Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Hey all, today was the principal's contact thing. Wanted to go to school at the normal time, but couldn't wake up this morning =/ Slept at like 3 plus last night cause I was talking to Hilary aka my sis on msn lol. Reached school then went to CA4, attempted to try Dota on my com, but ended up failing miserably. Can ask Khai and Nigel haha. Principal's contact, talked about results and stuff. Really need to buck up.. Haiz... Still, once again thankful in some senses. Heard about the meeting with the Dean. Seems like some of my friends are being forced to drop their H2 subjects to a H1 level. Can agree with Wei Shian in a sense, it is kind of harsh, like just whack. Sickening to see it ): Not really sure what I can say to help my friends feel better. Feel damn sian. Hope that ultimately, everyone will be able to gain something in the end, hopefully it would be good A Level results at the end of the day.

Chionged my I&R in CA4 before going for lunch with You'en, Joshua Tan, Joshua Ng, Jian Zhong, Jaron and Zhong Xi at Coro. Rushed back for floorball meeting. Finally managed to settle stuff. Took the bus back with Jun Xiang. Anyway, hope you liked the card and the voodoo mini Wei Shian (:

Feel a bit lost on some things. Not sure what to do, not sure if there is anything I should or can do for some things. Complicated man some things. A possible picture was being painted before it got destroyed, ripped and burned by surrounding fire. Then, mixture of disappointment plus anger just now when I heard some stuff. True, it is my job to try to get everyone interested and involved. But at least some of us are making effort to do something right? What are you doing? If you're sian already, what about us? Don't just blatantly commit such irresponsible acts. It does not only affect you mind you. Think, just seriously think. Why have some of us continue to fight? Cause our dreams are what's keeping us going, don't just put it out with your plain acts. Then again, I only heard stuff. Whether it really happens, we'll see tomorrow.

The things that happened, did anything have any impact, did it leave anything left to saviour, left to think about? Or was everything just a noise inside my head?

I miss Cat High's morning prayers for some reason, I miss the soothing effect it gives us, especially before every paper.

Song of the day: Flipside -- Click Five


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail