Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Okay, had GP and Econs CTs today. One simple word to sum it all: Screwed. Essay for GP, chose the most screwed up topic to write on, the patriotism question. Those whom I told the question I answered all went wtf lol. Didn't even know what I was writing zzz.. Compre paper was about a very very difficult concept, something about loners omg :/ Went out of school to the coffee shop at the housing estates with Jaron, You'en and Joshua. First time eating there haha. Went back for Econs. Well, can't say I really put in much effort in the entire year for Econs, cause of some reasons here and there. At least I studied for it. Didn't have a good feeling after writing the essays, and by the time I went to the case study, I almost didnt want to do the paper haha. At the very least, our 6 hour marathon papers are over! Must work hard in June for the rest of the subjects! Stayed in school for a little while, then I went crazy and went to valhall lol. Black Volcano! On the way back I was crazy enough to walk quite a distance since the bus was going to take freaking long to arrive -.- Random thought, I think I'm a very boring person :/

Okay having a stupid headache at the moment. Thankfully it's kinda mild, if it was anymore intense I won't want to wake up man -.- And the ulcer at the back of my mouth is making life miserable, constantly feeling dry-lipped and a nagging pain at the back of my mouth. Eating's a pain too wth. Hope it can recover soon man!

I don't know if I've been good enough for them or them ):
I don't know if I'm good enough for you :/
I don't know if I've been good enough for the position I hold

Okay, I shouldn't make this post so moody. Pan Yu said that this place fluctuates between depressing and normal haha. Not true all the time man! Oh oh, I want to see some of the Div 1 games if possible. Sounds interesting! Terence Lim! Cheer up! (:

Here's a song from not sure when lol. Damn funny song and video. Reminds me of the times in Sec 1 or 2 when Xiao Wee used this song for some vid haha

Hey Ya -- Outkast

I think this is damn cute (:


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com