Friday, August 24, 2007

Hey people... It's almost the end of Week 9 le.... Dunno whether that's good or bad...

Anyway, Happy Birthday Harrison!! Lol, nice celebration you had... Haha...

Ok, anyway... Main thing about this week... We got back our overall marks... So here's the breakdown....

English: 59, C5 (Sian)
Chinese (Normal): 63, B4
Physics: 65, B3
Chemistry: 63, B4
Biology: 65, B3
A Maths: 83, A1
Geography (Pure): A1 or A2 hopefully
Combined Humanities (SS and E Lit): ????
(SS: 57, C5)

Ok, yeah, here's my scores.... I know it's not like what you see in people's results like Wei Rong, John, or Leonard etc.... I'm not so zai ok.... Anyway, what killed me in my English was my class test comprehension I think... I failed that... 22/50 cause my summary screwed me like crazy.... If I passed that with a score of like 28/50 I guess my overall would be a B4 le.... Zzzz For Chinese I improved by 1 grade, so a little happy.... Same goes for Chemistry.... Biology improved by 2 grades.... Yay... Quite lucky... Physics improved by 3 grades I think? Or is it 2? Anyway, it's improvement lah, but it was due to the fact that I went for the Re-mastery review, or I would have scored worse... Geography I hope I can get my A1, not confirmed yet though.... My Social Studies I got 57... Improvement from last time as I was the only one who failed that subject.... Yeah, go ahead, laugh.... My Lit I guess it's a C something as well, so my combined humans would probably be C.....

So as an overview, I think I improved on quite a number of subject this term, it's not fantastic, but at least I'm getting somewhere... So I'll definitely strive for improvement for the next exam, which is the Final Year Exams.... This term, my L1R5 is something like 18? Assuming that my Geography is A2 that is... Of course , and A1 would be best.... So like this I can hardly go to any JC at all... Congratulations Bryan.....

Ok, anyway, today I went for the EV interview thing under the SLB with the rest of the selected SLs.... Left class at 10:40am and met the rest... Then we were interviewed by some person called Mrs Liew.... Interview was quite ok I guess? I didn't talk much, but I dunno whether what I said was ok or not... The main speakers were James, Sai Leong, Ivan, Robin and Wei Lun.... Lol... Training we erected our first flagstaff on our own....

Ok, then yesterday Mr Chew made an announcement saying that all the Sec 2s were to support the basketball finals today after school... So as a result, we had to cancel our training.... I guess you can visualise what was our immediate reaction when the announcement was made... Haha...

Ok, anyway, I have 3 things to discuss.... Firstly it's about our Principal.... I mean, many people don't like him because of one reason or the other... But I guess we should all grow up and look at it with a more mature thinking.... All right, perhaps sometimes he changes things to something we don't like, sometimes he doesn't exactly phrase things such that it sounds very pleasant to us.... But, you have to admit that Mr Lee has been a good Principal.... He's done things to improve the school and help the students was well... Now, before you come tagging and saying that he's wasting money and all that by building ponds and stuff... But I believe that he has his reasons for his actions, even though he doesn't tell you openky what it is... Perhaps he isn't very popular among some students and staff, but I feel that Mr Lee can be called a good Principal.... Please do grow up and think more maturely....

Secondly, I had the misfortune to experience 2 not very pleasant experiences this week... First was this morning.... This guy called Ruolin came into my class to put his bag after he asked Jiren, classmate... He did so because his classroom was locked... He just came and dumped his bag there like he owned the place like that... Then of course I got damn fed up... I told what are you doind a few times, then I raised my voice a little... But what did he do?
Instead of perhaps maybe asking whether we could help him, he gave that bloody attitude of his and went what what what.... So I was damn pissed... I got Robin to help me dump his bag outside the classroom, cause knowing him, he might find some stupid reason like this to go nd accuse me of something stupid.... I mean it's like, it becomes my responsibility to take care of your stuff because you came later and your class was locked?! And you even come and show some bloody attitude when I confront you? This is absolute rubbish lah!!!! Despicable.....

The 2nd thing is was something that happened yesterday..... Yesterday I was walking along the corridor when I saw Kenneth (my squadmate) looking like he just cried and he was being in a way escorted by Shawn Woo.... Then there was this guy from Chinese Orchestra... I know his name, but I won't say it here in case he's some damn good friend of yours and you get unhappy lah.... Anyway, he was there too... Then I went over cause Kenneth's my squadmate I have the right to know what happened and help him if necessary right? So I asked what happened, then Shawn Woo just asked me to leave first cause Kenneth wasn't feeling great.... Never mind... Then I asked again anyway, then Kenneth tried to answer I think then this CO guy came and said "Just F*** off lah you" I do not wish to type that out fully.... Then I was greatly offended and I said what I said above, he's my squadmate... Then he swore at me again and I told him to watch his language... Then he purposely just swore at my face again then he like surveyed my name tag and what "Orh, Bryan ah.... F*** you, F***, F***, F***" Yeah something like that, to my face and thinking he was in the total right and I was some extra person.... I finished by telling him he was despicable and left.... These kind of people are really despicable.... I felt very wtf after that.... Lol... It's just too bad he happens to be some friend of my boss.... Haiz...

Ok, I guess that wraps up this post... Tomorrow's Area Games Day prize presentation along with some games being held like soccer, netball and volleyball... Hope we can retain our title in soccer... I'm the keeper and I guess I may not be able to save properly... Perhaps it's my confidences... Hope things will go ok.... One thing's for sure, it's totally good bye to the challenge shield le.... Zzzzz

Ok, bye guys....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail