Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well... Taking a bit of time off my work to blog. As Yap Chien requested, I'll post about the Sec 2 camp.

On Friday, 5th January, the OALs first went for the BURST programme. First training for Sec 1s. Nothing much on that, except that I did a lot of the talking. After that was a long break before we gathered the the first batch of Sec 2s and headed to Changi Coast Adventure Centre. Over there, we I/Cs set out to do our respective duties. I was taking Phillippe 2 (Spelled correctly?) along with Micheal, Melvin and I can't remember who else.

The first batch that came for the camp was supposedly made up of more non-uniformed groups people. So they came in and in a way cooperated with us. Their activities were in the order of High Ropes, Kayaking, Rock wall and Zipline/Abseiling. Half a day for each activity. So we started with High Ropes. The I/Cs were belayers and I seriously hate belaying for High Ropes. Damn streneous on the neck. Damn. They finished that and everyone went for dinner.
I'm having a bit of difficulty recalling what excatly happened.......

After that was night games which were so so. When there was spare time they also worked on their skit and cheer. Can't remember whether we pumped the first batch (of our group) or not. That night there was a fire drill and they came down quite slowly I guess. Some people came down without their footwear and some idiot actually came down without his shirt. WTF.

Next morning they had P.T and then breakfast. I/Cs were lectured by Mr Goh KY for dragging the P.T too much. After that was kayaking for Phillippe. However, I had a damn bad stomach ache and couldn't go. Slept for that morning. That's the good thing about being an I/C there. You can do whatever you want, most of the time whenever you want. After lunch Phillippe went for Rock Wall climbing. Most of them managed to climb past the 3 metre mark. Dinner then was preparations for the campfire. Campfire was a bit screwed up cause the loudspeaker or whatever you call that thing ran out of battery and poor Reginald was shouting his lungs out to continue his MC duty. Then, when it was getting damn boring, the NP OALs went up to shout our unit cheer to liven things up. After the whole thing Mr Goh YH again livened up the whole thing by asking the whole lot of them to do the Your So Fine cheer. Winner of the Best Skit award went to our group, Phillippe 2, or was it the Best Cheer award? Bah, I can't remember, but they were voted to have won both by the teachers but the I/Cs thought that it was unfair for the rest and awarded the other prize to the next group. Then lectured them about respect as some them were sleeping during the the other group's presentation.

Last day of camp for them, had zipline/abseiling and they were damn enthu about the obstacles, wanting to try over and over again. Then there was this idiot who gave the bloody excuse that his ankle was injured or something and couldn't abseil. Turned out that he lied cause he was afraid of heights. -.- Took damn long and in the end he didn't abseil. Sai Leong and I also managed to abseil once. Switched over and then was lunch. Then they packed up and did area cleaning. Followed up the prize presentation for the best group and Phillippe 2 won it!!! Yeah! Then they did their original group cheer with some guy doing his butt dance in front of the second batch and the teachers. Damn funny. Lol....

Second batch consisted of more uniformed groups people. Had Rui Jie inside Phillippe 2. Thought that this batch would be better, guess I was wrong.....

Activities was the same as the previous batch. Won't bother to type it out. On our third night, or the second batch's first night, had fire drill. Was so so again. After that did sentry with John, Nikolas, Reginald, Ivan & Wei Rong. Apparrently, Mr Goh had given the I/Cs some snacks and they sort of partied. Those on sentry just sat at the corridor of the bunks and talked cock. Went back to the I/C's bunk a number of times to shut them up cause they were too noisy. After that we went to the canteen to sleep. Lol... Damn cold there

Then, at about 5am, we were woken up by the all the Sec 2s making a hell of a noise. All the way from the canteen can hear. WTF. Later we found out that some idiots set their alarm for 4:15am. -.- WTF.....

Had PT later. Oh yah, there was this guy who hyper ventilates in Joseph. So Timothy and the rest were watching him carefully. After breakfast went for activities again. I didn't go for kayaking again cause I was too tired from sentry. So I slept during the morning again... Stupid huh? I didn't go kayaking a single time whereas people like Hector went for like 5 times throughout the camp??!! The rest were the same.

Campfire was more interesting this time with things like the talent show etc. Xavier Cheong's skit screwed up like shit. Haha.... Damn attitude leh he.......

That night slept properly. Next morning, some NCC Air guys and us NP guys, plus, the Sec 2 Black Knights, went off before breakfast. End of camp....

Oh yah, I forgot to add.... I pumped the second batch of Phillippe 2 cause of some thing slike lack of unity. Some guys can come down from the bunk and fall in by themselves while others are struggling up there in the bunk. -.-

Ah well, that's all with the Sec 2 camp. Catch yah later!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail