Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ah Yes, today was the first day of Sec 3. Went to school damn early, for me that it is, something like 6:45am. Anyway, went for CMC meeting at the classroom and was briefed by Miss Saras. Went for morning assembly then went for meeting again. Went back to class and did some admin stuff. Some guys were totally alien to me, some more or less familiar. Currently I'm like the only Chairman in the class as of 2006. So I'm like soloing everything that a Chairman has to do. Asked the class for those who want to be respective reps. Hardly any response -.- Guess we're still shy. So there's this guy called Nathan Ma who is also running for Chairman and Asst. Seems quite ok. Our form teacher is Mr Thomas Aldrin, who's also an NP teacher. He's not bad. He's also our Chemistry teacher. Other teachers include Miss Saras for Biology, Mr Fourier Ang for English and Miss Angeline Wong for Physics. The others we haven't really met them yet. Had OAL meeting during recess and Mr Goh was not very happy with all of us for something, then he left us stoning there until like 12:45pm then we went back to class. Then later found out that some of our classmates (includes me) went to the wrong class for Geography. Assembly was just Mr Lee giving his speech to the school about his aspirations etc. Spotted Martin half asleep. :P I was also almost going to sleep :P Then we had a quick lunch (took the opportunity when Mr Goh was briefing the Sec 2s on their Sec 2 camp. OAL meeting until about 4 then went for Black Knights. Seems like it was very hot and uncomfortable wearing full black in the gallery. Standard dropped quite a bit. Later we perfected it quite a bit and it was quite presentable. Finished everything at about 6:10pm.

Tomorrow's another school day, better sleep well if I want my strength. I have to go to school early to settle some admin stuff with Mr Thomas. Like the Chairman stuff and all that. The Chemistry textbook is like damn thick and heavy sia....

Ah well, see ya!


P.S: I'm really sorry if I showed some of you guys a bit of attitude. Wasn't really feeling that great. Sorry Wen Xuan and Minron.


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail