Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend was kinda well, uneventful lol. Spent both days at Amk library trying to study :/ Oh well, it could have been better, would have liked to spend time with some people but well, CTs more important haha. Anyway, people always say, count your blessings, live with what you have (: Honestly it really could have been worse. Any other things are really a bonus. Thanks Zhao Ming and Siyun for the studying company over the weekend lol. Thanks so much to everyone for the wishes. Thanks also to a few people who made special wishes. Appreciate them loads, totally made my day (: Thanks to those who helped to organise for Thursday morning too (:

Anyway, have been trying to chiong econs for the whole weekend till today. Had multiple headaches, kept zoning and knocking out halfway :/ To wrap it all up, had a freaking ulcer at the back of my mouth, eating is a bit difficult at times, makes life miserable -.- Damn irritating. Hope can recover soon man zzz..

As many would know, yesterday was the state funeral for Dr Goh Keng Swee, whom many would call as one of the founding fathers of Singapore. True enough, many people in my generation might not know him or his contributions enough to be able to fully understand the full magnitude of what had been done. I must admit I don't know much either. Nonetheless, based on the things I know, I feel that we should be appreciative of what he has done for our country, as what many of us are now living in/on are the results of his work or ideas. Without his contributions, many things would have been so different than they are today. Farewell Dr Goh. Thank you

GP and econs common test tmrw, don't really think I'm prepared for it. Both are super endurance papers which require us to write like mad zzz. Hope for the best I guess. Random note, I'm starting to have floorball withdrawal symptoms :/ Anyway, this morning was at CHS with Wei Shian, breakfast and stuff. The morning prayers, miss them loads

Little bits of hope give us strength, no matter how people belittle you, no matter how they keep bringing you down, you rise and rise again. Most importantly, stop bringing yourself down.

I think this is pretty meaningful

"You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving."
-Amy Carmichael (1867 – 1951) Irish missionary and author

How to Save a Life -- The Fray


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail