Friday, November 23, 2007

Hey guys... Friday today... BK training again... Managed ti advance quite a bit into the sequence... Halfway I guess... Standard, well, I can say that I am hopeful, that this batch will turn out all right.... Hope this motivational style can work... Anyway, jia you guys!!!

Yeah, after training, went to AMK Hub to eat with everyone... After that, we were like walking to NTUC to find twine for the C.C Com people.... Didn't have what they wanted exactly.... Then ended up going to the library with the Camp Committee.... Was the only one not in the committee there... So played Mario on Jason's DS and Dynasty Warriors on Cliff's PSP... I'm acting like some damn deprived kid... Lol... Playing every game comsole there is not being used... Lol.. In a way I am though... Lol... Yeah, stoned until 6+pm like that then came home... Right now I'm like seriously bored and frustrated lah... So many people have what PSPs, DS, Xbox, PS etc... They're like allowed to play them all they want.. And I'm not even allowed to play a borrowed PS2.... Zzzz.. The PS2 we borrowed from our neighbour was forcibly returned and my parents both think we're playing too much... Now I seriously have nothing left to do... I don't play com games, I don't play lan... What else can I do? And I can't study, not at this point of time... I'm starting to get bored.... If there wasn't any NP I think I'll seriously die of boredom... Wish I could go out and all that, but well, nobody and sometimes also don't dare I guess... I'm weird.... Yup....

Anyway, yesterday was the release of PSLE results... Top score was 294... Unbelievable.... Then my brother went to get his... 256... Distinction for all his languages... So, plus his HCLit would end up with 259? Nice... Cousin got 250... Guess she's joining her sis in St. Nick's too... Lol... So well, then my brother's DSA into Hwa Chong Instituition is confirmed... So he's going there, yeah... Good lah he... Well, as a brother, I feel happy for him... All the more so that he got into HCI, which is a far better achievement than my own... So... Yeah, I just hope he doesn't become the irritating git he is and start to get it into his head that he's better, smarter, more talented and a better person than his older brother, aka me.... So, can say that I'll look like a total joke next to him lah... Sigh.... Zzz... Haiz.... Yeah, many in his class did well too... Well, the "B" Class leh... There were people scoring 270+... o.0

Anyway... There are really a lot of things I wish I could say... But well, hard to mention them and I also forgot some of them already... But well... To my best friend, seriously, stop daoing me and acting slack and all that... I have no idea what happened to you, but please don't barricade yourself from everyone else, maybe it's your personal problem, but we can help, unless we've seriously become nothing to you anymore... Hope you'll pull yourself together... Do help us to help you too... And cheer up... Stop emoing, be the person you used to be... =D

I have no idea why, I'm not exactly very happy these days... Zzzz... And some people seriously should stop treating me like a joke.... Zzzz... Guess I have nothing left to do but to watch Bleach on Youtube... On episode 7... Lol... Somehow, I think I moulded myself after a certain someone, and it might explain why I'm like that now... Tense, rigid, lack of humour etc... To think I actually moulded myself after him... I must have been out of my mind perhaps... Lol...

Anyway, here's the photo of all the Sec 3s at ATC 2007... Cheers everyone!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail