Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ok, I'm back here..... Well.... Latest event which took place was LMSC.... It's Leadership and Mentoring Skills Course in case you didn't know..... Anyway, from Wednesday to Friday we had a full day course each day..... Something like 7am-7pm approximately......

Shan't really say much.... Won't bother..... Anyway, was in Alpha squad, under Kelvin sir and Chester sir.... Alpha's a good team I must say... So saw and caught up with a number of old friends.... People like Han Yuan from last year's ATC group etc... Some new friends made, they're nice people.... =D There's one Lim Jun Wei in my group from BPS... Haha...

Anyway, LMSC we had mainly lectures and the learning of drills... Some people need to stop laughing during drills.... Lot's of stuff here and there.... Food was ok....

Then we Cat High people always get scolded during area events cause our traditions and stuff are different.... Zzzz Like the second day dunno which squad got pumped when we were in full then the Cat High guys in that group tio scolded for putting our berets on the floor, which we've always been doing.... Quoted, "Cat High people! Who told you you can put your beret on the ground?! Did Tian Ming sir or Si Ming sir teach you this?" -.- Last year also tio scolded because we used our own timing to greet officers.... zzzzz... I guess the officers should at least tell the cohort what needs to be standardised... Different schools have different practices lah please....

Other than that the rest was so so.... One good part was probably the SIT thing.... We had scenario then we had to present on how we would deal with the problem.... The presentation was on the last day... Then Terence and I were the ones acting out for the first part.... Quite fun that part... Haha... Err.... Can't really remember the rest.....

Anyway, after LMSC, was the big event... Graduation cum Mr Lee's farewell parade.... Anyway, it started with before the parade some names being called out.... From CHS were YiBin, Leonard and myself.... So we had to go to the plaza and all that then we found out that we were the merit awardees... The best member of the group thingy.... Damn surprised... So anyway we had to go to the plaza to get briefed then we saw the massive turnout for the parade.....zzzz.. Pratically the whole 28th Batch was there.... 31st Batch (supposed to come), people from 27th, 26th and even 25th Batch.... Heard that some from 24th Batch was there too.... Anyway, there were tons of people there.... Some wearing working clothes and all that.... From previous batches I suppose... Then Mrs Alice Long was there... Heard she was NP last time.... And a lot of other people.... Even one wearing dunno what rank from air force or what.... Rank got one bar one....We saw the turnout then tio stun liao... After our briefing then everyone was coming up already..... Then Terence passed me the drill cane then we went to freshened up a bit.... After that we went to collect the rifles which were at the corridor of the hall... Then the GOH found out that the rifles were oily! Lol... No cloth somemore.... Then they fell in and then Kelvin sir gave us some last minute practice... Jian Ming was taken out cause he wasn't sure on how to do the procedure so bo pian.... We all gave motivational talks and encouraging words.... Then straight away had to march in liao.... Waahhhh.... March in, got into position... Supporting con took like damn long before they came in.... Then the parade started....

Ken, YJ and Jun Wei marched in... Emcee didn't change script and said Jason's name instead of Yong Jie's name... Lol... Jason didn't come.... Then Mr Azman went onto the dias..... He didn't even look at Ken when Ken was doing the part of asking him permission to carry on... zzzz.... Haiz..... Then we stoned for a while then Mr Lee came, escorted by the CIs.... He was wearing the damn nice uniform like some tuxedo and his 3 medals were displayed there..... Waahhh.... Damn nice... 28th Batch was like going "Worh" damn loudly... Haha.... Then saluted again this time to Mr Lee.... Followed by the inspection part.... Woohoo.... Turned on time... Then the part when we had to slow march was like damn scary.... You could feel all eyes on you and it was quite freaky... People, especially those from 28th Batch, were taking photos.... After GOH was the inspection of the first rank of the supporting con.... After that Terence and I marched back... I think we banged together.... So it was quite successful I guess.... Then came the damn long part.... Speech by Mr Azman.... Prize presentation for the Best Unit Cadets... Representatives from every unit for the certs of participation....Then the best trainees thing.... Merit awards were given out and for the guys first.... So my name was called first, from Alpha mah.... Then my hands were damn numb from the standing too long then couldn't execute the sedia properly... Damn scared I would drop the drill cane... Then cause the emcee was a maam then I was too used to hearing her voice liao then I went "Maa.....SIR!!" Wah lau... Damn embarrassing.... Then YiBin and Leonard's names were called... Damn nice.... SGT Tan Yi Pin Bryan... He's in the GOH contingent and has acknowledged the award... Then SGT Leonard Lim Jing Jie... He's also in the GOH contingent and has acknowledged the award.... Then SGT Seah YiBin.... He's in the GOH contingent and has acknowledged the award.... LOL... Three names in a row all from Cat High... Haha... Then the girl's one... Dunno why the rest just sedia and don't say anything.... Silent... Haha... I thought have to shout "sir" one.....

Then the overall best trainees... For the boys was this guy called Melvin I think from Peirce.... Girls was Adeline.... Then the awards to Mr Lee.... Mr Lee's speech... Then the NPCC pledge... Screwed up the Sedia for that one... Pledge over then the NPCC march... The song is the one they always use in parades.... No wonder... Then the march pass.... Then the formation of two ranks and stopping part.... Screwed up the berhenti a little... Dressing.... Then the salute... Then apparently the part about how the supporting cons salute was not really planned well.... So when Terence and I shouted the Hormat Senjata and Turun Senjata respectively.... They followed... Haiz... Never mind... After that we shouted our unit cheer and all that.... Why the Sec 2s like never shout one..... Lol... Then after that returned rifles and changed into mufti.... Then all the things like eating and taking photos with Mr Lee.... Woots.... Day ended quite well.... =D

Refelctions about LMSC: Well.... I guess I have learnt quite a bit from the course... I have made new friends and reconnected with the old.... I have also seen different styles of leadership, from the CIs, that is and from there we can all see what kind of leadership is good and what is bad... Which will allow you to gain respect, which will get you hated.... Which is effective, which is not... Well.... After all this, I guess I'll miss my friends in LMSC...... Hope to see you guys again during ATC etc =D As for the CIs? Perhaps, perhaps not.... =P

Reflections about Mr Lee: Well... Mr Lee was my Sec 1 Maths teachers... I remember him being quite a caring teacher, directly and indirectly.... I guess many sort of didn't care about him cause they thought he was blur and all that... But when he's your Maths teacher and your NP teacher you can see how good he really is... For the unit, all these 33 years of dedication to it as well as NPCC.... These years, he has brought the unit to impressive heights it is under his leadership that the unit is here today..... Now he has passed the unit to Mr Goh, he has as mentioned, "given a solid foundation" for Mr Goh to carry on.... Thank you Mr Lee for all that you have done these years.... We'll all miss you, the unit, the cadets, ex-cadets.... Thank you and have a happy retirement! Thank you sir! =D

Happy Belated Birthday to Diane! (16th June)
Happy Birthday Edmund!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail