Tuesday, October 12, 2010

With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping. The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading. Would she hear me, if I called her name?

Okay, finally have time to update this place. The past 2 weeks or so have been quite siao, during the two recent weekends got piled with a hell lot of work to do. Absolutely no time to complete everything. Nothing really interesting happened I guess, save for the staying back to study every day and stuff. Can't really remember. Damn tired -.- Last weekend had dinner with the gang at Secret Recipe at Plaza Sing. Had a good walk around the area and stuff as well. The weekend before that went to Pizza Hut with Eugene and Jon, we tried the 7 cheese pizza thingy lol. No idea if there were any other things. Oh met Manfred in CHS then he told me the actual story or what had actually happened about some stuff. The whole thing is just damn screwed up. Visited CHS again about 2 weeks ago cause I wanted to apply for Eagles and stuff, had a good chat with some of my teachers there (: Best part about CH, maybe it's cause I'm an ex-student already or something, but the teachers are always willing to talk and be on a certain level of friendliness with you, most of the time lol. I guess that's something I didn't really get to experience here. Had a mad rush last week trying to settle testimonial and CCA records stuff. I guess that's what contributed to all the crap last week, everything just comes in one shot -.-Yesterday had a GP mock compre test, with the going through of the answers as well. Screwed up like siao, like mega fail kind. Totally brain dead by the time we ended, which was like 6:45pm or so.. Had dinner with Wei Jian and Jaron at Coro, had fun talking cock all the way lol

Came home earlier than usual today, wasn't feeling well so yeah. I think I feel a fever coming already zzz.. A sore throat is usually the symptom of it. Might be the reason why I'm so stoned these few days. Have been sleeping late for quite some time (people are going to nag at me for this again lol) Anyway, the last one and a half week wasn't really the best of times. Thank you so much Dylan for the make-shift note and stuff. Really really appreciate it (: Thank you Garry for the random convo last week as well. Thanks Mei for the usual random talking and stuff lol. My teachers in CHS also gave me their spiritual support as well. See what stuff we can do. Got flooded with quite a number of things in my mind as well. Another time I guess

Okay shall go take a nap soon. My studying plan for today got screwed up zzz. Ah well, like Jaron said, better to try and recover by tonight then work again tomorrow. Though there is a Math mock paper tomorrow zzz

Have been discovering a lot of awesome songs over the past few weeks. Attracted by both the tune and also the meanings behind the lyrics, good connection with both. Like quoting random phrases out nowadays, combining some make them have cooler phrasings and meanings lol

One of the songs I got introduced to. I have no idea what's the meaning of the music video lol. Cool intro tune, a bit screamo but manageable for me, not a bad song lol. Can get your heart racing to help wake up haha

Tears Don't Fall -- Bullet For My Valentine

Let's go!

With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

The moments died, I hear no screaming
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

Let's go!

Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?
There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me (Tears don't fall)
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home (Conscious calls)


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How to make a Bryan
5 parts anger
5 parts self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com