Sunday, October 17, 2010

The end of another journey. For all that it has been, please don't let this be our last goodbye

Yesterday was our Farewell Assembly. Basically it was all in the hall, had some admin stuff to do here and there. Talking about results, exam stuff etc. Had a motivational speech by one of our alumni. The speaker's life story was really an inspiration, if I had been in that kind of situation I don't think I would have had the strength to go such levels. It really makes you count the blessings in your life and make you want to strive for your best. Some speeches were made. I guess the most important part was the farewell video. Really touching comments by the teachers here and there, the last part of the slow motion along the path of the side gate gave me a kind of slowed down replay of everything that happened. Took photos with people after that. Didn't manage to take with everyone I wanted to take with :/ And I realised I forgot to take pictures with some people.. ._. Hopefully the next event then (: So yeah, spammed pics, had the birthday cake for the October babies. Then went for class lunch at Swensen's at Plaza Sing. Not everyone managed to go sadly, 17/25 pretty good number. Talked cock a bit during lunch, then the guys walked around deciding what to do. Wanted to play Lan but got rejected by all the shops cause of our attire lol. Stoned for quite a bit. In the end some of us decided to plan Lan at Bukit Timah so went back then played. Had dinner with a few more people joining in then felt sian so played pool with Wei Jian and Zhong Xi before coming home lol. Some things happened during the course of the day which made me pretty upset and sian, but I guess now I shall not dwell too much on it and not let it mar this occasion.

I entered NJ last year with quite an open mind, since well I had actually wanted to come to NJ, since in Sec 4 I thought this was the best place I could go without Higher Chinese (I thought VJ was too far haha) So I came, met a lot of familiar faces, first friend I got to know here: Aaron Fong (: Went through a week of orientation with OG6, had like 2 weeks of those random lectures since our class allocation wasn't out yet. Then came 09SH25. The only people I knew then were like Jian Zhong, Daniel and Hong Zhi from CHS, and Nadiah and Zhong Xi from OG6. Met You'en in some Chinese mass lecture beforehand too lol. So it was here that it all started. I still remember the very first lesson we had as a class was Math in LT3 (I think) with Mr Tan. Started off with introductions and I was known as the teacher stalker already cause of something I said haha. Slowly I got to know more people. Time passed, we went through many things in school. I finally decided to join Floorball, after having like what 5 CCAs at one shot haha. I got through the squash trials, I was in Air Rifle and Air Pistol on conditional basis and I was in Hockey and Floorball LOL! Don't regret my choice for my CCA (: At that time the team was quite epic. 9 CHS guys and 2 Nan Hua dudes (Yong Le and Sean) lol. I remember I ran for Council, I can't really remember what had happened which had caused me to start wanting to back out. I stayed all the way till elections. In the end, I made the very difficult choice between two important CCAs. I chose Floorball. Whatever people might say, as I've told people, I left my heart at 50-50 for this issue, no regrets. At the very least I got to know quite a lot of people from Council haha. A lot of funny things happened in the second half of the year I think. CTs, Promos, Floorballholic, NDC (got to wear my cadet uniform again!), Games Day, Chinese A's, PW(!!). So many epic things. End of the year till now: YLTC, Orientation, Nationals. YLTC was damn fun! One of the most enjoyable adventure camps I've ever been to. Nationals was also something that was pretty exciting. It's been one heck of a ride man.

09SH25 has been a class I've really enjoyed company with in these 2 years. Initially, I started out being only close to some people, like You'en, Joshua Tan and Nigel. Slowly, especially in SH2, I got to know more people in the class much better, like Chong Wee, Khai Soon and Joshua Ng. I also got to reinforce those friendships I already had with people like Jian Zhong and Hong Zhi, both of who I didn't really interact much with in CHS. I enjoyed those times we spent having meals talking cock during breaks, chionging to complete tutorials together, playing Monopoly Deal, playing basketball, sounding the horn in class and just basically spending time as a large bunch of people. As Nigel once put it, the mood of the class usually never fails to get you back up again. The mixture of people around is really awesome. Yanzhao and Sibo are two China scholars who are damn awesome guys! I think out teachers also were half irritated and half tickled by our class atmosphere haha. Not forgetting those from 09SH27, whom for me I got to know much better this year. Our new class 09SH28! Looking forward to our concurrent class chalets haha. I think words aren't enough to explain the awesome stuff we've been through. Thanks so much to our teachers for everything you've done for us all this time. Though for myself personally I know I haven't exactly been I good student, as compared to Secondary School :/ I appreciate everything nonetheless and I'll do my best to do all of you proud! Thanks so much guys for this wonderful two years in class. I couldn't have asked for a better class environment. It's been a great blessing knowing all of you and I really hope we'll all be able to keep in touch for years to come (:

Another thing I should mention is definitely Floorball. As mentioned, I made a choice on which CCA to join early last year and I guess I made the correct one. I fell in love with the sport, the gameplay, the whole structure of how it goes, ironically I only knew the true joy of playing it after Nationals this year, when I could finally play without any constraints or pressure, to hone my skills even more. I daresay to a certain degree we had quite a bit of passion for the game. Of course, I feel we were definitely a promising team, though whatever happened during nationals proved otherwise. That was however, largely due to a number of factors that came our way. Given one more chance, and one more year at it, I'm sure we would have stood a much a better chance (: Floorball was always something I looked forward to after school, something to ease my mind to relax and have fun. Though stressful and pretty frustrating at times, I always enjoyed handling FB stuff (sometimes doing them too much lol). Trainings were also pretty fun, cause we had plenty of jokers around in the team. JX suanning Daryl, Yi Jun talking cock, everyone suanning Shaun, taupoking and declaring Warren GAYLORD. There was one period of time we had a lot of fun playing basketball after some PT when the courts were still there. We did the cage stuff for people's birthdays (Daryl, Wazy and YJ I think), we had Hun Quan as a retarded joker (Remember him scoring in the CHS friendly and celebrating till he fell flat on court?)... It was fun. As much as I was really pissed in the past, I would like to one day play floorball with this team again, side by side with everyone truely playing with their heart. Hopefully, at the end of the year (: Not forgetting of course, the girls team. Our year was damn suay where there was a problem with the girls team cause of some stuff. In the end there was a threat of the girls' side closing down this year I think. Nonetheless, last year was still pretty fun with them around. With this, I would like to thank some people. Thanks JX, for being really supportive all this time and giving plenty of ideas for so many things, including non-fb stuff. Thanks Warren, for being my confidant at times. Thanks Yong Le, for being such a great guy and also supporting everything that came about. Thanks Eugene, for being those who was really passionate about the game, it helped a lot. Thanks Joanne and Amelia, for being such awesome fellow Captains from the girls' team. I think it was pretty lucky that we had worked together before in Floorballholic, and I think that helped a lot in our communication in getting things done and stuff. Hopefully we'll all be able to stay in contact. Hopefully we'll be able to go back after A's to play again and help out with the juniors. Hopefully this passion for the game will never die (:

I guess it's appropriate now to say a few words to certain people.
To Wei Shian, my dear friend of 12 whole years since P1. Althought I didn't really manage to talk much to you in CHS, our friendship really strengthened over this time in NJ. Thanks so much for being there for me all this time, straightening my thoughts when I was down, when I needed someone to talk to. Thanks for helping me with my work too haha (:
To Nigel Seng, thanks so much being a great friend to me too. Though we had a very short-lived but very bad fight during Orientation this year cause we got pissed at each other for some stupid stuff, we still have gone through much together as fellow 'Stick-CCA' Captains. Thanks so much for being there and speaking to me at the grandstand that day when I broke down just 2 days before Nationals. Now you're the mega cheapo man haha (:
To Hilary my dear cousin/sister, I'm really glad that we came to the same school. Before this, there was the sort of cold war between the families after some stupid quarrel over some lame stuff in like 2005 or something. And we only managed to contact all the cousins again after what happened to Grandpa in 2006, and Great Grandma in 2008. Since NJ, we've become really close and I really appreciate this blessing of stronger family ties (:
To Milissa, thanks so much for being my conversation buddy (sorry lah now don't have a better term for it here haha) Our conversations could go on for epicly long haha. Thanks for the motivations, the encourgaement and sharing of thoughts and stuff. It's been a great pleasure knowing you since last year (:
To you, fancy how we ended up in the same school after so long too lol. It was initially really great at the start of last year. Some stuff happened, you could say it's my fault still and this led to some complicated stuff that lasted for damn long, finally leading to the cold war for like 3 months. I'm glad that at least now we're on speaking terms, though not as close as last time, but at least decent friends. Though I don't think you really care, but yeah you'll be a special friend to me always
To you, it's been a while since I really spent quality time with you (sounds gay lol). Last year, especially in the second half I think, we always used to go home together, then have random dinners, chats and whatever funny stuff here and there (dinner at what 11:30pm near 628 there?) Come 2010, probably cause of the move in Term 2, as well as getting caught up with our busy lives in CCA and for you Council, we didn't really have time to interact much anymore. After CTs finally talked to you more lol. Hopefully at the end of the year when everything's over and I go back, it might go back to somewhat that perhaps?
To you, I don't really know how to put it. I really kind of miss what we used to be, how I could so easily talk to you and stuff, working together to settle things, suanning you and laughing at whatever retarded stuff you (and sometimes me) did. It was great, for that short-lived 1-2 months when we were damn close. I still carefully keep all the things you gave me, including the card, lamp, the pot, even that item during CNY (it wasn't really supposed to be something good to me at that point though I guess, but what the heck). As I look back, I wonder why now it just seems so hard to talk to you. I guess it's probably my fault in a way (I'll just take the blame for it I guess), for how some things have gone. I don't really show it, but it really is on my mind many a times. I'm sorry I had to appear dao sometimes, to protect both of us from any funny stuff. But at other times, it just feels like there's a piece of glass between the two of us, and I can't seem to reach to you. Hopefully at the end of this daunting journey, we can go back to what it was, to at least what it was last year. Whatever the case, just know that I'll be here whenever you need me.
To you, I've learned a lot from you over these 2 years. You've been a great friend, reliable, and definitely proficient. Though there were times you really pissed me off with some things (and vice versa, I'm sure), I still treasure you as a friend, seeing that you were the first few people I got to know. I'm sorry I wasn't really able to full appreciate the pushes you were giving me, especially in Term 2 and 3 this year, sometimes even reacting in a very screwed up manner to it. I just wasn't used to the style which it was given to me. You've been great company all this time, I just hope it's mutual. I'm looking forward to the end when we can all go crazy with our gang lol.

It's been a really long post. It's been 2 years, a lot of stuff has happened. I don't regret not appealing to anywhere else, I don't regret coming here to NJ at all. The memories have been made here in this school, with all the people I've met. It's been a great journey, and as I walk down that side gate pathway again, I'll remember the days we had here in this school. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Thank you so much everyone (:

Red, white, grey!

Proud To Be, a NJC-ian


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail