Monday, January 31, 2011

Okay, shall update! Since someone said I 'abandoned' my blog haha. So Friday morning, went kayaking at Macritchie resevoir with Joshua, Edmund, Rayson, Jeremy, Lionel, Wei Jian, Gabriel and Jian Zhong. When we went into the water it started raining -.- No lightning alert so we just carried on. We tried going all the way to the canoeists' starting point. The race track is really damn long man. Then the rain got heavier so it made kayaking a little difficult. Epic scenes of JZ and a few others self-capsizing and playing around LOL. Lunch at Prata House where we had the mighty murtabak again! :D

Went down to CHS for NP, really the last time in full u for quite a while. Think I spent most of time with the Sec 3s doing arms drill. Taught arms drill a few times before and it always drained a lot out of me, in terms of having to explain stuff and practise with those learning it. Funny enough, it's one of my favourite type of drills to execute haha. So helped 33rd batch out with their squad leaders. By the end of the session, I daresay they've improved quite a bit, and we managed to accomplish a fair amount of work. SI interviews were held in CHS, saw Mr Goh, and Jawl as well. Hope that it'll be good news for the nominees! Anyway, the last bits of the session, I probably saw some of the better executed drills in the unit, something that I've not really seen for some time (or forgot lol). Hope getting all of them to shout the timing helped them! Before I left, as funny as it sounds, I felt that familiar rush that hey, there's another good reason to continue on and help out. Alas, it has to be on my last training that I experience this feeling. In a way, I regret not being able to see the batch that came in when I came back as a CI 'grow up' properly into NCOs, like I did with say 30th or 31st. If any of them from 33rd reads this, hope that they'll strive for greater heights as a squad! As for 32nd batch, finish your job well and make sure the unit is in a stable condition before you step down! Hopefully I'll get to go back and help them again. Re-inspiration (:

Went down to Marina Square for dinner with Joanne and Kimberly after training, where we ate at Manhattan Fish Market. Some people tried to jack me with 'ice lemon tea', which has gas bubbles in it lol. Then again it was just coke light with sprite lol. Was supposed to go for ice cream at Ben & Jerry's but there was time constraint plus the limit of stomach capacity haha. So I guess I'll have to push back the treat I owe again haha. Great evening out. Went home before going to Eugene Sim's house for the stayover. Usual stuff of crapping, owning Eugene and Halo. And this time, everyone knocked out almost together haha. Woke up in the morning and headed to RP with Wai Yinn and Kim. Dunno why a lot of people went back. Met Karen, Adrian, Kay Wee, Jia Wei, Su Kiat and another senior, in addition to the usual people. Like wow. Had the match against TJ in the afternoon.. Burned out on the train and just slept for almost the entire journey to City Hall. Eugene, Yong Le and I went for the NTU talks there, though we only made it in time for the last session lol. Bumped into quite a number of familiar people. Dinner with family at some restaurant in Orchard. Slept outside the place on the chair while waiting for them lol. Today was nothing much, most significant is probably the reunion lunch at my maternal grandma's house

So to sum up saturday's afternoon: Dejavu. Like wth. Just like last year, similar opponents, though playing with a different team, band on the left arm again. And as mentioned, the result was the same, lost 4-1. I was kinda nervous/hyped up to really wanna beat them this time to make up for last year. Yet, both things that happened last year occurred again. I failed to perform as a player again. And I missed a goal again wtf. My turn drag from hit-in variation 1 hit the post D: Disappointment would definitely be the best term to describe what I'm thinking. And the worst part is that it still bugs me. Sorry guys. K asked me whether I was playing under pressure again. Was I? I dunno, self-inflicted perhaps. Especially since we had support from some friends, I guess I really wanted to make it a win. My level of play sucks. Guess we really need to level up and push it more. Like coach said, for us we can't take 15 mins to warm up anymore. It's Shikai and then bankai from the start. More formidable opponents next week, last match before going in too

Side note, it's been raining continuously for almost the past 2 days already. Gosh

Countdown: 8 days


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail