Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hey everyone! I'm back from YLTC!! It's been a really eventful 5 days at camp. Day 1, main thing was the great walk from NJ to Sarimbum Scouts Camp. Another freaking long walk, 23.5km or something like that? Something similar to OAL back in 2006 I guess, except with a much heavier bag this time. As usual, challenging to push through. Took damn long to walk to Bukit Panjang and stuff, then there were the damn long stretches of roads and stuff. Van Tan got injured along the way, some old injury apparently, ouch. At Sarimbum when we put down our bags we realised how painful our shoulder actually were lol. Still, mission accomplished! Not forgetting of course, along the way we were getting entertained by Victoria and her extremely -.-"' jokes (no one got them except her lol) and some random singing to random songs by our group haha. Tent pitching after that. Something slightly different from the usual tents in NP, slightly higher and more space though, thankfully, 8 man tent. Tied and pegged like crazy, until my hands were damn painful lol. It kind of rained a bit but we still went to do our belay station after that. Not unfamiliar for myself since I first tried it as an OAL in Sec 3 plus Sec 4 PE lessons had belaying too. Good refresher for my belaying skills :) Not sure about the order of events, can't remember already :/ Anyway had dinner, then did the DISC profiling thing. Very useful in determining the type of person you are. I'm an S! Ok, as compared to my profiling done last year I think, my I component rose lol. I'm stable! Haha. Nothing much after that, some debrief with instructor Hadi. Our group ended up bathing first before everyone else lol. Mass debrief everyone go there already cleaned lol. Though I admit Jerrell and I didn't bathe on the first day lol :x

Day 2! Morning PT was supposed to be 100 sets of 8 jumping jacks. Then with some coordinated-with-no-timing jumps. With all the redoing and stuff, we probably all did about 180 to 200 in total in the end lol. All the high elements and stuff after that. Damn fun. Zip line was very entertaining, thanks to Bessy haha. Even before she came down, while she was being hooked up to the wire thingy she started screaming like mad already. All of us at the ladder some distance away were all laughing like crazy. HAHA! Challenge Valley, highlight was probably the "Milo pond". Remembered encountering it once in P5. This time, we basically just went down a slide and go right in. Nice! Challenge pole was cool, instead of the one in HRC whereby we jump one by one, it's a plank whereby 2 people have to balance and jump. Really good test of one's teamwork and coordination. Didn't do double dangle duo, but it was fun watching people lol. Like when we were at challenge pole then saw Van Ho doing DDD. Damn long until belayers like Zikai had to rest lol :x At least you made it to level 2 or 3 lah Van Ho. Outdoor cooking for our dinner was pretty fun. Probably contributed by dealing with the solid fuel, can't cook for nuts lol. Day ended quite early I think. Van Tan had to go home halfway during cooking, cause of her injury. Wasted man ):

Day 3. Packed up stuff plus area cleaning. Hate cleaning the damn tents, and folding them -.- Then Wei Qi and I somehow ended up at the cleaning pegs area (don't think we were supposed to be there lol). Clean with everyone until our hands had the odd metal smell haha. After breakfast, took the bus to Tanjong Piai resort in Malaysia. Think the bus trip was a good refreshing nap for everyone haha. First activities was some team building thingy. Built some structure plus some coordination activity involving strings and a ring with a ball. After that was tree climbing!! This one's damn fun. We climbed this coconut tree, grooves had been carved into them to facilitate our climbing, really cool experience. Fresh coconuts after that!! Used the parang to cut it open. Cool stuff. Had dinner then some nightwalk. Basically you had to walk alone through this straight path in the night. Objective was to allow ourselves to reflect on ourselves, partially. Other one was obviously to counter our fear of walking alone in the darkness. Ironically, couldn't think during the thing at all. Just walked and ended up saying to people walking in the opposite direction from the other groups haha. Group walk followed by some stoning in the night at some place for further reflection. Talked to Jing Han and some others.

Day 4 was probably one of the most interesting days. Morning PT again. The new style of jumping jacks was kind of like dancing lol. Team challenge was fun. Jumping fron tyre to tyre, then crawling under this net and walking through this metal dunno what thingy, all while still holding on to people next to you. Next was monkey bars and something like a low wall but it wasn't so low lol. Everyone managed to complete it! Sheerwood was also damn fun. To put it shortly, it mostly had to do with mud in this river. Crossed through it first, then next one was to walk across this bamboo tree trunk. Unsuccessful attempts, Lionel made it across successfully! Monica almost did it also. Khairul's shoe got lost in the mud once, went to help but lost my water booty in the course of it -.- Talk about suay. Thankfully I managed to find it like after 10 mins lol. Lunch then it rained. So our the first part of our Piai expedition was spent freezing at one point of a jetty lol. Jetty jump after that. As usualm fun. Touched the bottom of the shore lol. Went to some nature park after that for some obstacle course. Dinner, then campfire. Performance was epic fail lol, forgot my lines =/ Sorry people!! Still it was damn fun haha. Sharing session after that.

Day 5, last day! Everyone kena conned. Ended up waking up at 4am, even though we kind of expected it. Final Challenge! We ran to grab our flag, ran to another place, then the task was to carry one person back to end point. Honey was damn suay and got me -.- Thanks to Mr Teo lol. Other groups got generally lighter people lol. End up we reached back last :/ But we managed to complete it!! Good job Honey!! (: After the thing my system seemed to shut down a bit zzz, think cause my neck wasnt supported throughout the entire thing. Neck muscles still hurt =/ During thr half an hour break after that I completely shut off and slept. Still felt cui during breakfast. After that was the much anticipated Paintball!!! Really damn fun. First time for me, kind of like real life Counter Strike haha. While waiting most of us spent timing splashing paint on each other with the pellets and drawing stuff on each other haha. Best was Pei Shan and Yin Lan. Their round 2 objective was to experience getting shot LOL! Gareth was zai man, one man infiltrate the other side's area. Of coursem every game has its risks, quite a number of people got injured in the process, some pretty bad, like Van Ho, Nigel, Gareth and Emily. Oh well. Prize presentation and back to Singapore!!! Macs with Jing Han and council people.

Overall, I really enjoyed YLTC. Great experience. Really did make people think and try new stuff. Personally, many of the things aren't new to me, but it's the different environment and trying to adapt to it that's always a challenge for me to overcome. After the nightwalk I started thinking about quite a bit of stuff, about life, about things around. How have I changed, as a person, as a supposed leader over these few years? Have I performed right? Up to expectations? Why do I choose to lead sometimes? Is it cause of the power? The glory? The sai kang? The experience? The camp made me realise that perhaps the answer was that I wanted to help people perhaps. I know this sounds corny and stuff, but there were times when I really wanted to do something well, one of the reasons being that so that I could help others and guide them through whatever we needed to do. Not all that glitters is gold. Maybe in the past, like in NP perhaps, I was motivated to do well cause I wanted to achieve something. Partially yes, that's still one of my reasons to do well. But I think the satisfaction of seeing your friends being able to do/complete stuff is also just as satisfying. Similar to what teachers might feel. This led me to think. I want to continue to improve, cause everyday is a learning journey. I want to become a better person, a better friend, a better captain, and perhaps something that I didn't really manage to do, a better CI. Hope it won't be too late to do things. In addition, another thing that I thought of was that, most people would probably have a sort of past self that we would be not too proud of, like you look back and think wth I was like that?! I definitely have this, for those who have known me for some time, especially my squadmates and close friends. Hated my past self in a way, shan't bother to elaborate now, maybe next time. So yeah, that's probably one of the reasons why I want to continue improving and stuff.

One queer question that had been posed to me 3 times on the same day was this. Why didn't I join council? Okay, that has been a question that I haven't fully answered myself. Can't really remember why I didn't want to go in the end (whole process was a long story). One of the reasons was probably that I wanted to go for Floorball Exco, others cant remember. Any regrets on my side? Maybe. But some time back, I finally managed to settle my heart on something. My stand was a 50-50 thing. I half regret and I half don't. Both sides have their good and bad points. But I think I'm a little queer in this sense. Like I have quite a number of friends who're in the council and stuff, but I'm not one. Jing Han's observation: Almost a year in the same Chinese class and he thought I was in council lol. Reason being I knew so many of them and 'seemed' to be around them more often than not. Now, I didn't post this part to show off or something, in case somebody gets some stupid wrong idea. Just that the question was something that kept me thinking again, furthermore, asked by different people 3 times in one day. Well, I'm not sure whether my decision was right or wrong, I'll just live with it. My heart is set at 50-50.

Anyway, to end off, would just like to thank my fellow groupmates from HONEY for their company and stuff these few days. Thanks so much guys!! I really enjoyed the camp with all of you! (:

Shall post again and upload pics later maybe, shall go for class gathering first lol. Bye people

Happy Belated Birthday Darrell!!


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail