Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well.... Our OAL journey has officially come to an end. Nothing much to say, probably just that we're going to miss these times as I/Cs together. Anyway, just finished the BURST camp yesterday.

Came to school in the morning at the normal time and put our bags at the grandstand. Had morning meeting for CMC after flag raising in the hall. After that, it was time for BURST. Took 1-7 with Ken, Xing Yu and Michael. First thing that we did was to talk to them about the camp and a whole lot of crap. Then we played dog and bone with them. More of Xing Yu and Michael were taking them in that while I was attempting to help them tie their flag to the dowel poles. Got Jason's and Wee Shi Jie's help later. They went for recess then Xing Yu and Ken took them first while I ate a bit. When I went there they were practising for their cheer. I went to take a plastic bag for their valuables and when I was back they were in pumping position. Seems like they were not making use of the time given to them and were playing or something like that. Then they went for lunch then Ken, Terence, Yi Bin and myself went to change to half-u for NPDP practice. Other schools from Area 4 came over to take the bus to HTA (Home Tean Academy. Saw some familiar faces like Daniel from RI, Mick from Guangyang etc. Went there, we marched in and they did mass drill practices. Practised things like sedia, senang diri, turning, henta kaki and baton salute. After that we had to wait for some time for the bus cause the original bus driver could not come and another guy was picking us up. While waiting there was this stupid bee which kept buzzing around me and kept following me. Kept irritating me. And for some reason, the middle of my right foot hurts when the skin there stretches. I thought there was a splinter there but there was nothing. Whole parade training kept hurting. Yi Bin says it's because of being flat footed. Problem is, I never knew I was ever flat footed. Dunno...

Back at Cat High, we talked to sirs for a while then went to change. Then, went for dinner before clearing canteen. Had night games for the Sec 1s which were a bit screwed up for my group cause we had to walk around so many times before we found a free station. Heard from Xing Yu that their afternoon was PT and dunno what but they had a lot of push-ups, that's all I know. After games was dbrief by Mr Goh then it was wash-up. We weren't allowed to tell ghost stories to them but they were damn enthu about the stories. We talked to them and I pumped some guys for some reason I can't really remember. Only remember that I think I was a bit too hasty in pumping them. Then, heard that there was some guy from the sports class who got injured cause he was jumping around in his sleeping bag and fell. This thing I dunno much, refer to other OAL's posts.

Anyway, some of us did sentry that night. Kept having to ask them to settle down and sleep. Had to scold some guys. Then went up to the I/C bunk to play tai di for a while before returning to sentry. Had to go to sports class a number of times. Then Benjamin was like doing his homework at their bunk and talking to them. I think he's like in love with them. During meals, don't eat with us but eat with them, same for sleeping. He did other things as well which I can't remember. Anyway, we NP guys had a talk with him and told him what he was doing. He's like stuck to them and kept giving excuses that he had punished them and dunno what crap. I had heard that he had even gone to the extent of telling the sports class that we NP guys had been scolding him for this and he didn't know why. -.- WTF, even tell these sort of things to the sports class. After that we went to talk a bit at the tables at the linkway from 1-6 the Staff Rooms. Talked a bit then we slept there for a while before we were woken up by some cold wind and we transferred to the student lounge. Was woken up by Clement halfway to accompany him to the toilet. Was half-asleep while walking with him. When we came back I found Lisong sleeping in my place. Then no choice had to sleep with my back on the backing of the chair on the floor. Wasn't really comfortable but had no choice.

Then, we woke up about 5:30 then back to the bunk. Freshened up a bit, then went to the hall to help out in the morning PT. Briefing by Mr Goh and then breakfast. Finished that then they went back to their classrooms to prepare for CIP, which was later cancelled. I/Cs had free time and we played basketball. Then they went for a rehearsal of the certificate presentation ceremony and then had lunch. They were then given one hour to shower and everything and change into school-u with tie. I checked their uniform and ties for them. Aren't I kind? :) THey had the ceremony and then break camp!!!! We talked to them for a while and told them the ghost stories that they so wanted to hear. Then they went off.

I think that 1-7 was not too bad and they were much better compared to other classes. They were also much better off than the others I think. I think Xing Yu and I (cause Ken didn't do much with them) were quite lenient and quite ok with them.

Now, it's back to trainings for us on Fridays. The commanding back to the commanded. I believe all of us have learnt some things form this OAL journey of ours and it was pretty fun doing all the things together as I/Cs. I've made so many new friends too. These times will be fond memories that we'll have about our times in Cat High......

After dismissing the Sec 1s, went to KFC with Yi Bin, Ken, Xing Yu, Yong Jie, Kian Boon, Wei Rong and Wei Shan. Reached home about 6:45. Showered and slept through the night. About 13 hours of sleep. Problem was, didn't feel refreshed after the sleep.

After that, had quite a bad day. Don't feel like mentioning it.....

Sirs said that Muster parade has been postponed AGAIN till two fridays from now. Crapppp. Can we just get over it?

Another week coming up.....


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail