the last school to reach... Much later somemore... Lol... Then had briefings, split into groups.... Was in the group called Halo with Yibin and Ming Hao.... Then collected tent logistics then did pitching... Done, then went for first activity... Orienteering... Had theory, then did the activity... Was in the 3rd sub-group of our main group... Did the Round 1.... Could't understand the clue at first, so we asked a WCI for help... She made us do a cheer, so we did some random cheer then she gave us the location of the checkpoint... Went there, did the task then went back to slack... Didn't manage to play Round 2 cause of time constraints... After that was dinner I think... Ate the usual stuff like instant noodles with the canned food... After that was treasure hunt I think? Went about different places finding stuff... Can't remember the exact order of things.... Had time to discuss about campfire item... Had debriefs and dunno what... I think that's about all for the first day... Oh yeah... Mr Azman talked to us too... Lol... No sentry and fire drill...

Anyway, it's funny about the turn out for the camp... Definitely fewer than last year's if I remember correctly... Can see that some people didn't turn up for camp... People like Thomas etc.... The bloody *&^&* from my group/tent last year didn't turn up too... Then if I'm not wrong the Sec 3 turn out from Whitley was 1??! Not sure about their Sec 2s... But the whole gang didn't come save for one... Wasn't Amir though... Also, the turnout for the girls was also like damn little... 3 groups had 2 girls, 3 groups had 1... I think... Damn zai sia... Lol...

2nd Day.... Morning had PT, flag raising, breakfast... Our group was the half going for ATF first... So had some briefing... Wore harness and helmet, then straightaway went for the obstacles... At first was quite scared, really... But I guess I chose the not so difficult one? Went quite ok... Then wanted to go for more... But went to help with the ropes first... Then went up to do the second one... Did the last and probably the toughest one there... Last one to do that station.... The last to do the obstacles too... So a bit pressurizing... Lol... Done, then we had quite a bit of time... Dissussed new cheer and campfire item... The rafting group came back then we had lunch... After lunch changed into wet attire... But it started drizzling... So couldn't go out... So we did campfire songs... So in the end didn't go for rafting, didn't get wet... Good and bad I guess? The dinner final;y had a chance to shower... We had extra food to eat... Sec 2s came over damn fast... Many of us were damn late... Kelvin sir got us into pumping position and recover etc... Lol... The while everyone was like getting ready for campfire, Eunice and I were franctically trying to get our emcee scrput done properly.... Plus the fact that we were told many different versions for the same issue... So we were like nuts already... So whe everyone was seated already then went to our position... Waited for a while, then we started saying whatever things we had to say... We were damn unprepared... Was feeling damn nervous too as I don't normally talk in front of such crowds... Well, managed to make it a bit interesting I guess... Made some jokes which I don't normally do... Lol... On the whole I think it went quite ok... Well, first time as an emcee, nice experience... Nice working with you Eunice... Lol... All the performances were quite nice... The one put up by Sebastian's group was damn funny... Well, you gotta see it to believe it... Haha... Then Melvin acted as the usual retard pulling up his pants again... Haha... Damn entertaining... CIs did some songs too... Lol... Then campfire officially ended... For us Sec 3s we had to come up with some game, task posted to us by Chee Wee sir... We did some damn lame game.... After that was debrief... Then unit debrief... Then Tian Ming sir talked to us about some things... Talked till way past lights out, but we didn't mind... Meaningful.... No sentry again & fire drill....

Last day... Morning had PT, was one of those taking the PT session, others are Melvin, Louis and Mick... Took the running part... The was flag raising and breakfast... We were given french toast sia... Damn nice... After that unpitching of tents... The supposedly area cleaning... But was called up for the what Area 4 NCO committee meeting... Mr Azman talked to us about some upcoming project... What picnic thingy.... Another project.... Zzzz... Decided the committe thingy... I'm our unit's representative.... Ken's the vice-chair of the project... Lol... Mick's the chair... Somehow we managed to skip area cleaning.... Lol... That's damn bad... Haha... Had time left so we took group photos etc... Sec 2s arrived then we had the prize presentation.... Congrats Rui Jie for getting best camper... The rest don't get too disappointed.... Sec 3s we didn't get it too, but well, never mind. Done that, unit photos, unit cheer! Roar of CHSNPCC! After that we walked back to the jetty.... Took bumboat back... Then a number of us took the bus back with Guangyang.... Thanks GYSS! Took to Bishan NPC, then we carried the rations we brought back from ATC to school... Thank goodness the gate was open.... Rained just as we were about reach the school gate... Lol... Got a bit wet... Stoned in store for a while then we went to J8 to eat KFC... Oh yeah, before that, have to thanks Jason for "saving" me... Haha... Anyway, went to J8 to eat... Saw bunch of CIs/HOs/TOs eating at Cafe Cartel... Saw GYSS people at Macs, saw some others too.... Ate, nearly all of us killed our throats by drinking soft drinks, and we were having sore throats already... Lol... We watched some video game being played too, on the big display screen... Think Yan Hao sir was one of those playing.. Not bad sia... Lol... After that came home...

Well, ATC was pretty fun I guess, definitely better than last year's I guess... Activites were more fun.... A bit slacker than last year too? No sentry and fire drill for both nights? Guess we were lucky... Most of the people were better too... Or maybe cause those people didn't turn up? Dunno... Anyway, had quite a bit of fun, had a new experience being an emcee, met new friends, people like Tuck Wai (Yes, the Wong Tuck Wai) from RI... Retarded sia... Haha... Overall, good experience... Last ATC as a cadet.... Perhaps will miss Ubin, then again maybe not... Lol... One joke made... People go to Ubin for fun... We go there for training camps etc... Lol... Well, nice meeting everyone, hope to see everyone again...

This post sure took incredibly long to type, ok maybe cause I sidetracked a lot... Lol... Great, am ill now... Have been having a fever since yesterday.... Hope it's not ____.... Touch wood ah!!! Those who are sick do recover soon too!! Soccer match against 28th Batch tomorrow... Supposed to play as keeper, but may not be able to play in my condition... But I'll go down and support the team anyway.... Ok, bye people....

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hi everyone... Back from ATC... Tired is the word to describe what I'm feeling now... Feeling quite ill now too... Won't blog about camp perhaps until tomorrow? See first... Going to sleep le...

This is the shortest post I've ever done I think... Lol...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Yo everyone.... Quick post before camp... Today, or rather yesterday, was my brother's birthday... Went out for lunch at AMK hub with family plus grandmother... Then went to J8 with Mum to buy pants... Yay... Lol.. Bought Minutes to Midnight... Lol... A bit lag... Haha... Was some new edition with a few more tracks... Lol... Then came home, then went out fro dinner again... Good food, a bit expensive too... Well, once in a while? Came home... Packed stuff... Finally finished.... Managed to stuff most of my stuff into 1 bag... All that's left is a shoe bag I guess? Haha....

Anyway, tomorrow, rather later, is the start of ATC, all the way till Sunday... Haiz... Well, I guess we shall see this camp with a positive attitude shall we? Lol... Hope things will go smoothly... Hope things wont end up like last year, as mentioned in previous post.... Hope everyone will be safe throughout the camp.... Hope I don't get injured on the bloody first day like last year, where one of the idiots in my tent (one of the slackers), went to peg my finger when I was trying to adjust the peg... Bloody hell... Shall try our best I guess... Then hope won't get KP like last year... CIs say have to greet officers, then went to use our timing that we se during training, seeing that that was the only timing I knew then.... Then tio scolded indirectly cause have to "standardize" timing... And guess who was the one who did the scolding? Haha... Joseph Sir... AHAHAHAHAHA... Lol, ok.... Anyway, try our best yeah? Keep my tagboard alive please.... Whether, it's juniors, in this case Sec 1s only ones available, seniors, friends, etc etc... Haha... Sound a bit despo for tags eh?

Ok, hope things turn out well.... See you people... Hope ATC is enjoyable... It's our last ATC as a cadet I guess.... Zzzz....

Had lots of things to say initially just now... But I guess I forgot some of the content and shan't bother to type it now... Should sleep and prepare for camp... 10:45am report.... Most won't read this till after I guess... So yeah... And won't be contactable at all these 3 days once we're in camp... Maybe before 10:45am I guess.... Lol... So, see you, don't miss us... Haha... XD Ciao...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yo people.... Today went to army market to buy stuff... Met Ken in school, Jun Wei just outside school and Jason at Toa Payoh MRT station... Went to beach road... Bought stuff... Some for ATC, some for other things... Bought a 2nd Class Drill badge, the smaller better looking one, not like our current one... Ziplock bags, twine, PK badge and polishing cloth.... Everyone brought roughly the same things.... Jun Wei bought some things and SSGT rank... Haha... His theory is that he'll get it soon enough... Haha... Then some of his special iitem were placed in my bag... Looked damn weird... Oh yeah... Forgot to mention that we received our PK and HFS badges on the day of Annual Hike... Yay!! Hard to put the PK badge though, since it's the first badge on the bottom row of 4 badges... Lol.... Ok, back to subject.... Jason alighted at Toa Payoh.... Then Ken , Jun Wei and myself went to AMK Hub... Jun Wei went to buy a jersey..... 100 over bucks.... Rich sia.... And if he cut down on the money he spends on taxi fares.... He'll be loaded sia... Lol... Then we split and I came home.... Yay... Better looking 2nd Class... Lol, ok a bit random....

Yeah, then now I kind of regret not going for yesterday's Linkin Park concert.... I like Linkin Park and their songs.... Still wondering why I chose not to go.... Price of tickets? Well, cheapest ticket was $68 I think... A bit much for me.... Dunno... No one to go with? Well, I didn't ask who was going anyway.... Yeah.... Regret it now... And it isn't every month that LP comes to Singapore to perform right? Haiz.... Sian.....

Ok, then ATC is in like 2 days.... A bit sian lah, based on last year's experiences.... Well, maybe the activites aren't boring.... But the people there? I mean, now that we do know more people in Area 4 better, but I'm just wondering what about the other side of it that we didn't see? The ones who skipped LMSC? Based on last year's experiences, there were many slack, uncooperative and stoned people... Based on my group's performance... I daresay the better people came from RI and CHS.... My group consisted of people from RI, CHS, BPS and Whitley I think... Were there people from Peirce? Think so.... Anyway... Like my tent.... I was suay to end up being the only CHS guy in my tent.... Then Lincoln and I had to do the whole freakin tent by oursleves.... 6 people in a tent.... 3 people stoned... 2 people pitched, one wanted to help but didn't know how to pitch very well, but he was a nicer guy I guess... The 3 who stoned were #^$%^&*^.... One of them even tripped over the Main Guyline and caused it to snap... Damn clever... Yeah, so can say a bit unwilling to go for the camp... But have to... Just hope that now that everyone is an NCO, hope things would be better.... And also Campfire... Have to prepare an item and probably shout group cheer.... Quite sian having to think for all that... Hardly any time to do so too... Zzzz.... Well, hope things go well...

And yeah... Hope people can stop treating me like a joke, a noob... Zzzz...

Bye people... =D

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hi people... Long post coming up... Friday was Annual Hike... Gathered in school... Did all the briefing and admin stuff... Then we took the chartered bus to Changi Village... This year special sia... Lol... Reached there, ate, then took bumboat to Ubin... Breifing, then hike started... Attached to group called Linkin Park with KB and Mr Thomas.... Group walked around the island, completeing checkpoints... Special and Final Checkpoints seemed fun.... Hope the Sec 1s and 2s had fun... Hiking around Ubin was something that had been done before... Except that this time we're the Game Masters.... Yeah... I find that to enjoy such Camps and Hikes... I guess one should just play along with the NCOs/CIs/HOs... Just like the way some of us did in Annual Camp last year.... That way it would be fun and enjoyable this way, not only for us, but for the participants... Lol... Yeah... So pretty succesful hike I guess... Nice job Hike Com for planning the hike, as well as being able to prepare everything... Nice job guys... After that, came back to mainland, then for us we were debriefed by Yan Hao and Nicholas sirs... Joined by Mr Goh shortly after.... Did our after action review... Saw our mistakes and all that... Also, it's funny how certain things can end up becoming our fault, even when it doesn't seem to appear so? Some people can just say things until everything is your fault... Lol... Yeah, then all of us went to eat at Changi village hawker centre.... Ate and talked cock with the Sec 2s.... Quite fun lah... Then took 59 back, long journey... Talked a lot... Slept a little too... Lol....

Anyway, took just a few pictures during the day of the hike... Here...

One of the tasks at one of the check points... Form group name and shout cheer... Took this...


Rainbow that we spotted while waiting for 59 at Changi Village... Good thing we took this... Cause the rainbow disappeared a while later.... Lol...

Yeah, then Saturday morning did 4 hours of tution cause of the lessons I missed and I couldn't find any other day to make up... Managed to last I guess... Lol... Then went home, then waited for Xing Yu and Yio Chu Kang MRT Station.... Met him, then we took the train to Jurong East... Then took 105 to this place called Chevrons... Some club like place with chalets.... Went there for Terence's birthday chalet.... Met the rest, started off by playing blackjack.... Lol.. Got bet some more sia... Lol... After that, watched some parts of some movie then went to check out the bowling alley.... Games were quite expensive, but I just played anyway one game, with Jun Wei and Yong Jie... Played pretty well I guess... Played 162... Nice number... First time I got a turkey too... 3 strikes in a row.. Woohoo!! Lol... Ok, personal achievement lah.... After that we went to the arcade to join the rest... Played Time Crisis like siao... Spent quite a bit of money sia... Haha.... Then went back, ate dinner, which was the barbeque... Except that we weren't the ones cooking... After dinner then we went to the chalet and started playing quite a number of things.... I played tai di with a few people... There was a mahjong group too... Lol... Everyone was playing.... Others were probably playing psp.... Lol... After that was the cake for Terence.... Funny thing was, his birthday was the next day, but I guess cause people weren't staying so they decided to cut the cake early... Lol...

After that everyone started playing again.... Play play play until dunno what time... Watched a bit of the movie Cast Away on Channel 5... Lol... Then the Xbox was brought out, played Dynasty Warriors... Lol... Lu Bu tio owned by Zhuge Liang... Lol... By then some people had left already... Then played other things like Halo all those... I didn't play though... Mahjong gang continued playing all the way... I fell asleep for damn long... Woke up at 5am again, but went back to sleep... Lol... Others probably played through the night... Haha... Playing basically continued until morning... Some people had take naps already...

At about 9+ I think Terence's Dad fetched us to Jurong Entertainment Centre... Bid Terence good bye and another Happy Birthday and we left.... Thanks for inviting us Terence... =D We, being Cifton, Louis, Ming Hao, Yibin, Xing Yu, Kah Hoe, Kenneth and Me (I think that's all?) went to Macdonalds for breakfast.... Most of us rather... Yibin and Potato went to KFC to buy some stuff and came back... Lol.. Ate our breakfast then took MRT.... Everyone went home except Potato, Yibin and me.... Was persuaded to to go and support Ivan's pushcart at the library... Met Zi Kai and Jun Ting at Bugis junction then went to their store... Quite nice I must say.... Merchandise was pretty good too... Elepunk... Haha... Nice... Left later.... Went home and slept... Heard that their store emerged overall champ.... Nice one guys... =D

Anyway, here's photos of during the chalet stay....

Haha, FINALLY got a pic of Jun Wei's jersey.... Haha...

Mahjong team.... Ming Hao, Louis, Xing Yu and Kah Hoe.... Yibin came in later....

Ken Foo and his Psp.... Haha...

Yeah, then Monday was drill test for Sec 1s and 2s as well as those Sec 3s who dont have 2nd Class yet.... Went to help Ken in the UI component for our squad... Yibin and Yong Jie took UI for the Sec 2s....

Finished that then went to help out with ICE component for Sec 2s.... Didn't complete due to orders from Mr Goh... Have to find some other day to pia...

Today Campcraft test for Sec 2s.... Did the knots station with Jason.... Got people get full marks for the station sia.... After that went to take our squad mates for the ICE component for 2nd Class... Then went for Blackbox, where we watched some movie/documentary on Fast food... The one where this guy did an experiment consisting of a 30 day diet of only food and drinks from Macs for all 3 meals... Was pretty crazy... Was part of some lesson for expository writing...

Came home then played DW4.... Hooked liao... Zzzz... Hope those that went for the Linkin Park concert today had fun... Lol...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hi people... Came back from OAL camp yesterday... Had it from Monday till yesterday... Same thing as last year, we had to hike to the campsite, which was also Changi Coast Adventure Centre... Morning gathered, Mr Goh briefed us, met the J1s, who were Sai Meng, Louis, Su Kiat, Samuel and Xian Hui... 2 scouts and 3 Air... Haha... Paired with Xian Hui and took Group A... Attendance, then they were given the Chinese map again that we used last year... Haha... Guess they found the place easier than we did... My group ended up with Mr Goh Yong Hang... Oh yeah, before that... We, as in the already OALs, Sec 3s and J1s, put some of our bags into Mr Goh K.Y's car... Haha... Damn shuang... Load lightened... =P Miss Tan Li Choo also came... Lol... Anyway, set off from CHS, group walked... Mr Goh went to get some stuff then bought a 1.5 litre bottle of 100 plus for Xian Hui and I... Haha... Thanks!! Mr Goh Y.H is damn funny lah... A lot of jokes... Especially when the lunch point was mentioned, then he kept talking about the Bah Chor Mee there... Lol... Walked, walked, walked.... Lunch point finally reached at about 1pm... Bah Chor Mee stall closed... Mr Goh damn sad... Haha... Then later group took roughly the same way that my group took last year, which was crossing the expressway... Haha... Show you guys something.... Familiar? The golf club that we passed last year before the expressway.... Lol.... Also...

Road leading to the dead end, the part where my group got stuck for a while cause of the "No crossing expressways" rule... Lol...

Felt nostalgic as we passed by places that my group passed by last year... Memories... Lol... Reached campsite about 4+pm.... Not bad.... Even with a few backtracks and the usual carrying of the casualties in the last stretch of the road.... Lol... 3rd group to arrive... 1st group reached at what 2:15pm?? Early sia... Reached, settled into bunks... Talked, or rather reflection with the group.... Xian Hui did most of the talking... Lol... Then got to know Mr Han a bit.... Quite a nice guy... Lol... Finished dinner liao then the last group arrived... No prizes for guessing their accompanying teacher.... That was 8+pm? After that was basically reflection by Mr Goh then a bit more reflection and discussion then lights out... I think it was the other way around.... Was it? Ok never mind.... Oh yeah, we shared the campsite with Millenia Institute... Called them MI for short... Some P5 kids too I guess...

Next day, morning PT, breakfast, then couldn't got straight out for kayaking cause of the weather.... Kayaking instructor was the same as last year's... Instructor Sky... Haha... Could only go out about 11am? Got the Pacifica... Sec 2s got 2 man kayaks.... Went out to sea, quite choppy... Kayaked quite a long way, all the way to Bedok jetty... Had numerous stops along the way... Sec 2s rafted up quite a number of times, got scolded by GKY... Paddles got confiscated too... I got a bit giddy halfway... Was desperately waiting for the time to beach up.... Had to keep chioning in front... If I stopped I would feel really bad.... Zzzz... Gonna get sick of kayaking soon... Lol... Finally got to beach up just after Bedok jetty... Near the sandcastle area... Had lunch there, then kayaked back... Reached back at about 5+pm then went to keep the kayaks... Ivan and Hector got injured... Sec 2s had very little time to shower then got pumped by the J1s.... We showered... Took over and let the J1s shower... Talked a bit as it was basically free time then it was dinner.... Dinner, reflection... Dinner the 10 of us had steamboat with the teachers... Lol... Pays to be an OAL sia.. Haha kidding... Sec 2s were supposed to plan for the Sec 2 camp and BURST programme for next year, plus reflection.... So plenty of time for our dinner... Haha... Eat until full le... Lights out was slightly earlier... People knock out le... Everyone shagged...Us too....Promptly fell asleep...

Next day, woke up, raining... Sec 2s did a bit of PT I think.... Then breakfast... Raining, so had to set up the belaying stations at the bunks... Now, the climbers aren't hooked by karrabeanar (spelling?) Have to do the tie in thingy.... Did all the practice, then packed and cleaned up the place... Lunch, then left the place... Bye CCAC... Guess may not see the place again for quite some time... Reached back at about 2+pm... We forgot to take photo lah... Sian... Then held the NP people back for briefing and reflection... Talked until 6+pm.... o.0 Sorry to hold you guys back so long...

Well, now our duty as OALs are officially OVER... No more of this le... You can say it hurts to have to leave all this... Well, as one batch passes, the next batch arrives... It's time to leave with the memories, lessons and values learnt... Being in the 6th batch of Outdoor Adventure Leaders was a great experience for me as well as many others... Glad to have met everyone... I'll miss those times... =(

Part of the campsite..

Bunks.... Half of Xian Hui's face ended up in here...

Xian Hui inside again... Lol...


Yeah... Haha... CHS OAL 2006!!! That's us!

Ok... Well, good luck to the Sec 2s.....

Anyway, tomorrow is Annual Hike.... Hope things go well....

Oh yeah, found the video for the cooking com at KCP last Sat... The Sec 1s came in 2nd!! Nice... Here's the link... Found it from Joseph sir's blog... Haha...


Ok, going to sleep soon.... Bye...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Yo people... Posting before I go for camp...

Anyway, as promised, shall talk about the celebrations that day.... Dinner was at this restaurant at Serangoon Garden COuntry Club.... Basically ate... Cake, sang... Lol... All my cousins came, talked quite a bit... Took some photos but I shan't bother to upload them now... Not with me anyway.... Quite fun lah the celebrations... Anyway, to answer Damian's question... Yeah, I only have cousins on my Mum's side of the family... Cause my Dad has only 2 other siblings... One isn't married, and my aunt who is doesn't have children, yet... Lol... She got married quite late I think... Lol... Yeah, then my Mum has quite a number of siblings and nearly all of them have children... Lol... So yeah... After dinner went to see my uncle's new house... Then went to my cousin's house to play a bit... Became damn childish sia... Haha... Play until quite siao also... Lol... It's good to become childish once in a while... Haha... Played then borrowed some PS2 games from him then came home at like 2+am... Lol... Finally can play games that I know how to play on the PS2 that we borrowed from our neighbour.... Lol...

Ok, OAL camp starting from tomorrow till Wednesday... Will blog about it when I'm back... Going with Wai Yinn, Alastair, Hector and Ivan.... Those are the Sec 3s.... Some J1 people coming back too... Zzz.... Ok, back to the damn long hike from CHS to Changi Coast Adventure Centre... Lol... Hope I don't get either of the Mr Gohs in the group I'm taking.... Lol... If you need to contact me, do so by getting me at my HP.... Yeah... Haha... Keep my tagboard alive please... Thanks guys... Haha.... See you when we come back! Wahaha!! =D

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Hi people... Blogging again... This week hasn't been much actually... Monday to Wednesday had Chinese remedial with Rao Lao Shi.... Writing Bao Zhang Bao Dao everyday... Zzzz.... Wednesday was CL O levels for many.... Hope they did ok.... Thursday and Friday was training.... Did quite a bit... Hope that the Sec 2s will be able to do well for their upcoming promotion tests.... Then after training yesterday (Friday), we went to visit the CID HQ at Chinatown or something... Expected something like they bringing us around the building or something to look at at least something... But... Mr Thomas just accompanied us there and we were treated to a few lectures... We were wearing full u when some other schools were wearing their school u or unit tees... -.- Luckily we weren't the only ones.... Came back then played basketball then went for dinner....

Today was the hike reccee... Met everyone at Bishan MRT... Saw Rui Min and Jeanie there... Lol... Made fun of Tong Yang there... Lol.. Dunno why we like to make fun of him... Damn bad lah... No offence to the 2.... Lol... Then went to the interchange to take 59 to Changi Village... Linus didn't come again when he SAID he could come... WTF.... What's his problem... If he can't come then just bloody hell SAY lah.... Everytime never come for anything... If he has any difficulties or what can TELL us right... Wah lau.... Damn pissed... Anyway, went to Changi with Yan Hao and Nicholas sirs... Same things... Took the bumboats there, after eating lah.... Then rented bikes, briefed on what to do... Split into our 2 groups... Went to various checkpoints to familiarize ourselves with the checkpoints.... Many ran out of water.... Best is Tong Yang who FINISHED his water before everything started... Damn clever man... Haha... Next time bring more water or don't drink everything all at once lah LTY.... Lol... Finishefd quite early as we didn't have to do all the bearings and stuff all at once.... Then some people went up to see the quarry.... Wanted to see it but didn't get a chance... Zzzzz... Then Yan Hao sir brought us around to some places in Ubin.... Or rather 2... Wasn't much.. Saw some oven that some baker left behind a long time ago... Went through some short cut and all that... Then came back to the mainland and ate at the hawker centre.... Then took the 1 hour bus ride back again.... Fell asleep on the bus...

Came back to J8... Saw Chester sir, Desmond sir and one more CI whose name I don't know.... Went back to school with Ken, Leonard, KB, Jason and Terence.... Hike com carried on with their planning, basically it was just Leonard and KB.... We helped with the bearing a bit... Then came home...

Wednesday was Zi Kai's birthday... Ended up getting invited... Thanks Zi Kai, though you don't know me much... We went to some place at Marina Bay for the celebration dinner... Mostly comprised of 3-3 and 2-5 people... Probably the only person not part of either group there, so felt weird.... Anyway, had some buffet barbeque... Quite fun cooking your own food... People cam whored... Sang the birthday boy his song and gave him his presents... Haha.... Then went for bowling... Played quite well I guess, considering that I hadn't bowled for a conserably long time since I took up golf some time ago... 121 was my score... Lol... Harrison had like 4 strikes in a row... Tyco man... Haha... Then the system was damn cock.... Kept screwing up.... Finished the one game (3 lanes for about 18-20 people?) and we quickly left the place.... Damn late le... Never went out till such late hours before, and I don't go out much... Chionged to the MRT station once we alighted from the bus and took the train... All of us took the last carriage of the train... As in the whole carriage... Lol... Guess we looked like a bunch of gangsters or something... Alighted at YCK station and my Dad fetched me home... Sorry to have disturbed you... Well, celebration was quite fun I guess... Went out of my safety zone a bit... But I guess I shan't stay out so late next time... Reached home at around 12+am... Zzzz... Lol... Oh yeah.... Saw Tian Ming sir there too.... He was with his students.... Oh wait, we should call him Mr Tan now!!! Haha.... He said he's coming to ATC... Woots!!! Yay man.... Haha...

Will talk about my Great Grandma's birthday tomorrow I guess... Already typed a too long post... Haha... What kind of English is that.... Ok bye people

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com