Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hey everyone... Yesterday was the last paper of our Prelim 1 exams... English, Paper 1 I think I did ok... Pretty scared for Paper 2, hard compre... Anyway after that, Express Chinese students got back our Paper 1! Got 34/50 for the compo writing, which I wrote Bao Zhang Bao Dao... Quite ok, seeing that that's my first attempt at writing that in an exam... However, my Ying Yong Wen was a disappointment... 12/20.... Saddened... So my total marks are like 46/70... An average score I guess.... Went back to class, nothing much about the last 2 periods... Afternoon had CV meeting and soccer....

Yeah, then as seen in the last post... CHSNPCC achieved GOLD in UOPA 2007! A great joy initially, but as I discussed with KF and JQ after that, yeah I can agree... Nothing really stands out this way.... There are like 36 or 37 Gold units this year? That's A LOT.... Wonder what will be the situation in NPAP... Haha... Yeah, guess they'll probably revamp the UOPA thingy to make it more difficult (as quoted from someone's blog)... Or else there'll be even more Gold units next year.... Lol... At least we've done it... Lol... No offence to any of my friends from other units...

Today, in the morning was supposed to help Jason & Ken with something but we gave it up... Anyway, Sec 1s current and probably total strength is 21... o.0 No comments on this shall be made here.... Morning first period was Physics, changed to a SPA period, chinese found out that I was transferred to Yu Lin's class.... Well, she does seem quite zai in her teaching, but I wonder if I can last, with certain people in there... Yup... Bio was some revision, some jokes here and there... Dismissed at 10:40am! Had to finish SPA worksheet first though... Did that, had lunch, then stoned at store, played a bit of soccer... I REALLY need to polish my soccer skills... Though this year there isn't a lot of time to do that... Haha... Went home, then went for tuition, didn't really feel like going though.... Zzzz.... And now I'm back here....

Sometimes I really wonder if I should continue showing that I care, cause my actions seem to be doing nothing, not that I've done anything actually.... Haiz.... Then yesterday, heard some spectacular news from someone.... Will my dreams just go up in smoke like that? I really hope not.... As quoted from my msn nick: "Feelings & Dreams that weren't meant to be... Will it just go up in smoke like that?" Lol.... So many things to ponder....

Just now also accompanied Jonny to get his E Maths marks, might as well have found out my own, I did, and now there goes a bit of my mood for Chinese New Year... 16/30 for E Maths.... And it was supposed to be one of my strongest subjects.... I'm seriously disappointing.... After CNY, I'm seriously going to do all my revision and practices for everything... Speaking of practices, we have English and Chinese homework for over the CNY holidays... Rocks man... Go CHS!!! Sort of meaning what I just typed.... Lol...

Tomorrow is the CNY celebrations.... After that going back to ATS.... Hope to see as many of my ex-classmates as possible...

Wanting to see the beautiful sunrise at the end of the journey.... Taken from the classroon of 4-10....

Bye people...


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com