Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Let's slow down, take a step back, before everything beautiful disappears

Okay training today was a huge flop for me. Couldn't do anything for nuts =/ Drills were probably still okay but once we started a mini 5v5 match I screwed up like shit. Couldn't hold the ball, couldn't control, couldn't pass, couldn't shoot. Gah, sucked. No idea what happened to me today, really need to improve my skills. Sorry people ): Lunch then went to school with Joanne and Amelia for walk-in prac. Did part of the dance, easy part from what I understand. At least I managed to grasp most of it, seeing that I really can't grasp much of dancing lol. Went to join Zi Kai and gang at Burger Shack and then Island Cremery. Yang Sheng's going back to China for good soon, so well, last few times to meet him. All the best and take care man!

I was often told that if I wanted to learn new things, it's important to go in with an open mind, only then will you be receptive to new info. This was especially emphasized during D'08 last year. Now I find myself in a situation relating to this concept. While thinking today I realised that the person supposedly mentoring me abot something is also just as important as my own mind, for me at least. For example, if I have utterly no respect for this person, I would probably just turn off from whatever he/she might be saying irregardless of how constructive the advice actually is. Of course, many would say that it is still partially our mind telling us not to listen to whatever is coming our way, which is true. How else have people learned and gained new knowledge even from people whom they probably utterly disliked or hated? So yeah, guess maybe I need to tune my mind a bit, especially during this period where I need to learn a lot, in terms of my skills and stuff. Oh well, learning point here.

Okay, guess I'm done, can't remember what else I have to say lol. Eugene is coming back tomorrow night!!! Can't wait haha. Also, I'm missing squad chalet, Charlie gathering and area chalet.. Nooo ):

Happy Birthday Alvin!!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com