Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hi everyone.... It's officially Teachers' Day today... So yeah... Happy Teacher's Day to all Teacher's!! =D

Haha ok... Yesterday we had the celebrations in the school... Morning reporting time was the usual 7:40am for Fridays... Went down for assembly then after a bit of breifing Miss Tan went like, "Ok, you're dismissed" Mass dismissal of the student body... Haha... Then we went to our meeting place and did the cards for the respective teachers.... Problem is... I hated the atmosphere in there... Everyone, in particular some people, were very cold and all that... Well, I can't blame them after what happened.... Yeah then went up to get into the hall... Bloody jam-packed entrance.... Got inside then watched the programme... First was a flute duo of Hoe Jun Wei and Daniel Lim... Nice music, except it was partially drowned by the cheering of the students to "Welcome" the teachers into the hall... Haha... Some IMovie about the teachers.... Some of the pictures are like totally not featuring teachers at all? Haha..... After that was some game about guessing teacher's tables and dunno what... Then a band from 2-6 I think performed, or was it the other way around?... Anyway, their drummer was the teacher Mr Thomas Macaleenan (Spelled correctly?)... Nice... Except that during the performance, 2 of the cymbals dropped off... Haha.... I can't remember what else there was then Yong Quan's band performed.... Quite nice.... Here's a pic....

Well... The pic quality isn't that good.. My phone's camera isn't that good.... Yeah, then halfway through their performance had to leave the hall.... Then had a hard time trying to find Nathan... Stupid bugger go sit somewhere in the middle... Had to use Julian's phone to call him... Yeah, then we waited outside and got our scrolls that were to be given to teachers... Waited for some time and we were missing the performances!! Arrggghh... Yeah, waited for some time then soon we went in to give the scrolls to our respective teachers... I gave to Mr Thomas first, then I couldn't find Mr Quay for a while but ended up being able to locate him at one corner with some other teachers.... Haha... Then we just practically stoned outside and missed everything that was going on in the hall... Zzzzz... But now come to think of it... I can't exactly remember the series of events le... Cause I remember Wilson Thong performing.... Well... I shan't comment about his performance... Yeah then I only remember stoning outside, then Lam Jun Wei came by.... Woots!! Haha... Lam visited yeah... So we talked a bit then waited for our squad's people to come out when the school was being dismissed... So yeah... Nearly everyone was talking to Lam.. Haha... Then we chionged back to class to get our report books back... No ranking or what... But I guess I'm still somewhere at the bottom of the class.... 2 A1s, 2 B3s, 3 B4s and 1 C5.... Zzzz... Well, Mr Thomas dismissed us rather early at 10:40am on the dot... Many of the classes weren't dismissed yet... Haha... Ok, then I stoned for a while running about waiting for the store to be opened again... Didn't find anything that required me there already so I left...

Ok, then met Leon, Wei Shian and Chuan En at the porch... Waited for a few more people... Wen Xuan turned up, then I can't remember who else... Then waited for Andrew... I decided to chiong to Bishan North's 7-11 to top up my Ez-Link card.... Then chionged back and caught everyone just in time as they were walking towards the bus stop.... Waited for a while... persuaded Melvin to chiong over just as a 162 arrived.. Haha... Yeah, took the bus and headed back to Ai Tong... And got a call from Nicole saying that decided to go back... Haha... She was at like Orchard or something at the time of the call...

At ATS we went through the main gate... We're like supposed to register or what, but seeing the queue there, we deicided to take a detour through the other gate by the Parent's Corner... Don't think that's allowed though... Haha... Then Wei Shian and I walked around.. Found You Yue... Met Ian too.... Walked around and sort of gathered people... Haha.. Justin came... We walked somemore... Found Miss Tan Meng Yang and talked to her... She changed her specs... Haha... Found Huang Lao Shi too... Haha.... Then we waited at the canteen.... Jedidah, Jenn Hao and Jia Ming came... Nicole finally came after that and the first thing that was said was by Wei Shian and You Yue saying that she must have used an acidic shampoo for her hair.. Damn bad.... Haha... Come to think of it... It's the first time I've seen her in 3 years... Haha... Then we went to the hall and watch the performances... Some competition like thing again where some students went up to sing.... Not too bad... Haha.... After that went to the canteen and waited for a damn long time for Jun Hao and Jia Quan... Erin joined us for a while... Lol... Jian Ming, You Yue, Wei Shian and I decided to kill some time by playing somewhere near the PE store while Jenn Hao and Justin went to find Mdm Nah.... Haha.... Waited for damn long, Nicole left cause she calimed she was scared of us or something... Lol... Erin left too... Then finally the two people from Zhong Hua arrived... Talked a bit and we left the school...

At the bus stop there was some debate on whether to eat at J8 or Thomson Plaza and whether to watch a movie or go bowling later... So ended up deciding that we would eat at Thomson Plaza... We went to Pizza Hut to eat... Hmm... Reminds me of the time when I went there to eat with them before, no all of them, that was some time ago I guess... Haha... Anyway, we stoned again for damn long as we were undecided on what to eat... Finally decided on something and ordered... Got another call from Nicole saying that she decided not to join us anymore... Lol... Ate and then we stoned again.... Deciding on what to do before our movie, which was at 5:05pm... Haha... Wei Shian had to leave as he supposedly had CCA.... We walked around Thomson Plaza a bit, then took the bus to J8... Jun Hao and Jia Quan left... Took 52 to the terminal...Slept a bit on the way... Lol... Then Wei Shian called saying that he could come and met us at J8... Went to buy the tickets for Evan Almighty and they cost $9.50!!! Crap lah... 5 minutes after 5pm and it was $1.50 more... Crap... Ok, whatever.... Met Yong Kee and Xavier Cheong there too.... Walked around a bit... Justin and Jenn Hao were walking a bit with their classmates or something then Jia Ming, You Yue, Wei Shian and I looked around... Jedidah tagged along and she was damn quiet.... She was a bit like emoing like that... =P Can't blame her, being the only girl in the group.... Jia Ming is still damn funny lah... Haha...

Then it was movie time... Bought our stuff and went in... So yeah... The Cinema wasn't full... Haha... Practically the whole 6 front rows or something was empty... Evan Almighty was quite a nice show... Pretty funny... The guy who played God in Bruce Almighty was back... Haha... But based on the plot, didn't he go a bit too far in trying to make Evan Baxter build the ark? Haha... With the beard and all, I too would have thought he had gone insane... Haha... However, there was some meaningful parts in it... There was a part when Evan Baxter's wife was eating with her kids after leaving her husband for a while and she was talking to God, who was pretending to be a waiter... His nametag was labelled "Al Mighty" Haha... She talked about the problem and God said thing along this line which I thought was pretty meaningful.... "If a person prays for courage, will God give that person courage? Or oppurtunities to show his/her courage?" Well, and a few more verses along that line... But that was meaningful... Ending was quite crazy with the huge ark, which looks impossible to build by hand, crashing into the state building of some sort... Haha...

Movie ended and we went out... Then we stoned again for some time outside Delifrance wondering what we should do next... Haha... Damn sian... Thought for damn long and in the end we deicded to just take the MRT to Yio Chu Kang... Wei Shian left for CCA, long story for his situation.... Jedidah also left... Rest of us took the train and You Yue, Justin, Jia Ming and I dropped off at YCK... Jenn Hao was going home... You Yue took 162 and left... Then Justin tried persuading Jia Ming to cut short his gaming time at the LAN shop for a few hours to join them for another supposed outing... Lol... Jia Ming is crazy man.... Apparrently if I didn't hear wrongly he goes to a LAN shop at Dhoby Ghaut on Saturdays from 10AM to 11:30PM?! Wtf.... That's madness.... After that we split and I came home...

Well, it was nice meeting up with quite a number of my Primary school friends.... No matter how briefly... Haha... It was more than I expected as I thought that not many would turn up.... Turns out it was better than expected.... Wished we could have a Class Gathering and everyone would turn up.... Go organize it Justin.... Haha.... Well, the day would have been great had it not been for the fact that I lost my pencil box!!!! Craaaaappppp lah!!!! I only discovered that it was missing when I went home and emptied my bag.... SIIIIAAAANNN.... I dunno where I dropped it... It could have dropped out either when we were eating at Pizza Hut or during the movie as I had left my bag open on the floor.... #^*&^%&* Sian... I lost everything inside, plus my school badge, spare collarpin and NPCC keychain that were all on it.... I'm damn sad now.... Not to mention that that pencil box has some sentimental value.... Most of the things I own do anyway... Haha... Sian lah... Monday I go to the cinema and check if they found it... If not I'm like screwed lah... My current pencil box has only 2 pens and 1 correction tape, nothing else... Sian... I really hope I can find it, or I'll have to buy everything all over again.... Zzzz

Ok, bye people.... This post os finally done... Lol..


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail