Wednesday, January 31, 2007

zzzzz..... Friggin tired now, today's been a long day and I've been sleeping at 1++am the past two nights....

Ok... Monday.... Double period of Maths, hate double periods..... Biology SPA went to the lab and did something on osmosis with potatoes. I cut them pretty ok, but need a bit of improvement. Then there was the worksheet to complete, which up to now I've not finished.....

Tuesday.... Mr Talib didn't come to school so we had one free period. Weeeeee! :) Physics, Miss Wong couldn't speak much cause she lost her voice pr something and thus, hardly anyone could absorb what she said. Social Studies was damn funny cause of something about Manfred shitting and taking a long time then Bei Er was like laughing with the damn hilarious tone, which of course made everyone laugh.... Lol.... Had Blackbox lessons after school.... Ate the ice-crean from Icekimo for the first time in a very long time. For some reason, I'm getting a bit pissed with Yi Feng... Dunno why, maybe cause I'm too serious or I don't like his attitude? Maybe..... Can't believe after dunno how friggin long already I've been attending the same class as him and Edward asks "Who's Bryan?" WTF. Damn dao also eh he.....

Today..... Carpe Diam, felt very sleepy. Didn't really here all the stuff about self-respect and all that.... Chinese, didn't really pay attention today. Assembly programme was something about the Taiwan Sports Trip last year. Then the library people came and gave some presentation on some new system.....

NP training today was rehearsel for next week's Muster Parade. Underwent selection for GOH and a number of us got chosen. Ken, Yi Bin and myself also go chosen, but then again, the three of us and Terence won't be attending the parade due to NPDP right? So we just joined the Supporting contingents comprising of some Sec 3s and mostly Sec 2s. Ended up in the same contingent as HIM and even falled in near HIM. He's not my squad mate or super close friend and even accidentally called me by my name, before realizing it and rectifying his mistake. Watched him while he was doing drills with his squad. Not impressed although his timing is quite ok. Not really happy with him.... Or is it because I'm in a bad mood? Did parade practice until 5+++pm then got dismissed. Played basketball after that.

Saw our new Sec 1 juniors today, or we caught a glimpse of them. Guess the Sec 1 squad leaders finally have something to do. Lol.... Hope all of them stay on and don't quit, hopefully more will join soon too. :)

Tomorrow's the make-up chinese class test for last Friday. People say it's difficult. Sian...

I've lost alot of my "wanting to learn more attitude" I'm now more in the mood of slacking. Craaaap. I need to wake up.

After looking at all those, I suddenly feel so cast out. I thought that I had finally succeeded in not repeating it but alas, I still got it. Everywhere I feel that, so when and where will it be so? Or am I destined to stay like this forever?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Well.... Our OAL journey has officially come to an end. Nothing much to say, probably just that we're going to miss these times as I/Cs together. Anyway, just finished the BURST camp yesterday.

Came to school in the morning at the normal time and put our bags at the grandstand. Had morning meeting for CMC after flag raising in the hall. After that, it was time for BURST. Took 1-7 with Ken, Xing Yu and Michael. First thing that we did was to talk to them about the camp and a whole lot of crap. Then we played dog and bone with them. More of Xing Yu and Michael were taking them in that while I was attempting to help them tie their flag to the dowel poles. Got Jason's and Wee Shi Jie's help later. They went for recess then Xing Yu and Ken took them first while I ate a bit. When I went there they were practising for their cheer. I went to take a plastic bag for their valuables and when I was back they were in pumping position. Seems like they were not making use of the time given to them and were playing or something like that. Then they went for lunch then Ken, Terence, Yi Bin and myself went to change to half-u for NPDP practice. Other schools from Area 4 came over to take the bus to HTA (Home Tean Academy. Saw some familiar faces like Daniel from RI, Mick from Guangyang etc. Went there, we marched in and they did mass drill practices. Practised things like sedia, senang diri, turning, henta kaki and baton salute. After that we had to wait for some time for the bus cause the original bus driver could not come and another guy was picking us up. While waiting there was this stupid bee which kept buzzing around me and kept following me. Kept irritating me. And for some reason, the middle of my right foot hurts when the skin there stretches. I thought there was a splinter there but there was nothing. Whole parade training kept hurting. Yi Bin says it's because of being flat footed. Problem is, I never knew I was ever flat footed. Dunno...

Back at Cat High, we talked to sirs for a while then went to change. Then, went for dinner before clearing canteen. Had night games for the Sec 1s which were a bit screwed up for my group cause we had to walk around so many times before we found a free station. Heard from Xing Yu that their afternoon was PT and dunno what but they had a lot of push-ups, that's all I know. After games was dbrief by Mr Goh then it was wash-up. We weren't allowed to tell ghost stories to them but they were damn enthu about the stories. We talked to them and I pumped some guys for some reason I can't really remember. Only remember that I think I was a bit too hasty in pumping them. Then, heard that there was some guy from the sports class who got injured cause he was jumping around in his sleeping bag and fell. This thing I dunno much, refer to other OAL's posts.

Anyway, some of us did sentry that night. Kept having to ask them to settle down and sleep. Had to scold some guys. Then went up to the I/C bunk to play tai di for a while before returning to sentry. Had to go to sports class a number of times. Then Benjamin was like doing his homework at their bunk and talking to them. I think he's like in love with them. During meals, don't eat with us but eat with them, same for sleeping. He did other things as well which I can't remember. Anyway, we NP guys had a talk with him and told him what he was doing. He's like stuck to them and kept giving excuses that he had punished them and dunno what crap. I had heard that he had even gone to the extent of telling the sports class that we NP guys had been scolding him for this and he didn't know why. -.- WTF, even tell these sort of things to the sports class. After that we went to talk a bit at the tables at the linkway from 1-6 the Staff Rooms. Talked a bit then we slept there for a while before we were woken up by some cold wind and we transferred to the student lounge. Was woken up by Clement halfway to accompany him to the toilet. Was half-asleep while walking with him. When we came back I found Lisong sleeping in my place. Then no choice had to sleep with my back on the backing of the chair on the floor. Wasn't really comfortable but had no choice.

Then, we woke up about 5:30 then back to the bunk. Freshened up a bit, then went to the hall to help out in the morning PT. Briefing by Mr Goh and then breakfast. Finished that then they went back to their classrooms to prepare for CIP, which was later cancelled. I/Cs had free time and we played basketball. Then they went for a rehearsal of the certificate presentation ceremony and then had lunch. They were then given one hour to shower and everything and change into school-u with tie. I checked their uniform and ties for them. Aren't I kind? :) THey had the ceremony and then break camp!!!! We talked to them for a while and told them the ghost stories that they so wanted to hear. Then they went off.

I think that 1-7 was not too bad and they were much better compared to other classes. They were also much better off than the others I think. I think Xing Yu and I (cause Ken didn't do much with them) were quite lenient and quite ok with them.

Now, it's back to trainings for us on Fridays. The commanding back to the commanded. I believe all of us have learnt some things form this OAL journey of ours and it was pretty fun doing all the things together as I/Cs. I've made so many new friends too. These times will be fond memories that we'll have about our times in Cat High......

After dismissing the Sec 1s, went to KFC with Yi Bin, Ken, Xing Yu, Yong Jie, Kian Boon, Wei Rong and Wei Shan. Reached home about 6:45. Showered and slept through the night. About 13 hours of sleep. Problem was, didn't feel refreshed after the sleep.

After that, had quite a bad day. Don't feel like mentioning it.....

Sirs said that Muster parade has been postponed AGAIN till two fridays from now. Crapppp. Can we just get over it?

Another week coming up.....

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ok.... It's another week, Week 4 of the term.... Nothing much.... Today had three tests.... Firstly it was Maths test for chapter 1 or something. Completely forgot how to do completing the square method and I think I wrote one of the answers wrongly. Crap. Scared may fail..... After recess had English Lit class test. First question was ok... Second.... Haizzzz...... In a way finished it but it was quite short.... Last period had Chemistry class test. Quite ok, but I think I screwed up my graph question.....

Tomorrow's BURST Camp!!!! Get to lead the Sec 1s for two days!!! Woohoo!! However, it also means that it is the last leg of our OAL journey, after the camp it'll be all over.... :( BUT, We'll still have plenty of fond memories to share and last us for a long time..... Heard there's going to be 2 hours of drill session. Yeesssss!!!! 1-7's going to have fun!!!!

Haizz... At the same time, the 3-10 OALs have to go back to class for our Physics class test for a while.... After that, Ken, Terence, YiBin and myself have to go for NPDP parade practice. We'll be back like only when the Sec 1s are having their intiation mass. That's like 8++pm?! Anyway, hope we'll enjoy ourselves....


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Okay... Today was nothing much. Just stoned at home doing some work, then went for Han. Apparrently, You Yue was not seeing things, cause it was really Erin he saw last week. We saw her outside the classroom waiting for our class to finish. I just went like "Hi" and went off. In such a short time she really grew. During Teacher's Day last year, she was shorter than me and now I think she's taller than me. She cut her hair back to the short hairstlye she had in P6 too.....
After that was just plain stoning, didn't do much. Craaaap.

This coming week's going to be busy with the class tests. I'm damn scared of them.... Can't absorb much during lessons... Nuts....

Going back to the pile on my messy table liao.... See ya!

Well... Taking a bit of time off my work to blog. As Yap Chien requested, I'll post about the Sec 2 camp.

On Friday, 5th January, the OALs first went for the BURST programme. First training for Sec 1s. Nothing much on that, except that I did a lot of the talking. After that was a long break before we gathered the the first batch of Sec 2s and headed to Changi Coast Adventure Centre. Over there, we I/Cs set out to do our respective duties. I was taking Phillippe 2 (Spelled correctly?) along with Micheal, Melvin and I can't remember who else.

The first batch that came for the camp was supposedly made up of more non-uniformed groups people. So they came in and in a way cooperated with us. Their activities were in the order of High Ropes, Kayaking, Rock wall and Zipline/Abseiling. Half a day for each activity. So we started with High Ropes. The I/Cs were belayers and I seriously hate belaying for High Ropes. Damn streneous on the neck. Damn. They finished that and everyone went for dinner.
I'm having a bit of difficulty recalling what excatly happened.......

After that was night games which were so so. When there was spare time they also worked on their skit and cheer. Can't remember whether we pumped the first batch (of our group) or not. That night there was a fire drill and they came down quite slowly I guess. Some people came down without their footwear and some idiot actually came down without his shirt. WTF.

Next morning they had P.T and then breakfast. I/Cs were lectured by Mr Goh KY for dragging the P.T too much. After that was kayaking for Phillippe. However, I had a damn bad stomach ache and couldn't go. Slept for that morning. That's the good thing about being an I/C there. You can do whatever you want, most of the time whenever you want. After lunch Phillippe went for Rock Wall climbing. Most of them managed to climb past the 3 metre mark. Dinner then was preparations for the campfire. Campfire was a bit screwed up cause the loudspeaker or whatever you call that thing ran out of battery and poor Reginald was shouting his lungs out to continue his MC duty. Then, when it was getting damn boring, the NP OALs went up to shout our unit cheer to liven things up. After the whole thing Mr Goh YH again livened up the whole thing by asking the whole lot of them to do the Your So Fine cheer. Winner of the Best Skit award went to our group, Phillippe 2, or was it the Best Cheer award? Bah, I can't remember, but they were voted to have won both by the teachers but the I/Cs thought that it was unfair for the rest and awarded the other prize to the next group. Then lectured them about respect as some them were sleeping during the the other group's presentation.

Last day of camp for them, had zipline/abseiling and they were damn enthu about the obstacles, wanting to try over and over again. Then there was this idiot who gave the bloody excuse that his ankle was injured or something and couldn't abseil. Turned out that he lied cause he was afraid of heights. -.- Took damn long and in the end he didn't abseil. Sai Leong and I also managed to abseil once. Switched over and then was lunch. Then they packed up and did area cleaning. Followed up the prize presentation for the best group and Phillippe 2 won it!!! Yeah! Then they did their original group cheer with some guy doing his butt dance in front of the second batch and the teachers. Damn funny. Lol....

Second batch consisted of more uniformed groups people. Had Rui Jie inside Phillippe 2. Thought that this batch would be better, guess I was wrong.....

Activities was the same as the previous batch. Won't bother to type it out. On our third night, or the second batch's first night, had fire drill. Was so so again. After that did sentry with John, Nikolas, Reginald, Ivan & Wei Rong. Apparrently, Mr Goh had given the I/Cs some snacks and they sort of partied. Those on sentry just sat at the corridor of the bunks and talked cock. Went back to the I/C's bunk a number of times to shut them up cause they were too noisy. After that we went to the canteen to sleep. Lol... Damn cold there

Then, at about 5am, we were woken up by the all the Sec 2s making a hell of a noise. All the way from the canteen can hear. WTF. Later we found out that some idiots set their alarm for 4:15am. -.- WTF.....

Had PT later. Oh yah, there was this guy who hyper ventilates in Joseph. So Timothy and the rest were watching him carefully. After breakfast went for activities again. I didn't go for kayaking again cause I was too tired from sentry. So I slept during the morning again... Stupid huh? I didn't go kayaking a single time whereas people like Hector went for like 5 times throughout the camp??!! The rest were the same.

Campfire was more interesting this time with things like the talent show etc. Xavier Cheong's skit screwed up like shit. Haha.... Damn attitude leh he.......

That night slept properly. Next morning, some NCC Air guys and us NP guys, plus, the Sec 2 Black Knights, went off before breakfast. End of camp....

Oh yah, I forgot to add.... I pumped the second batch of Phillippe 2 cause of some thing slike lack of unity. Some guys can come down from the bunk and fall in by themselves while others are struggling up there in the bunk. -.-

Ah well, that's all with the Sec 2 camp. Catch yah later!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Well, nothing really much today. Had English comprehension test, quite ok with a few head cracking questions. Tomorrow's the summary and vocabulary part. Did our Project Work presentation to the Sec 2s. I screwed up again. -.- Whole squad had a meeting with sirs on some sensitve issues. Please stop the conflicts and jealousy guys. Ken also looked damn bu shuang. Scary. Guess there's not much left. Tomorrow's BURST prgramme again and I'm not goig to be so nice already. 1-7 has to be careful.

He was indirectly directly referring to me in his statement I guess. After hearing it, I suddenly felt very down and I didn't feel like pursuing it anymore. I don't think I can make the cut after what he said. Even if he wanted to take an example, he didn't have to use that and use it with such a tone. I feel terrible. I feel like giving it up. I never was compatible anyway. Indirectly, he pointed out my problem I guess. I'm so useless and pathetic, I can never succeed in anything good.

The candle is going to be extinguished......

Monday, January 15, 2007

Ok.... It's been a hetic one a half weeks since I last updated. So many things have happened during this time. Sec 2 camp, BURST programme, Black Knights performance, Parents and Teacher meeting for Sec 1s etc. There are just too many things. I had also missed a lot of lessons during this time. So the last week has been spent trying to catch up.

I'll probably rant on the Sec 2 camp this weekend cause it's the highlight so far but very long. The rest are quite straight foward. Black Knights performance was so so thanks to me, the timer. My timing was very soft until the rest of the team could not hear it. So, our first few bangs were crap. Only consolation there was was that the Sec 1s were impressed with our wave and cheered during that part. Still, it does not cover the fact that I screwed up the performance big time......

BURST programme taking class 1-7. Some damn guai people there, some got a bit of attitude. Like so many people said, I'm going a bit "over" in whatever I do. Like during the BURST trainings, I'm always the one talking, I need to let Xing Yu and Ken especially to do more talking. Haiz... Old problems cropping up.

Our group along with 2006 2-9's group need to do a presentation for the Sec 2s for Project Work on Thursday during their Project Work period. I didn't want to look at the video of us last year during the finals especially at the part when I was presenting cause I seriously look stupid on video and photographs, not to mention that I think I screwed up a bit.

I guess I was wrong, after all that we've been through, I feel that all the OALs are good and all of us have strengths that are useful in one way or another. We're all good friends now, guess I made a lot more friends through all this. Everyone rocks, and I mean everyone.

Ah well, back to homework I guess. Another busy week. Can't believe that we have to stay until 3:50pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Craap.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Well, a quick post before this blog will be stagnant for a loooong time.

First few days have been ok, some of our teachers have started a but of lessons, most of them are quite good I must say. Nothing much there. CMC side, stayed on, this time as the Chairman -.- Asst. is Nathan.

Tomorrow to Tuesday is Sec 2 camp!! We're going there as Student Leaders and it sounds quite fun!!! Greatest thing is that at night we can shower as long as we want and keep pretty clean. For NP guys, we're returning on Tuesday morning and then it's the Black Knights performance for the Sec 1s -.- Tight schedule, will be missing a hell lot of lessons. Craap. Ah well, next update would probably be on Tuesday, meanwhile keep the tags coming in!! :) Don't miss us! :)

Someone please collect homework for me......

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ah Yes, today was the first day of Sec 3. Went to school damn early, for me that it is, something like 6:45am. Anyway, went for CMC meeting at the classroom and was briefed by Miss Saras. Went for morning assembly then went for meeting again. Went back to class and did some admin stuff. Some guys were totally alien to me, some more or less familiar. Currently I'm like the only Chairman in the class as of 2006. So I'm like soloing everything that a Chairman has to do. Asked the class for those who want to be respective reps. Hardly any response -.- Guess we're still shy. So there's this guy called Nathan Ma who is also running for Chairman and Asst. Seems quite ok. Our form teacher is Mr Thomas Aldrin, who's also an NP teacher. He's not bad. He's also our Chemistry teacher. Other teachers include Miss Saras for Biology, Mr Fourier Ang for English and Miss Angeline Wong for Physics. The others we haven't really met them yet. Had OAL meeting during recess and Mr Goh was not very happy with all of us for something, then he left us stoning there until like 12:45pm then we went back to class. Then later found out that some of our classmates (includes me) went to the wrong class for Geography. Assembly was just Mr Lee giving his speech to the school about his aspirations etc. Spotted Martin half asleep. :P I was also almost going to sleep :P Then we had a quick lunch (took the opportunity when Mr Goh was briefing the Sec 2s on their Sec 2 camp. OAL meeting until about 4 then went for Black Knights. Seems like it was very hot and uncomfortable wearing full black in the gallery. Standard dropped quite a bit. Later we perfected it quite a bit and it was quite presentable. Finished everything at about 6:10pm.

Tomorrow's another school day, better sleep well if I want my strength. I have to go to school early to settle some admin stuff with Mr Thomas. Like the Chairman stuff and all that. The Chemistry textbook is like damn thick and heavy sia....

Ah well, see ya!


P.S: I'm really sorry if I showed some of you guys a bit of attitude. Wasn't really feeling that great. Sorry Wen Xuan and Minron.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Well, tomorrow's the first day of school, nothing much to say. Just that it's going to be very hetic. Geeesh. Ah well, all the best guys.

First day of school of CMC meeting, OAL meeting AND Black Knights training. -.- Craaap. Hope I can stay on....

Thanks a lot to all those who gave me New Year greetings, wish the same to you. :)

The year that will make a difference awaits!!!

How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail